
Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

author:Good books in the East

11, 1918.

The streets of New York were packed with celebratory marchers, Parisian workers lit street lamps that had not been lit in four years, and the people of London once again heard the long-lost Big Ben ringing throughout the city.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

At 11 a.m., the armistice came into effect, ending the First World War.

The survivors stand on the ruins of the old times, mourning the 16 million souls buried deep beneath them and the old Europe that has never returned.

At a time when the Empire and half the earth under its rule were celebrating their Empress's Jubilee, and when the Paris Exposition was showing the world the astonishing technological achievements of the West, the people on the stage of that Belle Époque could not have imagined that they would witness the fall of the giants in the near future.

This war, which destroyed almost the entirety of Europe, has ended for 101 years.

Dongfangjun has compiled a book/film list with the theme of the First World War for you, and together understand, remember, and commemorate this human history full of blood and fire.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
[English] Ken Follett Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House

This set of books definitely deserves the slogan on the waist cover! Dongfang Jun read it all night and couldn't stop at all!

Ken Follett sketches a complete picture of World War I from the perspective of five main characters - a miner boy in Wales, an American law student who has just lost love, a poor Russian brother, a handsome Earl of England, and an infatuated German agent...

From dusty and dangerous coal mines to glittering royal palaces, from corridors representing power to love-hate bedrooms, the disparate and intertwined fates of the five families unfold, revealing a 20th century that we thought we knew, but never felt so truly.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
Winston Churchill Beijing Times Chinese Literature Bureau

The content is comprehensive, the perspective is rich, and the multi-level panorama reproduces the unprecedented military catastrophe of the early 20th century when blood and tears were intertwined with life and death

As British Admiral during World War I and British Prime Minister during World War II, Churchill's recollection of major historical events in the past often has extremely important reference value, and his actual experience of commanding and participating in the war has also added a considerable number of microscopic and detailed descriptions to these books. Churchill himself is indeed quite good at writing, and his proficiency in the historical perspective and unique character descriptions under the traditional European worldview make the book quite readable.

He dissected the real causes of the World War and described the state of the Western Front in the early stages of the First World War from the perspective of Britain. The Eastern, Western and Southern Fronts outline the grand background of the times and witness how the First World War affected a group of future founders.

In addition to this Memoirs of the First World War, Churchill had another book, Memoirs of the Second World War. In 1953, Churchill won the Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the only politician in history to receive it.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
Stephen Zweig Writers Press

From World War I to World War II, face the disappearance of the golden age of European humanities. This is a biographical literature that writes about the great beauty of the world and tear-inducing sorrow to the fullest, a precious historical material that truly shows itself and records the European literary and artistic circles.

The book is Zweig's autobiographical memoirs, recalling the orderly and calm life of Pre-World War I Europe, his years in middle school and college, his travel experiences and artistic careers around the world, his sincere friendship with European cultural celebrities, the real reasons for the outbreak of World War I and the irrational war behavior of people in World War I, as well as the backward and chaotic morality and values after the war, the rise of fascism and the end of an era.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
Stephen Zweig People's Literature Publishing House

"When the Stars Of Mankind Shine" shows us with fourteen "miniature pictures of history" or major historical events, or the fierce inner struggles experienced by some representative figures and the ups and downs of fate, including the difference between the French general Grouchy's thoughts in the Battle of Waterloo; the amazing creativity of the musician Handel in the trough of life of poverty and illness; the heroism of the Antarctic explorer Captain Scott who sees death as a homecoming in the ice and snow; and the butcher's knife that insists on free thought and faces the dictator. Cicero, a thinker who has survived in the struggle for democracy; Felt, an entrepreneur who persevered and worked for many years to lay submarine cables between the Old and New Worlds...

Among them are three paintings of world war I: "The Scramble for Antarctica", "Sealed Train", and "Wilson's Defeat".

"The Scramble for Antarctica" tells the story of Britain and Norway competing to discover the South Pole in 1912; "Sealed Train" refers to lenin's October Revolution, one of the most important stories in World War I; "Wilson's Defeat" refers to the post-World War I Paris Peace Conference, US President Wilson's advocacy of the establishment of the League of Nations and the "Treaty of Versailles" story, reflecting the failure of Western idealism.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
[Beauty] Hemingway Shanghai Translation Publishing House

In 1918, after the outbreak of World War I, Hemingway, despite his father's objections, resigned as a journalist and tried to join the U.S. military to observe the fighting in World War I. On 8 July 1918, Hemingway was wounded while delivering supplies and dragged wounded Italian soldiers to safety, where he was awarded the Silver Medal of Bravery by the Italian government.

