
The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

author:ONA Light Age

【Wuhan, China, October 28, 2021】Jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Intellectual Property Office, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Hubei Provincial People's Government, and the Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance (ONA) and other units, the "F5G Industry Summit and ONA Annual Ceremony" was held in Wuhan China Optics Valley Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, and more than 300 experts and representatives from governments, enterprises, industries and research institutions attended to share industry insights and excellent practical experience. Discuss the future development direction of the F5G industry.

Zhou Kaibin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Radio Monitoring Center of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province (Deputy Director Level), delivered a speech, expressing the strong support of the relevant departments of the provincial government for the F5G industry, hoping to promote the development of F5G to standardization, expand the scale of the industry, and jointly create a new ecology of the digital economy, opening the curtain of this grand meeting.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Zhou Kaibin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director (Deputy Director Level) of the Radio Monitoring Center of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province

Ao Li, chief engineer of The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, pointed out that optical fiber networks are the core support of various types of ICT infrastructure, helping the digital transformation of the social economy, and its application scenarios have also extended from 2H to 2B, combined with more and more vertical industries to support the digitization of the home and the digitization of society.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Ao Li, Chief Engineer of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

At the meeting, EY China Strategy & Transaction Consulting released the "White Paper on the Social Value of Optical Communications", pointing out that the fifth generation of fixed network communications (F5G Gigabit Optical Network) will empower thousands of industries, drive the rapid development of the entire industry, and further enable the comprehensive progress of the four major social values of economic development, innovation-driven, people's well-being and sustainable development. Ye Liang, Partner of Strategy & Transaction Consulting at EY China, said, "From 'speed interconnection' to the era of 'all things connected by light', the development prospects of F5G gigabit networks are unlimited.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Ye Liang, Partner, Strategy & Transaction Advisory, EY China

Last year, Huawei formulated the "F5G+X" strategy based on F5G to promote industrial development and industry applications. Jin Zhiguo, president of Huawei's government, enterprise and optical field, announced that it will expand IP+POL into two technology sections, FTTO (Fiber To The Office) and FTTM (Fiber To The Machine, fiber-to-machine), to create two major solutions: all-optical campus and all-optical industrial network, respectively. Jin Zhiguo, president of Huawei's government, enterprise and optical field, said that Huawei will continue to innovate and continuously extend the boundaries of F5G, and called on industry partners to focus on the future, strengthen joint coordination with the attitude of consultation, co-construction and sharing, build a healthy industrial ecosystem, and jointly build the future of F5G's trillion-yuan industry.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Jin Zhiguo, President of Huawei's Government, Enterprise and Optical Field

Nie Lei, vice president of Changfei Optical Fiber and Cable Co., Ltd., shared the application of F5G in the smart life connection scenario, and proposed that the light into the copper retreat is the trend of the times, hoping that the entire industry will do a good job in cross-border coordination to promote the further penetration of fiber to room, fiber to desktop and other scenarios.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Nie Lei, vice president of Changfei Optical Fiber And Cable Co., Ltd

Wu Zhongsheng, executive vice president of Shanghai Nokia Bell Co., Ltd., pointed out that F5G all-optical network is green, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly, and is very willing to work with the Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance to promote the sustainable development of green optical networks.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Wu Zhongsheng, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Nokia Bell Co., Ltd

Wang Zhijun, a technical expert at Fiberhome Communication Technology Co., Ltd., said that the all-optical network has been deployed on a large scale in the operator network, and now it is gradually extending to government, enterprises and industries, providing strong support for various applications, and is an important part of the future information infrastructure.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Wang Zhijun, technical expert of Fiberhome Communication Technology Co., Ltd

