
The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?

author:Dr. Hu said TCM
The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?

Author: Kick Kick

The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?

What are these two herbs above, and did you guess it? That's right, they're keels and keels, respectively! Let's take a look at the differences between them.

The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?
The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?


The keel is mainly a fossil of the limb bones of vertebrates, and the fossil of the teeth is called the dragon's teeth. Medicine men in ancient times believed that dragon teeth were good at calming the gods.

Keels are fossils of the bones of large mammals in ancient times, and the keels are not necessarily the bones of dinosaurs. Regarding this medicine, it is a non-renewable resource on the earth, used as a traditional Chinese medicine in the past, and the oracle bone was discovered by coincidence. It is said that there is a Mr. Wang who likes to collect cultural relics very much, one day went to the pharmacy to dispense medicine, the pharmacist took out a large piece of keel, ready to break it, the sharp-eyed Mr. Wang found that there was writing on the keel, so he took it home to study carefully, and found that this was a symbol carved by hand, thus discovering the oracle bone.

One of the keel effects is to calm the nerves and is used for general mental restlessness. The other is astringent and astringent, mainly solid kidney qi and sweat.

Classic decoction rescue reverse soup, guizhi licorice keel oyster soup, chai hu jia keel oyster soup, all have keel. In general, more keel than oysters are used to calm the nerves and calm the spirit, and at the same time, they can also sweat.

Dragon's Tooth Tranquilizing Tea

Composition: Dragon's tooth, stone calamus

Effects: restlessness, overwork, insomnia, dreams, neurasthenia, etc

Directions: Bring to a boil and drink as tea

Next phase herbs

What are these two herbs below, can you see it? If you guessed it, you can leave a message below the article and tell Director Hu Shiyun your answer. Let's get your brains started!

The keel that can calm the gods is still the "great hero" who invented the oracle bone! Will you use it?

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The answer will be revealed in the next issue

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This article is the original manuscript, the copyright belongs to Hu Shiyun's medical science popularization team, if you need to reprint, please contact the team. The picture in this article is from 39 Health Network and has been officially authorized.

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