
The idiom philosophy of the Analects

author:Erudite and silent
The idiom philosophy of the Analects

The beauty of the "rational interest" of the Analects lies in the philosophicalization of the idiom.

These idioms are "concise and timeless". Like pearls, shining in traditional Chinese culture. To this end, in order to allow students who are taking the middle school entrance examination, the college entrance examination and various examinations to further understand the philosophy of life contained in the essence of the "Analects". I will elaborate on this in depth for you in phases.

Today, here are ten of them:

1. Weekly but not compared: Gentlemen are not compared to weekly, and villains are not compared. Excerpt from the Analects. For Politics》

Gentlemen unite people without colluding and co-opting, and villains only engage in collusion and co-opting without uniting people.

The idiom philosophy of the Analects

"Week without comparison" emphasizes "week", and "week" is all-encompassing, that is, a perfect circle, where everywhere gets a place. To be a human being, we must treat the people around us equally. Do not favor one over the other, and if so, you will go into the ranks of the villains. The villain emphasizes the "ratio". Hieroglyphs. "Than" means that two individuals are the same, leading in one direction and having the same interests. If the two personal ideas, interests, and interests are not the same, they will go against each other, and each of them will go to the extreme is "north".

In this way, the gentleman is "weekly" others and perfects others. Villains are in "comparison", so that they can be friends with people who are better than themselves, and everything is centered on "me" and the interests of "me" are the standard. Such a person's vision is not wide enough, so the road ahead is getting narrower and narrower.

2, like walking on thin ice: "trembling, like approaching the abyss, like walking on thin ice." "Excerpt from "Poetry, Xiaoya, Xiaomin"

The original meaning of "walking on thin ice" is as if walking on thin ice, which is a metaphor for danger at any time, and it is extremely careful to do things

The idiom philosophy of the Analects

Society is a huge and complex network of relationships, if people want to survive in society, they must learn to protect themselves in a complex and changeable environment, and have less edges and corners in interpersonal communication, and more humility, low-key and peace. It's a kind of survival wisdom. Especially in the face of people who love to be picky or have jealousy, they must be careful and cautious, hide their own light, and dispel the scruples of others in order to effectively protect themselves.

3, sensitive and studious, not ashamed to ask

[Interpretation] Min: diligent; good: like. Shame: Shame, shame. It means not to be ashamed to ask for advice from people of lower status and learning than oneself, and to describe humility and studiousness.

Zigong asked, "Why is Kong Wenzi called 'Wen'?" Zi Yue: "Sensitive and studious, not ashamed to ask, is called 'Wen' also." "The Analects of gongye chief 15th"

"Sensitive and studious, not ashamed to ask" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation "Asking" is often the golden key to open the temple of knowledge, the paving stone to the door to success. Asking others for advice is not a shameful thing, but a curious attitude to knowledge, is a good way to learn, no matter how old the person you ask for advice, high or low status, as long as he can really inspire you, give you help, you can become your teacher, you should ask him for advice.

4. The beauty of adulthood: "The son knows: 'The beauty of a gentleman's adulthood; the evil of an adult.' Villains are the opposite. Excerpt from: Analects of Yan Yuan

Interpretation: "The beauty of adulthood" refers to the fulfillment of other people's good deeds and the fulfillment of others' wishes; Confucius often said "gentleman" and "little man" to each other, and the same is true here. A gentleman is a person of high moral character and strict self-discipline, and a villain refers to a person with inferior character, who lies and falsifies, and who reverses black and white.

"Adult beauty" is a kind of high morality, which requires a broad mind and a mentality of being kind to others. For people who suffer from gains and losses, it is difficult to achieve adult beauty. Adult beauty people, out of respect and love for others, will kindly point out the shortcomings of others, and will try to help others when they are in danger.

In today's world, people often use the "beauty" of adults as a means of proving themselves as "gentlemen". Of course, the fulfillment of others without principle, without distinction between good and evil, is not necessarily the "beauty" of adults, but sometimes the evil of adults, but as long as it is done, at least it will not be regarded as a villain by the person who asks for help; and if it is not "evil" of adults, at least the person who asks for help will think that the object of his help is a villain. Therefore, today, "the beauty of a gentleman's adulthood" often becomes a self-command to "insert a knife in both ribs" to help others do evil, and has become the slogan of some "righteous deeds". Therefore, the first meaning of "the beauty of a gentleman's adulthood does not become the evil of man" should be the code of conduct for everyone.

