
They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Spring is a good season to eat clams, clams and other shellfish and seafood. Clams its meat is delicious, known as "the world's first fresh", "the crown of taste", and its nutrition is also more comprehensive, it contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins, amino acids and taurine and other ingredients, low caloric energy, high protein, less fat, can prevent chronic diseases of the elderly, is a cheap seafood. However, people with spleen and stomach deficiency and diarrhea should eat less of such seafood.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

Common methods of clams are clam steamed eggs, fried clams with green onion and ginger, spicy fried clams, clam tofu soup and so on. Today I would like to share an authentic dish of steamed cabbage clams. The meaning of wine steaming is to use wine to cook, heat the process, the alcohol volatilizes, taking away the fishy taste of seafood, retaining the freshness of seafood itself.

Ingredients needed to prepare: Clams 200 g Cabbage 100 g White Jade Mushrooms 35 g Crab Mushrooms 35 g Oyster Mushrooms 35 g Bacon 50 g Garlic 10 g Red Pepper 1 White Wine 45 ml Soy Sauce 15 ml Butter 20 g

Step 1: The clams are soaked in advance to remove the sediment, 500 ml of water is added to 15 grams of salt, the brine is poured into the clams, covered with newspaper and left for 3 hours, then the clams are rubbed against each other and washed well with water.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

Step 2: Break the cabbage into a lump of about 5 cm, and remove the roots and wash the white jade mushrooms, crab mushrooms, and oyster mushrooms. Cut the bacon into 5 mm wide strips, mince the garlic and cut the red pepper into small rings and set aside.

Step 3: Put the cabbage, white jade mushroom, crab mushroom, oyster mushroom, bacon and clam into the casserole dish in turn. Place the minced garlic and red pepper rings in a small bowl and use hot oil to stimulate the aroma.

Step 4: Place the oiled minced garlic and red pepper rings on the clams as well. The casserole is covered and white wine is poured around the edges of the pot. Move the casserole to the stove and heat over low heat for seven or eight minutes.

Step 5: Turn off the heat and open the lid, add 20g of butter, pour in 15 ml of soy sauce, simmer until the butter is completely melted, and then mix well. Finally sprinkle with french crushing, delicious wine steamed cabbage clams are ready.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

The season for shrimp is spring and autumn, of which before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the meat is the most crisp and delicious, suitable for white blanching and pan-frying. Shrimp warm taste sweet, slightly warm, into the liver, kidney meridians. Chinese medicine believes that shrimp meat has the functions of tonifying kidney and aphrodisiac, milking and anti-poisoning, nourishing blood and solidifying sperm, dissolving stasis and detoxification, improving qi and nourishing yang, relieving pain through the network, and appetizing phlegm.

Prepare the ingredients you need: 2 pounds of shrimp, half a cucumber, half a beer, a small spoon of friends, a small spoon of sugar, 1 piece of ginger, a small spoon of cooking wine, a small spoon of light soy sauce, a small spoon of oyster sauce, and a half spoon of salt.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, remove the shrimp line, put them in a bowl, pour cooking wine and salt and stir to marinate for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Put the right amount of oil in the pot, turn on a low heat and heat, then put the shrimp in and fry until the surface is golden brown, then turn off the heat and drain the oil for later.

Step 3: Leave a little oil on the fried shrimp just now, continue to heat it over low heat, add the peppercorns and dried peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add shredded ginger and scallions and garlic and half a spoonful of watercress sauce and stir-fry well.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

Step 4: Cut the cucumber into strips and put them in and stir-fry together, then put the shrimp into it and stir-fry together, add soy sauce and sugar and pepper and stir-fry evenly.

Step 5: Then pour in half a beer, cover the pot lid and simmer for 2 minutes, then open the lid and adjust the heat to collect the juice, put the chicken essence and stir-fry evenly before coming out of the pot.

They are eaten in the spring, the clams are steamed and the shrimp oil is super delicious

Such a plate of fragrant oil-braised shrimp is ready to make, the taste is super great, nutritious and delicious.