
Psychology: Why do people fear?

author:Ausubel Psychology

Human fear can be psychologically divided into four types, the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear of the future, and the fear of death. Sometimes there is even a sudden panic for no reason, which makes people feel depressed and want to escape. Fear can also trigger a lot of negative emotions, anger, sadness, jealousy, hatred, etc.

Everyone will have their own fears, some people will fear loss, some people will fear loneliness, some people will fear bugs in life, some people will fear dense things. College graduates are afraid of the future, middle-aged people are afraid of losing their jobs, and people in hot love are afraid of losing their lovers, as if we live in fear and tension all the time.

Psychology: Why do people fear?

Fear is divided into real fear and false fear, like a speeding car, an earthquake that is happening, these are real fears. Aliens hidden in the dark, whether lovers will leave me tomorrow, etc. These are all false fears, imagined in your mind, although this may seem a bit alarmist, but this is actually protecting ourselves.

Fear can make people instinctively nervous, and tension can make us more focused on doing things, and can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles. In the animal world, vigilant rabbits live longer, foxes come, and there is still a chance to escape, but any slack and hesitation is fatal. After getting rid of the fox, the rabbit returned to a quiet grazing state.

Psychology: Why do people fear?

There is no threat of foxes and carnivores in human society, but human beings have scores, money, performance, etc., and people have tension and pressure to have motivation and progress, and society will have development. But being in fear for a long time can make a person break down. When we overcome the fear, it's time to let go of the tension! One cannot be in fear and tension all the time, because one is bound to get sick, because this tension consumes a lot of energy to maintain the body. Fear is only temporary, and the meaning of fear is to make us progress, not to live in fear all the time, then fear loses its meaning.