
Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

author:Qingyun vision

Time: A normal day.

Where: On one of the trains in Tokyo.

People: crowded office workers, sleepy passengers, lewd men with glowing eyes, and young women who don't know what to expect.

The above 3 points, I believe that many people, especially in the case of the high spread of island culture, the first impression of the idiot, in fact, this word in China, both stupid men, but also sincere people meaning, but because the phenomenon of Japanese tram wolf is too prominent, thus being covered up, resulting in a mention of this word, everyone is more associated with Japan.

In Japan, this group has a long history, and even in the second half of the 1990s, there was a tendency to professionalize, and there were people who made profits through illegal acts, such as making small movies and selling them.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

According to a survey by the Japanese semi-official organization "Research Association for the Prevention of Idiots in the Train", about 13.7% of girls are exposed to such illegal acts every year. In 2008, the Japanese Metropolitan Police Agency released data that in recent years, the number of idiot incidents has remained at about 2,000 cases/year, and the data is still rising.

For reference, the more than 2,000 idiots who violated the "Confusion Prevention Ordinance" will face a prison sentence of less than 6 months and a fine of less than 500,000 yen (up and down depending on the region), but these people are really "obsessed" and still bravely move forward. But we must also pay attention to a problem, these are reported or documented, those who silently endure, those who do not tolerate, may also be dozens of times the scale.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

So, what kind of mentality do these people have? Why is this happening? What is the reaction of women?

If you divide them by behavior, they are roughly divided into 3 types, the first is a fake sleep, and when you fall asleep, you will tilt your body on the girl to facilitate the oil. In general, the aging group is the majority, and the girls have to worry about respecting the elderly and respecting the elderly, and they have to worry about misunderstandings, which is really a dilemma.

The second is hands-on, common in the rush hour, for reference, Japan's population density is 348.3 / square kilometers, ranking second in the world, especially in Tokyo, an international metropolis, the peak period of public transportation, the density of people is quite large, people who have concerned know that in the peak period, in Japan, there will even be corresponding staff, specifically responsible for the outside of the passengers into the subway strange scene.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

So in this context, the idiot may achieve the goal by moving his hands, moving his legs, blowing air, going east and west, helping the east and the west, etc., because there are too many people, the sister can either not turn back, or the idiot can also excuse that there are too many people, he is not intentional, and so on.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

The third kind is the eyeless, as the name suggests, it should be well understood, exaggerated people will also want to "take a group photo", which is why when Japanese mobile phones are shooting, the sound like an iPhone cannot be turned off. Even if you turn it into silent mode. This is expressly stipulated by the Japanese government.

If you classify it from the composition of the occupational group, some data show that 51.1% are company employees, followed by non-professional personnel, of course, this is related to Japan's national conditions.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

And in terms of age classification, the perpetrators, the 30-year-old age group occupies the first, as high as 33.8%, and the 40-year-old age group is 26.9%. In the case of the victims, the proportion of female high school students aged 15 to 19 was 49.7 per cent, in the 20-year-old age group it was 36.8 per cent, and in the 40-year-old age group, the proportion was less than 2 per cent.

There is also from the dress, the proportion of wearing short skirts is 73.07%, of course, the freedom of dress is certain, this side is only a data example, some criminals choose the target, but do not dare to take a shot at the gorgeous, boldly dressed women.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

In addition, the position is also exquisite, and the idiot likes to commit crimes between the two doors that are open, accounting for more than 60%.

In terms of motivation, 49.8% of the idiots are out of excitement, 16% are out of luck, feeling that they will not be discovered, and the remaining 14.6% are drunk and drunk, and Japan is a country where the phenomenon of alcoholics is also very serious.

For example, Japan's NHK TV anchor Kensei Morimoto, who has been working on tv since 1990, is responsible for the weekend of the program "Good Morning Japan" and the anchor of the holiday, and is known as an NHK morning billboard.