5. [One Example from Three] [Source] Zi Yue: "No anger, no enlightenment, no shame, no hair." If one corner is not reversed by three corners, it will not be restored. (Shu Er)

[Interpretation] Teach the student not to enlighten him until he is still unable to understand it, and not to enlighten him when he wants to say it but cannot say it. Point out one aspect to him, and if he cannot deduce the other three from it, he will no longer teach him. "Anger: When thinking about problems, there are difficulties and can't think straight. fěi: I want to express it but I can't say it. HAIR: Inspired. The original instruction teaches people to recognize the square thing, and holding up one corner can be analogous to the other three corners. The latter parable knows many things by analogy with one thing. Refers to being good at reasoning, being able to know the other from this, and touching the bypass.

On the road to knowledge, people should learn to touch the bypass, which is the shortcut to success. [2] In the process of learning, people must learn to push from one thing to other things, so as to enrich our horizons and increase our knowledge.

6. [The name is right] [Source] "If the name is not correct, it is not smooth. ("Zi Lu")

【Interpretation】 The original name is right and the speech is reasonable. The latter refers to the proper name, and the reason also makes sense. Describe (do things, talk) for reasons that are legitimate and sufficient.

"Analects of Zilu": Zilu said: "Wei Jun treats his son for the government, and the son will xi (1) first?" Zi Yue: "It will also be righteous!" Zi Lu said, "Yes, Zi Zhi Ye!" Xi Qizheng? Zi Yue: "Noya, Yuya!" The gentleman does not know it, and the cover is as good as it is. If the name is not right, the words are not smooth; if the words are not smooth, the things will not be accomplished; if things are not successful, the liturgical pleasures will not be happy; if the liturgical music is not happy, the punishment will not be neutralized; if the punishment is not neutral (2), the people will be unprepared. Therefore, the name of a gentleman must be spoken, and what is said must be feasible. A gentleman is indifferent to his words. ”

Zi Lu said, "If Wei Jun waited for your teacher to govern the country, what would you do first?" Confucius said, "Then you must first correct your name!" Zi Lu said, "The teacher's pedantry has reached such a level!" What's in it for that name? Confucius said, "How rough! Sub-by! A gentleman should not express an opinion on things he does not understand, but should adopt a skeptical attitude. If the name is not right, the speech will not be smooth; if the speech is not smooth, things will not be done; if things cannot be done, the system of liturgical music cannot rise; if the liturgical system cannot be raised, the punishment will not be proper; if the punishment is not appropriate, the people will be at a loss. So. If a gentleman has a name, he must say something corresponding to it. Words must be practiced. A gentleman is not sloppy at all about what he says!

In the Analects of the Zilu, Confucius meant that if a person did things without the basis of the Eight Classics, he would suffer endless troubles. A person must have a basis or name for doing things, which is what Confucius called "correct name".

In the era of Confucius's life, it was an era of collapse and bad music, qing doctors had monopoly power, and killing the king was a common thing. For example, in the state of Lu where Confucius was born, the three huans of the state of Lu not only controlled the power of the state of Lu, but also eventually expelled the monarch Lu Zhaogong from the state of Lu, leaving the state of Lu in a state without a monarch for eight years, and the state administration was in the hands of Ji Pingzi alone.   It was in this social context that Confucius put forward his doctrine of "correct name". "Correct name" is actually "what it should be, how it should be". What kind of person a person should be, he must behave like that. Speaking of which, let's look at the so-called reasons of those who do not act righteously at all, as a person, when the same kind of people are in danger, they should lend a helping hand, and it is obvious to say that they are protecting themselves.

Confucius said, "Kings, subjects, fathers, sons." This means that the monarch should look like the monarch, the minister should look like the minister, the father should look like the father, and the son should look like the son. It can be seen that in Confucius, the meaning of "correct name" mainly refers to what kind of person a person should be, and what kind of things he should do. If you should not be a person of a certain appearance, but you have done such a thing, you belong to the "unjustified name" and the like.   

However, in the time when Confucius lived, there were too many people and things that were not justified. In the Analects of the Eight Noble Truths, two such things are recorded. The first thing was that Confucius knew that Ji Sun was playing music and dancing in his courtyard with Zhou Tianzi's Eight Rituals, so he said angrily: "Is it tolerable, but it is not tolerable?" "What Confucius meant was that Ji Sun even dared to do such things that should not be done, so what else did he dare not do?" Another thing is that the Mengsun, Shusun and Jisun families all used the etiquette of Zhou Tianzi to sing the "Yong" poem after the ancestors were completed. When Confucius found out, he sighed to his disciples: "'XiangWei Peigong, Tianzi Mumu', Xi took from the Three Houses? In Confucius's view, the "Yong" poem can only be used when Zhou Tianzi worships ancestors, and how can the sentence "The one who assists in the sacrifice is the princes of the four directions, and the main sacrifice is the solemn and solemn Son of Heaven" be used in the ancestor worship ceremony of the three doctors? It was precisely because there were so many unjust and unspeakable things that this "Most Holy Prophet" felt infinite regret.

