
Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

author:Skinny monkey kitchen

In this issue, the 10 most famous dishes in Shaanxi are the most famous dishes in Shaanxi, and they are worthy of being the oldest cuisine in China

Shaanxi, referred to as "Shaanxi" or "Qin", the provincial capital xi'an, is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture. Speaking of Shaanxi, the first thing that everyone thinks of may be the Terracotta Warriors, which is known as the eighth wonder of the world and is the business card of Shaanxi. In addition, Shaanxi's cuisine is also world-famous, especially Shaanxi's noodles, with hundreds of varieties, known as the "kingdom of noodles". However, today we will not talk about Shaanxi's pasta for the time being, because there are too many varieties, we will talk slowly later, and today we will talk to you about Shaanxi's famous dishes.

Shaanxi cuisine, also known as "Qin cuisine", is represented by Guanzhong cuisine, Southern Shaanxi cuisine and Northern Shaanxi cuisine. Although there is no Shaanxi cuisine in the eight major Chinese cuisines, Qin cuisine is actually one of the oldest cuisines in China, and the culinary development of Shaanxi cuisine can be traced back to the Yangshao culture period (about 7,000 to 5,000 years ago). Today, Skinny Monkey will take you to take stock of the 10 most famous dishes in Shaanxi, all of which are big dishes, each dish is the favorite of Shaanxi people, see which ones you have eaten?

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

When it comes to Shaanxi famous dishes, gourd chicken should be at the top of the list, with the characteristics of tender skin and tender meat, fragrant and mellow, known as "the first taste of Chang'an". The production of gourd chicken goes through three processes: boiling, basket steaming and frying, and each process has high technical requirements. In addition, the gourd chicken is also very particular about the selection of materials, the traditional gourd chicken is used in the south of Xi'an City, Sanyao Village", but now the authentic chicken is very small, are replaced by three yellow chickens.

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Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Milk soup pot fish is a special dish in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, and is also an ancient dish with a long history, which is a famous dish handed down from the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than a thousand years. This dish is made of Yellow River carp as the main ingredient, first fried and then cooked, cooked and then put in a large copper pot, after the table is lit under the alcohol while eating while cooking, the fish soup is milky white, it is very delicious to drink, and the fish is also very tender.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Warm mixed waist silk is also a famous dish with a history, which evolved from the sheepskin filigree of the Tang Dynasty. The ingredients of this dish look very simple, the main ingredients are pork loin and vermicelli, but the production is very challenging to the chef's skills, especially the knife work is very demanding, you need to defilm the pork loin and then cut into fine wires, and then made with a warm mixing technique, it is crisp and tender to eat, and it smells fragrant.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Bad meat is one of the top ten representative dishes in Shaanxi, which looks a bit like tamales, but it is much more complicated to make. The most important thing to make bad meat is to make bad brine, and a good pot of bad brine determines the taste of bad meat. Because it is mashed inside, it smells like a strong aroma, sweet and soft to eat, melts in the mouth, and is fat but not greasy.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Hair vegetable is a wild plant, also known as dragon's whiskers, because the color is black, slender like silk hair, so it is named hair vegetables. In addition, the hair dish and the fortune are homophonous, so the chef brews the hair dish into the shape of money, which means to get rich, so this dish is very popular.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Stew is a cooking method in which ingredients are placed in a pot, added water, covered with a lid, and heated to cook. Sea cucumber hooves are made by boiling the trotters of the pig first, then frying them, and then simmering them in a pot together with spices such as sea cucumbers. The sea cucumber is soft and tender to eat, the pig's trotters are red and sticky, and the soup is even more delicious and mellow.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Ziyang steamed pot was founded in the Han Liu Bang period and is one of the first intangible cultural heritage in Shaanxi. It is made of chicken, pig's trotters, red and white radish, shiitake mushrooms, fungus and other dried vegetables as the main ingredients, plus cinnamon, peppercorns, dried peppers, grass fruits and other spices, put up in pots, steamed. Not many people have actually eaten this dish, and it is not eaten in many small restaurants because it is time-consuming to make.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

The belt elbow is a traditional dish in Shaanxi, which is more complicated to make, and it needs to be cooked until it is seven years old, then steamed for three hours, and then eaten with shallots and sweet noodle sauce. The belt elbow has the four characteristics of color, aroma, taste and shape, and it is not greasy and greasy to eat, and the steamed tendons are light cotton, and its fame is even greater than that of the Dongpo elbow.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Grilled three fresh is a Shaanxi home-cooked dish, every household will do, the ingredients and methods of this dish are not fixed, you can use seafood, such as sea cucumber, squid, fish belly, etc., you can also use pork skin, roast meat, balls, etc., can be burned can be stewed. Although this dish is not too special, it is very famous in Shaanxi, and men and women of all ages love to eat it.

Shaanxi's most famous 10 famous dishes, mountain treasures and sea flavors, worthy of Being China's oldest cuisine one: gourd chicken two: milk soup pot fish three: warm mixed waist silk four: bad meat five: stuffed money hair dish six: sea cucumber torch hoof seven: Ziyang steamed pot eight: with a handle elbow nine: roasted three fresh ten: simmered shredded squid

Simmered shredded squid is the signature dish of Xi'an Restaurant, which is delicious and complicated to make. The squid needs to be shredded, first boiled until micro-rolled, then fished out and marinated, then fried, and finally simmered over low heat. The squid is chewy and tastes salty and delicious.

The above are the 10 most famous dishes in Shaanxi, and they are also the top ten representative dishes of Qin cuisine, and many of them are big and hard dishes, which look like they have a lot of appetite. What other famous Shaanxi dishes do you know? Which dish do you like to eat? Welcome to share and communicate together.