Chen Zeyu, chairman of the Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance (ONA), shared the construction of the alliance's all-optical network industry. So far, the alliance has more than 100 members, through continuous industrial action, has contributed to the landing of 5 major standards, 2 major white papers, the construction of 8 all-optical park demonstration points, industrial activities reached more than 500,000 accurate industry audiences, the industrial ecology is becoming more and more mature. In addition, the alliance released the next 3 years of the "3 6" industry fire plan, the alliance will focus on the depth of the industry, focus on education, medical care, transportation, government, manufacturing, large enterprises and other 6 major industry scenarios, the establishment of 6 major industry research departments, promote the landing of 6 major industry white papers and norms, promote circle construction and practice sharing, strengthen scene research and industrial exchanges, work with industry partners to expand and share the ten billion market space of the all-optical industry.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Chen Zeyu, chairman of the Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance

The Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance and the Intelligent Branch of the China Survey and Design Association jointly released the industry's first F5G All-Optical Park Technology Application White Paper - "F5G All-Optical Park Technology Application White Paper", which introduces the advantages, typical applications, cases, industrial status and trends of F5G all-optical park technology. OnA, Intelligent Branch, Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute, China Electronic Engineering Design Institute, Zhongyuan International, East China Architectural Design Institute, Huawei, Nokia, Changfei, China Overseas Property, Digital China, Fiberhome Communications, China Construction Third Bureau and other 18 participating units attended the launch ceremony. The white paper points out that under the impetus of policies and market benefits, the optical communication industry has ushered in historic development opportunities, and F5G, as the foundation of the Internet of Everything, will empower thousands of industries and drive trillions of market space.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

The "F5G All-Optical Campus Technology Application White Paper" was released

Jiao Jianxin, deputy secretary-general of the Intelligent Branch of the China Survey and Design Association, delivered a speech and introduced the story behind the joint compilation and release of the F5G all-optical park technology application white paper. He said that the joint formulation and release of this white paper has pushed the cooperation between the two sides to a new height, thanks to the common attention and support of industry colleagues, we are pleased to see that the awareness of all-optical networks in China's intelligent design field has increased rapidly in the past two years

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Jiao Jianxin, Deputy Secretary-General of the Intelligent Branch of China Survey and Design Association

At the meeting, the alliance selected and announced the 2021 F5G all-optical network industry excellent case award, including the campus network transformation project of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, the reconstruction and expansion project of Union Shenzhen Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the smart hospital project of Zunyi City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the weak current network project of Wushang Dream Era of Wushang Group, the smart building project of Zhonghai Huizhi Building, the network coverage project of Dongfeng Lantu Headquarters Park, the campus network project of Qingdao University of Technology, the smart all-optical building project of Southwest Securities, Changfei Qianjiang production base project and Sichuan Peng'an education metropolitan area network project.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Green All-Optical Network Technology Alliance Annual Case Award

Xiong Jiang, deputy chief engineer of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., introduced the practice of smart buildings and intelligent buildings and their core elements and methods, F5G all-optical network is the cornerstone of smart building design, and hopes that the industrial chain will strengthen exchanges and promote industrial prosperity.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Xiong Jiang, deputy chief engineer of Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd

Chen Ying, secretary of the Party Committee of China Construction Third Bureau Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., said that F5G is an important technology to achieve carbon neutrality in the end, shared the application of F5G all-optical network technology in some major projects at home and abroad, and hoped that in various fields of new city construction, smart city and new infrastructure, and industry expert partners will work together to promote F5G to all corners of urban architecture, intelligently connect all things, and expand the space for happiness.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Chen Ying, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Construction Third Bureau Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Li Shuguo, deputy general manager of Xinghai IoT of China Overseas Property Group, shared the excellent application practice of F5G all-optical park technology in China Overseas Smart Building, the characteristics of multi-network integration, multi-layer transformation into two-layer, operation and maintenance simplification, and innovative business models that can accommodate more real estate and space operators.

The F5G Industry Summit was successfully held, and the ONA Alliance released the industry fire plan

Li Shuguo, deputy general manager of China Overseas Property Group Xinghai Internet of Things

The participants all said that the application of F5G all-optical network technology has become increasingly mature, innovative technologies and applications have emerged, and the future prospects are bright, and they are willing to work together to draw the future and create a solid digital base for thousands of industries.