
Prevent "excessive entertainment" cultural variety shows from becoming a new blue ocean of content

author:Golden Sheep Net

How to make the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed in the vast land, and the words written in ancient books come alive? "Great porcelain mother, the first layer, the enamel color created by Kangxi; the large porcelain mother, the second layer, Qianlong imitation cloisonné"... A nursery rhyme sings "History of Chinese Porcelain" condensed on various glazed bottles; ten students of the Classical Dance Department of the Beijing Dance Academy incarnate Shang Zhou Shi offering the animal face tattoos on bronze vessels, expressing their understanding and inheritance of "rituals" by interpreting the process of wanton beasts being disciplined and returned to the temple; a musical drama enters the Qianlong Agricultural and Trade Chart export wallpaper to interpret the dialogue between the East and the West. In more than 150 characters and more than 50 groups of life scenes of the Qianlong Farming and Trade Map Export Wallpaper, Lu Yupeng, the creator of the national treasure, focused on selecting elements such as lychees and tea making into the musical short drama "The Sea Leaves the Branches", reproducing the Lingnan style pictures such as farmers' labor and lychee sending. There are also Zhang Guoli and Wang Gang once again old friends in the same frame to chat about Qianlong anecdotes, suddenly, the audience also thought that it was "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan" that was opened.

This is not the end, bilibili and Henan Satellite TV will soon launch a cultural drama dance program "Dance Millennium", the original program name is "Up and Down Dance Millennium", the program will use four chapters to present the ultimate beauty, use dance to tell Chinese stories, integrate historical stories, costumes, etiquette, etc., break the traditional stage presentation form, and expand reality technology to create a 5D immersive Chinese style dance show. At present, the official announcement of the list of 13 dance troupes, it is reported that the program will go to many places across the country to shoot the scene, with the real-life shooting of the dance into the plot, to create a very immersive dance feast for the audience, with dance to take you to appreciate the brilliance of Chinese civilization. The "Flower Good Moon Full Moon Festival" created by the previous B station, Henan Satellite TV's "Dragon Boat Wonderful Tour", "Mid-Autumn Festival Fantastic Tour" and "Qixi Fantastic Tour" have all received praise, and this dance feast is looking forward to.

Answer 2

Excellent example of the times, thick everyone out of the circle

"90-year-old Peking University professor who lives in a pile of books" is on the hot search. In the video, the old professor's home is full of books piled up as "hills". In the face of the room full of books, she also modestly smiled and said: "My room is not cleaned up, it is a mess." She also said that these books in the family are not all. She has also donated a lot to Peking University and many other universities. The book in the room was the "new book" she flipped through.

The video of the program is from CCTV-13's documentary "My Family and My Country", which uses the language of emotional lens to record a number of elders who have made outstanding contributions to the republic, and their authentic characteristics and legendary stories have deeply attracted the audience.

"The old man who lives in the pile of books" is a student of the literary historian and educator Wang Yao and the master of traditional Chinese studies, Ji Xianlin, she is the teacher of Dai Jinhua and Qian Liqun, professors of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, she is the wife of Tang Yijie, a professor of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, and she is Le Daiyun, a professor of the Department of Chinese of Peking University, the founder of the discipline of Chinese comparative literature, and the "national treasure of Peking University". For decades, Mr. Le has been deeply involved in the slightly unpopular field of comparative literature, constantly calling for the understanding and symbiosis of different cultures. Le Dai Yun is not only a symbol of a generation of Chinese intellectuals, a symbol of a generation of Peking University people, but also a symbol of a generation of Chinese women.

Although the stories of the accomplished predecessors recorded in the program are common to the situation of young people today, the pain, confusion, exploration and ideals they experienced in their youth are common to the situation of young people today. No matter how society and times change, everyone wants to realize the value of life, which is the ultimate problem of mankind and has never been and will not change.

This year, the third season of "Readers" returns with a tension of the times, and it can be felt that literature is the "finishing touch" in this program, illuminating the entire life struggle story of readers and playing a leading role. At a time when short videos are prevalent and some variety shows are supreme in entertainment, too many viewers hope to get spiritual nourishment and be inspired by watching such programs. "China Beidou spokesperson" Yang Yuanxi, Henan agricultural breeding expert "Mai Dad" Ru Zhengang and "Cai Ma" Yuan Lianzhuang, 87-year-old China's first generation of criminal technology police, China's chief trace test expert Cui Daozhi and other characters of the interview part, is the best part of the show, their reading is more "icing on the cake" of the show.

According to the "Research Report on the Development of Chinese Documentary Films (2021)" released by the Documentary Research Center of Beijing Normal University, in 2020, On the one hand, Chinese documentaries left an image memory for the times, and dedicated a number of documentary works around the themes of anti-epidemic, poverty alleviation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea; on the other hand, they also actively explored diversified themes and new performance areas, showing diversified aesthetic characteristics.

The theme of food documentaries is the most familiar to everyone, "Flavor in the World", "Flavor Origin", "Breakfast In China" and so on continue to bring food temptations. In the exploration of history and culture, "China" tells the evolution of civilization from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Tang Dynasty in 12 episodes, and explores new spaces for the historical expression of documentaries through slow motion and imagery; "Xiling Printing Society" tells the changes of civilization with the century-old history of an Indian society. This year, cultural documentaries about history and culture have also emerged, such as "Yuelu Academy", which has entered a grand historical scene and showed the derivation of China's intellectual history.

The sudden rise of literary documentaries is impressive, "Water Moon in Hand" through the classical poetry of Ye Jiaying's poetic life, showing the unique poetic feelings of the Chinese nation. "The Hometown of Literature" starts from the specific perspective of the hometown and tells how Writers such as Mo Yan transformed the real hometown into the literary hometown. "The Daily Life of Literature" shows the spiritual world of the writer through the form of dialogue between the writer and his friends. Like "My Family, My Country", there are more programs that use dialogue with the characters of the times to record the role models of the times, inherit culture and thinking, and find the meaning of life, with more diverse themes and more diverse sources.

Edit: giabun