
If you have a dream in your heart, do you have the courage to go forward?

author:Hello I am Yukimi

When I was a child, by chance, the electricity bureau unit organized activities to travel to Beijing, I wanted to go with an aunt, she said well, before leaving, I was told to pay 1000 myself, and my heart was cold in an instant. I knew my parents would definitely not spend this money on me.

Watching them get into the car one by one and leave, I secretly hid and cried.

Later, the college entrance examination results were not very ideal, but I still did not die, wanted to go to Beijing, filled out the Beijing school, my parents still did not agree. Finally from Guangzhou to university

In my junior year, I finally stepped on the train to Beijing without hesitation, 24-hour station tickets, many people, many truces in the middle, there were a few times I wanted to get off the train, did not go, really could not stand such a long journey, and finally survived to Beijing West Railway Station.

The weather in the north had begun to cool morning and evening, but the weather in September was not too cold, and after a month here, I saw the snow as I wished, ❄️ felt the depression of the north, saw the magpie that did not exist in the south, a golden fallen leaf

Soon after returning to Guangzhou, I embarked on a journey to Beijing again, and this stay was several years

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