
Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.

author:Agriculture and Forestry TV

What is winter pruning and how to carry out winter pruning is a problem that the majority of fruit farmers are more concerned about, and it is also a problem that is more important. Simply put, winter pruning is the process of conditioning our peach trees on the basis of summer pruning, there is a saying that spring touches buds, summer goes to wang, autumn goes dense, winter conditioning. How to adjust it, basically divided into four techniques, segmentation, retraction, combing, throwing. Below, we will briefly introduce these several pruning techniques.

The first: segment truncation. Duan truncation is to cut off a part of the front section of our annual branches, the role and purpose of the segment, to stimulate the leaf buds under the shear to germinate branches, rapidly expand the canopy, and achieve the purpose of high yield and stable production as soon as possible, and there is a segmentation of the lower branches, stimulating the growth of branches, and avoiding the lower part of the bare.

Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.
Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.

The second: retraction. Retraction is to cut off a part of the front section of our annual or perennial branches, leaving one or more branches, the purpose of the retraction is to shear the second branch to return to the next year to flower and bear fruit, leaf bud germination of branches, and can stimulate the base of the yin bud germination, so that it grows new branches.

Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.
Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.

The third type: combing. Combing is to cut off our annual branches from the base, the back branches are pruned, and the other piles are left to be pruned, and the role of the other piles is to inhibit the growth of the front, promote the growth of the back, and avoid the outward migration of the resulting part caused by the upper and lower weaknesses, and the lower part is bare.

Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.
Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.

Fourth: slow down. Slow release is to do not do any segmentation and retraction of our annual branches, his role and purpose is to flower and bear fruit in the next year, and the leaf buds germinate branches to form new fruiting branches.

Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.
Winter pruning four major methods of time passed quickly, unconsciously has come to winter, now most of the peach trees, the leaves have fallen almost, we fruit farmer friends, also immediately carried out winter pruning.

As long as our grower friends understand these four techniques, winter shears will become a breeze.

Winter peach orchard disease prevention is not soft!

Prevention and treatment of perforation disease. Before germination, spray 1 time 3 to 5 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound or 1:1:100 Bordeaux liquid.

However, do not spray Bordeaux liquid during the growing season to avoid drug damage. At the beginning of the disease, spray 65% Daisen zinc powder 500 times liquid 1 to 2 times, the prevention and treatment effect is better. Zinc sulfate lime liquid has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of bacterial perforation disease, and its formula is 0.5 kg of zinc sulfate, 2 kg of lime and 170 kg of water.

Prevention and treatment of anthrax. Spray 3 to 5 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound once before germination; spray 65% Fumei zinc or Daisen zinc 600 times liquid after germination, spray once every 15 days, spray 2 to 3 times continuously; after flowering, spray 3 to 4 times with sterilized 800 times liquid or Tolbuzin wettable powder 500 times liquid continuously, of which spraying is the most important in the rainy season from April to May.

Aphid control. Spraying 3 to 5 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound during winter garden clearance can kill the eggs of overwintering insects. And conscientiously do a good job in the protection of natural enemies, such as eating wild flies, ladybirds, grass clams, etc.

Peach a little leafhopper control. When overwintering adults move back to the peach orchard, they can choose to spray 800 times liquid with 50% borer pine emulsion or 2.5% enemy killing 1500 times liquid.

Control of mulberry white borer. Spray 2 to 3 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound to eliminate overwintering female adults. At the same time, manual control can be carried out, such as using a hard brush to remove the body of the insect shell on the branch; protecting natural enemies, such as red-spotted lip ladybirds, Japanese square head beetles, etc.; doing a good job of clearing the garden in winter, combined with pruning, cutting off diseased insect branches and burning them centrally; using 5.0 kg of quicklime, 0.5 kg of sulfur, and 20 kg of water to whiten the trunk with a whitening agent.

Control of peach borer borer. Do a good job of clearing the garden in winter, eliminate the source of overwintering insects, and timely deal with the wintering hosts of peach borer borers, such as corn, sunflowers and other crops, and burn them in a concentrated manner. Trap adults with black light and sweet and sour solution. Spraying 50% borer pine 1000 times liquid or 1500 times liquid such as high emerald and insecticidal death during the peak period of egg laying in the first and second generations has a good control effect on eggs, larvae and adults.

Article source peach farmer gang, etc., for reference only!