7. [Woe to the Xiao Wall] [Source] "I am afraid that the worries of Ji Sun are not in the Xiao Wall, but in the Xiao Wall. ("Ji Shi")

[Interpretation] I am only worried that Ji Sun's troubles are not in the jaws, but inside my own! Evil happens internally. Figurative disasters and chaos are caused by internal causes

The Xiao Wall itself refers to the door screen facing the gate inside the gate of the ancient monarch's palace (some people say that it is outside the gate), also known as the "Sai Gate" and "Screen", which is somewhat similar to the wall inside the gate of the later generations of houses. The role of xiao wall is to block the view of outsiders, to prevent outsiders from peeking into the gate, courtiers to go to the palace to see the king, before entering the palace room, first of all to go through the Xiao wall.

The Ji clan will cut down the jaws. Ran You and Ji Lu are seen in Confucius, who said: "The Ji clan will have something to do with The Emperor." Confucius said, "Please! Is There no Nair ever with? Fu Zhao, the former king of the past, thought that he was the lord of the east, and he was in the middle of the state, and he was a minister of the society. Why cut it? Ran Youyi said, "If the Master desires it, neither of my two subjects desires it." Confucius said, "Please! Zhou Ren said: "Chen Li is in the column, and he who cannot stop." 'If you are in danger and do not hold on, and if you do not support it, you will use the other side? And it's too much to say. Whose fault is it that the tiger is out of the wood, and the turtle jade is destroyed in the tree? ”

Ran Youyi: "The present husband is stubborn, solid and close to Fei." If you do not take it now, the hereafter will worry for the children and grandchildren. Confucius said, "Please! A gentleman and a sick man will say 'what he desires' and will do it. Qiu also heard: Those who have a state-owned family do not suffer from widowhood but from inequality, and do not suffer from poverty but from uneasiness. Cover is not poor, and no widow, no tilt. If the husband is so, if the distant people do not obey, then since the cultivation of Wende, if it comes, it will be safe. Now yu and Qiu Ya are the same master, the distant people do not obey and can not come, the state is divided and can not be kept, and plotted to fight in the state. I am afraid of ji sun's worries, not in the shadows, but also within the Xiao Wall. ”

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhou royal family declined, and the princes competed with the Son of Heaven for power, and within the princely states, the power of the monarch was often controlled by the Qing Dafu and his courtiers. Ji You was originally a brother to the monarch Lu Zhuanggong, and he made great contributions to assisting the royal family, and he probably would not have thought that his descendants would compete with the monarch for power. Ji Kangzi was the most powerful nobleman in the State of Lu, who controlled the state administration and was arbitrary for a while, and there was a great contradiction between him and the king of the State of Lu. He was ready to attack The Emperor in order to expand his power. When Confucius heard the news, he thought that Ji Sun's worries were not external, but a scourge from within the palace. Because the Duke of Lu Ai would not sit idly by and watch the Ji clan grow in power and be arbitrary, he would definitely look for an opportunity to punish the Ji clan. Trouble is caused by the wall, the same room, people should pay more attention to the dangers that may occur inside.

8. [Falling Apart] [Source] "Distant people are not convinced, and they cannot come." The state fell apart and could not be defended. ("Ji Shi")

[Interpretation] Now, Zhongyu and Ran beg the two of you to assist the Ji clan, and the people from afar do not submit to them, but cannot attract them; the hearts of the people in the country are scattered, you cannot save, but instead plan to use force at home. "It's falling apart, to the point of being unmanageable. Describe the disintegration of a family, group, organization, or nation.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Ji Kangzi, the grand master of the State of Lu, lived in Feiyi (fei county, Shandong), and although he was known as Qing Dafu, he was extremely powerful, even surpassing the emperor of the state at that time, Duke Lu Ai. In order to further expand and consolidate his ruling power, Ji Kangzi wanted to attack a small country called Zhao Zhen in the vicinity and annex it.

