
There's a bunch of young "watchmen" in the rice paddies.

author:Bright Net

On July 30, hu yungao, director of the rice research institute and doctoral supervisor of the southwest university of science and technology in The village of Qianyue Village, Qinglian Town, Jiangyou City, Mianyang, Sichuan Province, led more than 10 students to take samples and complete their research and practical training projects this summer.

It is understood that in addition to undertaking a number of national and provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, this rice field scientific research base is also a postgraduate practice base and a professional scientific research teaching practice base of Southwest University of Science and Technology, and a large number of graduate and undergraduate students are here every year to carry out scientific research and professional training.

Under the scorching sun, Hu Yungao explained to the students in the rice field while analyzing various situations, and they had to complete today's task before noon - every 2 students in a group of rice for different varieties of rice to investigate and sample rice ears.

"In order to investigate the differences in panicle traits and heterotrophic habits between different rice varieties, one person carefully watched the rice panicle extraction and described the observation results, and the other made a detailed record and checked it." Tian Min, a 2020 graduate student of the Rice Institute of Southwest University of Science and Technology, introduced that rice growth generally goes through 8 stages of differentiation from the pregnant ear stage to the panicle, "Today, we first choose the seventh stage of rice ear sampling, because the rice panicle in this period is close to maturity, the rice panicle is large and easy to observe, and the investigation and sampling at this time is convenient for later study." ”

Hu Yungao said that every time he went to the field, the students had to take samples for 4-5 hours in the hot sun. In order to prevent heat stroke, everyone carries a herb positive qi liquid with them. This group of young "rice watchmen" came white and tender, and when they returned, they were all tanned. Never heard anyone complain, though.

"Rice is an important food crop in China and even in the world, and continuously improving the quality and yield of rice is a topic that rice people have been studying." Summer is an extremely important period for rice growth and development, and multiple field surveys and sampling are the basis for ensuring the smooth progress of indoor experiments in the later stage. Tax Yang, a 2021 graduate student of the Rice Institute, said that although the summer is hot, accompanying the tutor to participate in scientific research to solve billions of people's livelihood problems not only makes them experience the hardships of doing scientific research, but also makes them deeply understand that food is not easy to come by. (Liu Fangchi, Chen Ke)

Source: Science and Technology Daily

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