As a result, on the evening of November 14, 2012, while riding the tram, a 23-year-old woman was molested because she had drunk too much (self-described), and was subsequently taken to the police station by the passengers. Then, naturally, he was discredited and banned in the line. NHK blocked the corresponding content of the official website and personal blog at the first time.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

Finally, there are also those who distinguish from the object of the crime, and those who accidentally approach the victim account for 50.7%, that is, the majority of the brains on a worm, 33.8% of the targets are selected and closer, and those who have special habits and targets, such as uniforms, are 9.1%.

However, idiots also have women! Of course, instead of saying that they are idiots, it is better to touch porcelain professionals, because in Japan, the crackdown on the group of idiots is very strong, or the countries of the world are sparing no effort to crack down on this kind of behavior, of course, one of our neighbors who are obsessed with cow dung may slowly play a question mark.

As mentioned earlier, during the peak period in Japan, the carriages are very crowded, that is to say, you can only avoid misunderstandings if you hold your hands high.

Therefore, some women with bad intentions will take the initiative to touch porcelain, and once men encounter this kind of thing, it is really mud and crotch, not or. Japan is a corporate society, which is one of the reasons why almost everyone is a staff member, and a large part of the social attributes of the Japanese people are linked to the company.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

Once the scandal occurs, the legal person of the company, the company name will also be quickly exposed, and will be excluded and sanctioned by society, if you are the boss, do you choose to fire this employee, or choose to let the company and the employee disappear together?

Therefore, if you do not want to face social death, as well as the aforementioned detention, fines, and often the wronged men will choose to settle the matter, privately reconcile and offer a settlement payment.

Of course, in this case, it has also spawned a special insurance, that is, the insurance of unjust cases of idiots, lawyers are on standby 24 hours a day, and there is a relatively perfect process to help customers prove their innocence, but no matter where, if there is no high-definition camera, there is no effective witness, in this kind of thing, it is very difficult to reasonably prove yourself, after all, from the motivation, you naturally suffer losses. This kind of thing, in our country, is actually not uncommon, I will not deliberately develop a few famous examples.

It can only be said that girls should protect themselves when they go out, and the same is true for boys.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

The first reason is very simple, that is, the density of objective conditions, if you put in a sparsely populated country like Iceland, where do idiots dare to commit blatant crimes, as mentioned earlier, 16% of people are out of fluke psychology, 50.7% of people are accidental victims.

And the national pressure is extremely high, which is also one of the reasons why the secondary industry is highly developed, overwork death, depression, depression. Committing a crime against another person, and the other party's chance of daring to resist is less likely to be a kind of dominance satisfaction.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

To give an inappropriate example, just like after a day of work, when they go to sleep, do most people still brush their mobile phones, even if they play aimlessly? Is it also necessary to stay up late for this? In fact, in addition to the fact that the mobile phone is really fun, there is a big reason, but also from the subconscious desire to dominate, all the time during the day, basically does not belong to you, only at night this period of time is free to arrange, you will be easy to squander, retaliate, to find their own existence.

Of course, this is not a reason to commit a crime.

The second reason is that the special industry has developed, Japan's wind and moon industry is also to be rolled in, shooting back and forth is such a little thing, only by playing a trick, can we attract more audiences to pay, for this there will be a bunch of screenwriters, directors, special to engage in special planning. Three times five divided by two, some people just look, some people have brought into reality, especially in the film, the male protagonist has repeatedly succeeded, there will always be someone with a hot brain, they can't control themselves.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.


The third reason, which is the cultural atmosphere of Japan, of course, must first state that this is not a victim-harm theory. But in Japan, they are very afraid of bringing trouble to others (of course, do not delay the discharge of nuclear wastewater), which is why bowing and apologizing has become the norm for Japanese people.