Confucius's students Ran You and Zi lu were both Ji Kangzi's advisers at the time, and they found it difficult to advise Ji Kangzi, so they asked Confucius for advice. Confucius suspected that this was Ran's idea. Ran You said, "This is Ji Kang's idea, and zilu and I both want to stop him." ”

Confucius said, "Since you two have assisted Ji Kang, you should do your best to dissuade him." ”

Ran You also said, "However, now the national strength of The Emperor is getting stronger and stronger. If you don't attack now, it may become a scourge in the future. ”

Confucius said, "That's not right! To govern a country, we should not worry about the amount of land and population; we should think more about how to make the people live and work in peace and contentment. As soon as the people are stable, the country will become rich and strong. At this time, the government and religion that practiced benevolence and righteousness and ritual music came to widely attract the people from afar, so that they could live and work in peace and contentment. And the two of you assisted Ji Kang, so that the people in the distance were alienated and did not come to the annex, the people had different hearts and did not harmonize, and the country was divided and could not be centralized. In the case of my own country falling apart, and I still want to use force to attack The Emperor, I am afraid that Ji Kang's trouble is not in the Wall, but in the Xiao Wall. ”

9. [Selling for The Price] [Source] Zi Yue: "Selling! Sell it! I treat Jia also. (Zigong)

【Interpretation】 "韫" is pronounced yùn, Tibetan meaning. "椟" is pronounced dú, meaning cabinet. "Yun" means to store things in a cupboard.

The idiom philosophy of the Analects

Tell the teacher, is there a piece of jade hidden in the cupboard, or is it sought from the merchants who know the goods to sell it? Do you hide it or sell it? Why do you say that? Because Zigong believed that there was learning and a realm, but he was unwilling to come out as an official and was unwilling to be used by the world, he played this analogy. Ancient gentlemen wear jade, so they use beautiful jade to describe gentlemen, and the character of a gentleman is as warm as jade. He replied, "I'm going to sell it, I'm going to sell it." I am waiting for those who know the goods to come, and wait for those who really recognize the jade to buy it. This is important. It's not that you don't want to come out and do things for the world, but you wait for the right moment. To use, but to use selectively. People who don't know the goods come and ask, how do you sell this piece of glass? After all, this is a piece of beautiful jade, but people who do not know the goods think it is glass. They are all sages, cultivating in the wild, fishing, encountering, meeting King Wen, and meeting people who are good at knowing jade. Zhuge Liang, when he encounters it, comes out to do things for the world. Confucius was expecting a sage. Wait until you have a good price to sell. Metaphors are for use.

10. [Desire to speed up] [Source] "No desire to speed, no small profit." If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it, and if you see small profits, you can't achieve big things. ("Zi Lu")

[Interpretation] Too much sexual urgency and speed, but can not achieve the goal.

There was a small child who loved to study creatures and wanted to know how pupae broke through the cocoon into butterflies. Once, he saw a pupa in the grass and took it home and observed it day by day. A few days later, a crack appeared in the pupae, and the butterflies inside began to struggle, trying to grab the pupa shell and fly out. The arduous process lasted for hours, and the butterflies struggled hard in the pupae. The child looked a little unbearable, and wanted to help it, so he took the scissors and cut the pupa, and the butterfly pupae came out. But he did not expect that after the butterfly broke free of the pupa, because the wings were not strong enough, it could not fly at all, and soon after, it died in pain. The process of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly was originally very painful and arduous, but only through this experience can it be exchanged for dancing in the future. The help of external forces makes love harmful, goes against the natural process, and eventually makes the butterfly die tragically. It is of great significance to amplify this tiny phenomenon in nature into one's life.

If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it, and rushing to achieve results will lead to ultimate failure. People should look far ahead, pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge, accumulate thick and thin, and naturally come to fruition and achieve their goals. Many careers must have a painful struggle and struggle process, and this is also the process of exercising you strong, making you grow, and making you strong. Rushing to achieve success and hating can not go a long way a day, often backfire, most people know this truth, but always contradict it. Many celebrities in history have made such mistakes before they understand the true meaning of success.

Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty was an extremely intelligent man, and he began to study Zen at the age of fifteen or sixteen, but only in middle age did he feel that quick success was not a creative recipe, and after some hard work, he had achieved something.

He made a wonderful interpretation of "if you want to be fast, you can't reach it": "It is better to be detailed than to be omitted, rather to be near than far, to be lower than to be high, and to be clumsy rather than skillful."

The idiom philosophy of the Analects

The Analects are broad and profound, and we need to study them gradually and deeply, and we can combine what we have learned, known, experienced, and realized to understand its profound meaning!