Farewell, Weapon is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Hemingway in 1929. The novel is narrated from the perspective of Lieutenant Fridrik Henry, an American ambulance driver who fought in the Italian army in World War I, and the concise language is used to criticize the absurdity, nothingness and irrationality of war against the background of World War I.

This is one of Hemingway's masterpieces, a work that "does not have much war, but is an anti-war novel".

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
[de] Erich Maria Remak Shanghai People's Publishing House

The book's film of the same name, released in 1930, has won several awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director, and interested readers can check it out.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

The author, Remac, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for "No War on the Western Front."

During World War I, nineteen-year-old Paul Boymer was inspired by "patriotism" and volunteered with his classmates to join the army, but the cruelty of war and military life was beyond imagination. Paul returned home from vacation to find that Germany was still immersed in heroic fantasies about war, ordinary people could not imagine the disasters suffered by soldiers on the front line, he was completely out of touch with his former life, and his feelings were incomprehensible. Paul returns to the front, at a time when the war is getting more and more fierce, and the future is confused...

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

Today, this film was released on the national art federation special line, which is the most anticipated one of the most anticipated by Dongfang Jun in November except for "The Pianist of the Sea"!

Directed by Academy Award-winning director Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Hobbit trilogy), the war documentary focuses on the daily lives of Soldiers of World War I from 1914 to 1918.

The film's name, they shall not grow old, comes from a line from Lawrence Binyne's poem "For the Fallen", with a slightly adjusted word order. The original sentence reads "they shall grow not old."

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

Most of the historical materials in the film are made public for the first time, and the production team uses the most advanced restoration, coloring and 3D technology to restore the full-color restoration and re-add sound effects of the images from a hundred years ago, using the oral history of British veterans as a narrator to restore the encounters and feelings of soldiers in World War I, presenting the audience with an immersive and extremely realistic immersive war experience.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

In 1914, in the small town of Devon, boy Albert witnesses the birth of Joey the Foal. At the bazaar, it was frequently priced, and eventually it was acquired by Albert's father, Ted, for a sky-high price of 30 nibs, and the lame man offended the landlord. However, the good times did not last long, the German army attacked, and my father was forced to sell the horse to the cavalry army for 30 guineas. Although Albert could not give up, he could only tearfully bid joey farewell to the battlefield with an uncertain future. In the war, Joey's master is constantly changing, from the British captain, the French old farmer and granddaughter, to the German cavalry, but what it really waits for is Albert, can they be reunited...

Nothing else, see the cast list of rolls and shakes? Does it still need a reason to see it!?

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

The film is based on a true story that took place on Christmas Eve in 1914. With the theme of the famous "Christmas Armistice" incident on the battlefield of the Western Front in December 1914, it describes the story of Christmas 1914, on a certain front on the Western Front, British, French and German soldiers spontaneously stopped fighting, wished each other, gave each other gifts, and celebrated on the battlefield. This true story also appears in the first set of books recommended by Dongfang Jun today, "The Fall of the Giants".

Although war is cruel, but human nature will not be completely extinguished, in your dead and alive battlefield, every soldier is actually an innocent individual, even if they are enemies of each other, they can find each other's identity.

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

After the end of World War I, China, as the victorious power, was treated unequally. In 1919, the Chinese delegation to the Paris Peace Conference refused to sign the "Versailles Peace Treaty", which shook the world, and the film "My 1919" was based on this background to tell the experience of Gu Weijun, a famous diplomat of Our country, who participated in the Paris Peace Conference as a member of the Chinese delegation.

This loud and loud speech is really too burning!

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

Produced by bbc, it must be a boutique!

This 10-episode episode uses a lot of first-hand information to explore the roots, process and final outcome of the outbreak of the First World War, as well as its impact on the future. This tragic history of blood and tears, crime and punishment, life and death, is displayed one by one under the lens.

The above is the book /movie list recommended by Dongfangjun today, welcome to leave a message to add or exchange topics related to the First World War Oh, Dongfangjun wants to see "They are no longer old", bye-bye ~

Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"
Book list | A god work worth reading all night, restoring a real battle of blood and fire Giants Fall", "Yesterday's World", "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine", "Farewell, Weapons", "No War on the Western Front", "They Are No Longer Old", "War Horses", "Merry Christmas", "My 1919", "Full Record of the First World War"

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