
Don't think that Sichuan is just named for spicy, these 3 exquisite and refreshing delicacies are also from Sichuan

author:and fishing for birds

The first food that comes to mind when it comes to Sichuan must be chili peppers and hot pot, but if your cuisine in Sichuan is limited to chili peppers and hot pots, then it only proves that you don't know Sichuan cuisine. In Sichuan, in addition to the more heavy taste of food, there are many exquisite and refreshing food, the following to recommend three kinds of nourishing and refreshing Sichuan exquisite food.

Don't think that Sichuan is just named for spicy, these 3 exquisite and refreshing delicacies are also from Sichuan

Cold cake

Sichuan Yibin gourmet cold cake is very famous. The taste is soft and sweet, fresh and refreshing, but also has the effect of detoxifying and draining pus, reducing swelling, clearing heat and dehumidification, strengthening the spleen and relieving diarrhea. It is no ordinary pastry made with rice as the main ingredient. In the summer, if you can eat a cold cake that has been refrigerated in the refrigerator, and then pour brown sugar juice on the cold cake, it will be refreshing to eat and you can also go to the heat to relieve the heat.

Don't think that Sichuan is just named for spicy, these 3 exquisite and refreshing delicacies are also from Sichuan

Snowflake peach puree

The color of snowflake peach puree is clear and attractive, the taste is incomparably smooth, sweet and attractive, and its main ingredients are corn flour, walnut kernels, eggs, water chestnuts, dates and so on. The snowflakes in the snowflake peach puree are snow white egg bubbles made of egg whites, and the snowflakes are placed on top of the peach puree prepared in advance, and the colors in the plate are very attractive.

Don't think that Sichuan is just named for spicy, these 3 exquisite and refreshing delicacies are also from Sichuan

Winter melon swallow

The wonderful thing about the winter melon swallow is mainly the clear soup it uses, the clear soup of the winter melon swallow must be boiled to make the soup clear and strong, and then the extremely finely cut winter melon shreds are put into the clear soup, and finally accompanied by ham shreds, so that a very good taste of the winter melon swallow is made. Winter melon swallow not only quenches thirst, dehumidifies diuretics, dissipates heat and detoxifies, but also has weight loss effects!