
Folk strange case: late at night to the guest, the boss saw the fall to the ground, who is it

author:Tian said ancient and modern

During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, a strange case occurred in Cangzhou, Hebei Province. Guo Jiazhuang has a family, the man is called Guo Dapeng, nearly thirty years old, only to have a son. The family regarded the child as a pearl in the palm of their hands, and at noon that day, my son said, I went out to find My grandfather to come home for dinner. His wife said: Go out and come back, don't run far, the son promised to go out.

After an hour, Guo Dapeng's father returned from the ground. Asked, why don't you see your child eating? Guo Dapeng said: Didn't the child look for you? Old Uncle Guo said: No, I didn't see him. Dapeng's wife said: No, go and find it, everyone will go out to look for it immediately after listening, and there will be no shadow in the afternoon.

Later, he went to ask the villagers to help find it, but he didn't see the shadow, and his wife cried out in a hurry. Old Uncle Guo was also anxious and fell ill. In this way, the whole village searched for a few days, and there was no trace, and finally there was no way, so I went to report to the officials. When the governor of Cangzhou received the report, he immediately sent people to search around, but still found nothing.

After several days, there was no progress, and even the river was fished out and still missing. Besides, the Guo family lost their children, and the whole family was sad. His wife thought she shouldn't have asked her children out, and she couldn't think straight, so she ran out. He said that he could not find the child and did not come back, and since then there has been no shadow.

Later, he reported it to the government office and looked for many days, but there was no clue. In the end, it can only be classified as a case of disappearance, and the file is kept for consultation. It went on like this for many days, and I had no clue.

Folk strange case: late at night to the guest, the boss saw the fall to the ground, who is it

It is said that in a county near Cangzhou, called Dongguang County, there is a bun shop in the north of the city. One night the shopkeeper was awakened by a knock on the door, the boss got up to open the door, who knew that when he opened the door, he fell to the ground and ran out of breath.

At dawn, Li Si, who had been beaten, found out and reported to the officials. The county commander did not dare to be sloppy, and immediately brought someone to come and asked Him to check it, and after a while, he said: There are no wounds on his body, but his eyes are wide open, as if he saw something bad, and then he died.

This county commander was called Zhang Huai, a resourceful man, and he wanted to see something and tell him to die. Why can't others see, he can see, is there any secret in it?

Thinking of this, Zhang Huai immediately asked Ya Gong to search the bun shop carefully, hoping to find something. Everyone was in the yard, in the house. I searched carefully and called a neighbor to inquire. Neighbors said that he was alone in the bun shop and had no family. He doesn't usually move around much with his neighbors, so people are not very familiar with him.

Then he found out that he also had a mansion on South Street, and Zhixian took the servants to his house to search. As a result, a large cylinder mouth was found in the yard with the mouth of the cylinder facing downwards, which caused everyone to be suspicious. I thought, why don't you put it straight, you have to put it upside down. Everyone moved the cylinder away, but unexpectedly there was a peculiar smell. Let everyone have ginger slices in their mouths, wrap their mouths and noses, and prepare to excavate.

Digging a foot or so found that a cabinet was very large, everyone opened the cabinet. I saw two people inside, one big and one small. It was already out of breath, and the news shook the entire county at once. It also reached Guo Dapeng's ears, and he hurried to the county court to explain his intentions and come to recognize people.

Folk strange case: late at night to the guest, the boss saw the fall to the ground, who is it

After the county order was finished, he asked him to take him to the inspection room to identify people. Guo Dapeng trembled his hands and pulled open the white cloth, looking at the clothes he was wearing. It could be assumed that it was his wife and children, and he fell to the ground and cried. Zhixian read it and said: These two people are your relatives? Guo Dapeng said: It is his wife and son.

After hearing his account, the county commander immediately asked someone to go to Cangzhou, took the file, and checked it. Said: These two cases must be the same incident, and then ask Guo Dapeng to go and recognize the owner of the bun shop to see if they know each other. He was also curious to see it, but he was surprised and said: This person I know, came to receive things, his name is Yu Laoliu, formerly a butcher, and later changed to selling buns.

After listening to It, Zhixian asked: Do you have a vendetta against Old Sixth Yu? Guo Dapeng thought about it and said: One year he sold livestock, did tricks and feet, and was recognized by me. He said that you would feel good in the future, which was three years ago. I don't want this person to be so vicious and harm my family, and I also ask the adults to be the masters.

Zhixian said: It seems that this person has a grudge in his heart and deliberately retaliates against you before doing this. If I'm not mistaken, he should deal with you next. So the question is, how he died, this is another mystery. Guo Dapeng also said: I don't know this, I don't have the guts to harm people.

Zhixian said: Hello sheng buried them, and gave thirty-two pieces of silver after saying that. Guo Dapeng thanked ZhiXian and went home. So how did Yu Lao Liu die? Zhixian fell into deep contemplation.

After thinking about it for half a day, he summoned the husband and asked him again, and the husband pondered for a while. He said: When I walked to the bend in North Street that night, I saw a woman, leading a seven- or eight-year-old child, who didn't know if it had anything to do with the case. ZhiXian was shocked and said: Why didn't you say it earlier, those two people may be murderers.

The husband said: There are many people who get up at night to work in the fields, so why do adults suspect them? Zhixian said: They walked from North Street, indicating that they had been to the bun shop, and found two people in the old sixth family, also one big and one small, if you were you, what would you think? Gengfu thought about it and said: Is it the revenge of the undead, and I am afraid after saying it.

Zhixian asked again, do you see the face? He said: Only the back is seen. He did not dare to say anything because there was no evidence. Zhixian had no choice but to keep the file and wait for someone with a relationship to crack it. But the impact is great, and every household closes at night. A month passed like this, and one morning someone beat a drum to file a complaint.

Folk strange case: late at night to the guest, the boss saw the fall to the ground, who is it

Zhixian went to the church and saw that the servant had brought two people, a child and a woman. Zhixian asked: Who are you going to sue? The woman said, "I came here to solve the case for the adults." Zhixian asked: How do you solve a case from a female Taoist family? But the woman said: How the owner of the bun shop died, I know best, do you think I can solve the case?

Zhixian was shocked, stood up and said: As long as you tell the truth, I will reward you with silver. The woman said, "Here's the thing, I fled the wilderness with my child and came here." Because the child was hungry, I knocked on the door of a bun shop, and I didn't want the man to look me up and down, so I fell to the ground. Because he had been in a hurry for days, his face was dark, which may have scared him. As soon as I saw that things were not going well, I ran away with the child, and that's what happened.

Zhixian couldn't laugh after listening to the crying, and said: You inadvertently solved the big case, if it weren't for him, he might have done something else, and then told the story of the incident again, because Yu Laoliu was a thief with a weak heart, harmed people's lives, and there was a ghost in his heart, you knocked on the door at this time, he opened the door to see, you two were full of black faces, thinking that it was the woman and the child who came to ask for their lives, and they were scared to death.

The woman said, "I just wanted to beg for food, I didn't expect this to happen." Zhixian said: Don't do bad things for people, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, this is also Providence, it seems that people still have to do good things. Then he rewarded her with silver and told them to go back to their hometown.