Japan is a country that is a bit like an assembly line, polite to the point of indifference, and the most feared thing for ordinary citizens is to stand out, not fit in, and detach from the collective. You can even find that every graduation season, the candidate's trench coat is the same color. Therefore, in the face of abuse, some women will not dare to resist and speak out, they will also worry about what to do in case they will misunderstand, and further, in case the other party is angry and angry, what to do to her even more.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

A survey shows that the proportion of women who encounter idiot behavior does not report the case, only 8% of the women who do not report the crime but fight back with high heels, only 1 who dares to punch and kick, only 80% of the women, choose to cover and escape. In addition, the difficulty of proof, as well as the well-known slut humiliation, will also make women have many concerns about the protection of rights, thus breeding the soil for crime.

Of course, the deeper reasons, as well as the cultural problems of the Yamato nation of Japan, as well as the national conditions after World War II, the development of the feminist movement, etc., will not be carefully developed in space limitations.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

First, Japan has a special female carriage, the earliest can even be traced back to 1912, there are also female cars, plainclothes policewomen, etc., and have been keeping pace with the times, including such as idiot radar, anti-idiot special ink and so on. There are also APP that issues warnings and cries for help, which is specially launched by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Agency, which is actually confirmed from the side, and has taken into account the possibility that most women are ashamed to speak up and dare not resist.

Of course, such as the women's special carriage, but also caused male dissatisfaction, because in a sense, all men are regarded as potential offenders, it is also a privilege for women, other such as special ink, APP, etc., may also increase the possibility of misjudgment and unjust cases, especially for female idiots.

To this end, on February 16, 2018, several men protested at the Diet Building Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, refusing to leave the women-only carriages.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

Second, the cost of being an idiot is very large, even to the point of preferring to kill mistakes and overcorrection. Although most women are afraid to speak out, once the case is reported, there is a more than 90% probability that women will be able to win the case, even if they are indeed wronged, but men may face more than 20 days of detention and investigation and evidence collection (often without favorable evidence).

In the process, you will face, or high probability, social death, separation of wives, dismissals, and discredit. Perhaps when being twisted to the police station, he may first be beaten by the enthusiastic masses or the flower messengers.

When you get to the police station, you may also be naturally covered with a layer of shameless pornographers, police officers, and judges will ask and question you over and over again. Because one of the Japanese mantras is sorry, if you are wronged, many people's first reaction is to be sorry first, but in the eyes of the judge, you have not done anything wrong, why apologize first? Is it just hard in the mouth?

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

Just after you win the lawsuit, you will get a compensation of hundreds of thousands of yen at most, but, just like the sentence on the Internet, you can consider living on another planet, and the different vision will most likely accompany you for a lifetime. The Japanese movie "Even So It's Not What I Did" tells such a tragic story.

There are even many news that some men have been wronged or found to be idiots, so they directly jumped out of the car to escape, and eventually led to death.

So at the end, you can also find that Japan is really a very fragmented country. It is very contradictory. On the one hand, it is a highly developed special industry, and there is no shortage of late-night TV stations with a variety of extremely large-scale variety shows, and video works with amazing scales are placed next to juvenile comics (can't be accompanied by pictures, don't think about it).

On the other hand, a survey showed that on the beach, the most open place in European and American culture (a large part of Japan is influenced by Europe and the United States), only 31% of couples dare to make intimate moves. Women's underwear and other clothes are also afraid to dry outside.

Divided Japan: What kind of special group is the train idiot? Why there are still female idiots in the first place, we need to understand the composition of idiots. So, after talking about the composition of idiots, let's talk about why such a special group of people was born? However, this does not mean that you can also bring the Internet to reality and become an idiot in Japan.

Can you imagine this all happening in the same country? There are also the idiots mentioned today, on the one hand, they are discredited and severely attacked by various means, on the other hand, they are the desperate risks of a large number of men, and even include the birth of female idiots.

As well as this Olympic Games, nuclear wastewater, the so-called craftsman spirit and so on. It can only be said that the world is big, and there are no wonders.