
Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge


A year in the spring, a day in the morning, a nutritious and comfortable breakfast, is everyone's urgent hope, whether it is work or study, can concentrate on not distraction, food in the stomach, but also a steady stream of power, the brain has been supplied, naturally will be a hundred times more energetic, energetic, there was a time, I do not like to eat breakfast, stand until about ten o'clock in the morning, the stomach will grunt non-stop, there is no state at work, even do not want to move, all this is caused by not eating breakfast, so I want to say, Be sure to eat breakfast on time to prevent hunger and shock and ensure good health.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Since it comes to breakfast, it is more in-depth, there are many breakfast shops in front of the door, one next to the other, there are fritters, tofu brain, ramen, cake shops, porridge shops, etc., after eating for so long, I feel that the porridge shop is the most comfortable, grains, dried fruit ingredients, after being simmered through the pressure cooker, the soup becomes viscous, the color is bright, slippery and not greasy, soft and sweet, healthy spleen and stomach, good qi and calm, and there is a certain therapeutic effect.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

According to the porridge shop's eight treasure porridge recipe, I summarized the practice of several nutritional porridges, grains, is a pure natural ingredient, no additives, no chemical pollution, the nutrition in the beans, very in line with the needs of the human body, no matter how busy the work, do not forget to eat beans, it contains nutrition, not inferior to big fish and big meat, suitable for most people.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Now is the late autumn festival, but also a good time to eat yam, yam taste delicate, smooth and tender and delicious, because of the difference in planting places, nutritional value is also different, the best at present is the iron stick yam, healthy spleen and stomach, enhance autoimmunity, boil millet porridge, put in yam, nutrition is very full, millet washed clean, under the big boil, low heat for 20 minutes, and then put in red dates and yam tablets, small heat continue to cook for 15 minutes, time is up, turn off the heat and scoop in two spoonfuls of sugar, stir evenly.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

After the autumn equinox, the weather is getting cooler, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the body is prone to colds, drink more millet yam porridge, promote the body's digestion and absorption, have great benefits for the spleen and stomach, enhance the immune function of the human body, nourish and fitness, and is a rare tonic.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Prepare the ingredients in advance, soak the peanuts, red beans, black rice, rice, barley for 4 hours, put them in a pressure cooker, add 5 times the water, press for 20 minutes, when the time comes, turn off the heat and deflate the pot, open the lid, re-heat, add rock sugar and goji berries, and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

In accordance with this way to cook the eight treasure porridge, fragrant soft and smooth, sweet and nourishing, in the morning to a large bowl, steaming, in addition to warming hands and feet, the stomach is also comfortable, special comfort, without any side effects and pressure, insist on drinking every morning, you will find that the face will become more and more beautiful.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Black rice is a kind of rice, but also a kind of medicine, it belongs to the glutinous rice, rich in nutrition, in the field of rice has the title of "black pearl", the earliest time, black rice is also called gongmi, shou rice, described is its nutritional value, nourishing yin tonic kidneys, fitness and stomach warming, prepare the appropriate amount of black rice, purple potatoes, black beans, peanuts, lentils, kidney beans, red beans, rice and purple potatoes, all washed with water, put into the pot, pressure cooker for 25 minutes, ordinary pot 70 minutes, stew the sticky and cooked through.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

According to this way to cook the black rice porridge, porridge shop inside the sale of 5 yuan a bowl, if you like sweet, you can also scoop a spoonful of sugar for free, it is indeed a little expensive, but the ingredients are placed there, and boiling porridge is very laborious, need someone to take care of, if you also love to drink porridge, you can match it yourself, cook it regularly with a pressure cooker, drink the stomach is very comfortable, and there is also a spirit to learn.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Has been drinking porridge are sweet, in fact, porridge can also be made into salty, and very popular, such as this green vegetable mushroom porridge, is the first choice for breakfast, ingredients are rice, shiitake mushrooms, ham sausage and green vegetables, boiling water, put in the right amount of rice to boil, half an hour later, add shiitake mushrooms, continue to cook for 10 minutes, and then put in green vegetables and ham sausage, a small amount of sesame oil, salt and pepper seasoning, steaming very delicious.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

In fact, the cost of this bowl of porridge is very low, green vegetables, ham sausage is not a valuable ingredient, but in the porridge shop, it is still sold fast, may be salty relationship, some people do not like to eat sweet, so shiitake mushroom green vegetable porridge, only so popular, but I have to mention, the taste of this porridge is quite good, fragrant and delicious, there is a taste, and then with a tea egg, the stomach is very comfortable.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Millet washed clean, boiling water, boiling on high heat, turn to low heat, slow simmer for half an hour, take advantage of this time, prepare some pumpkin, wash and peel, change the knife to cut into long strips, steam for 15 minutes, steaming, while hot press into a delicate pumpkin puree, millet porridge cooked almost, and then pour pumpkin puree into it, mix evenly, put a spoonful of sugar, you can get out of the pot.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

Pumpkin porridge cooked in this way, pumpkin delicate slag-free, smooth and delicious, more popular than diced pumpkin porridge, to a plate of appetizers, a boiled egg, with pumpkin porridge, can also eat very comfortable, pumpkin and millet, have a certain protective effect on the stomach, so that the stomach is comfortable throughout the morning.

Suitable for autumn and winter 5 kinds of breakfast porridge, teach you step recipe, healthy spleen and stomach, adults and children love to drink one, yam millet porridge two, eight treasure porridge three, purple potato black rice porridge four, green vegetable mushroom porridge five, smooth millet porridge

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