
I use "life montage" to discover and cultivate the path of children's imagination 1.My son's imagination and expressiveness surprised me 2. Observe life and look at problems from the child's point of view

author:Mommy Jane Huang Jingjie

His son Lele has a personality like his father, and is a "pi king". Whether in kindergarten or at home, he is an overly energetic child, it is too difficult for him to calm down, he does not listen to any words, the more he says the more noisy, I sometimes really take him for granted.

In the afternoon of the second day of the holiday, I thought that I would finally have time to take a nap, and Coke was completely sleepy, and took out his plastic soft sword and asked me to "compete" with him. After a few moves, I lost all patience with this dueling game, so I casually took a copy of the bookshelf and looked through it, and because of this book, the rest of the afternoon became different from what I expected.

I use "life montage" to discover and cultivate the path of children's imagination 1.My son's imagination and expressiveness surprised me 2. Observe life and look at problems from the child's point of view

▲ "Life Montage"

This is a picture book called "Life Montage", which I have not read with Lele since I bought it, and the author naturally records her observations in life in the form of continuous paintings, full of story sense, like a montage of a life movie (through the stitching of life fragments, it has a unique meaning).

The author's novel "brain holes" and the extraordinary visual effects obtained by the observations from different perspectives put me in the scenes of life depicted by the author:

☉ The boy was floating in the river, and the stone thrown in his hand turned into a small white rabbit on the surface of the lake and ran to the middle of the lake.

I use "life montage" to discover and cultivate the path of children's imagination 1.My son's imagination and expressiveness surprised me 2. Observe life and look at problems from the child's point of view
I use "life montage" to discover and cultivate the path of children's imagination 1.My son's imagination and expressiveness surprised me 2. Observe life and look at problems from the child's point of view

☉ The girl drank bubble tea, raised the cup to the clouds in the sky, and got a cup of "snow top milk tea".

☉ The child took a bite of the jumping candy, so he imagined that the fireworks were lit and the night sky was colorful.

☉ The water boiled, and with a whimper a train ran out of the teapot's mouth, smoking.

☉ Stray cats drink the water on the ground on the side of the road, and as the area of the water changes, the scenery reflected in the water is changed.


It turns out that after adding imagination, from another point of view, life will be so interesting!

I lay back on the carpet, looked at the clouds outside the window, and with a stroke of genius, called Lele over and asked him to lie down too. I pointed to the clouds in the sky and asked him what he felt like. I thought he would give an answer like "Marshmallow" that we thought the children would give, but he replied: "This cloud is called The Number One Runner, it runs the fastest, followed by Number Two and Number Three... A lot of clouds are chasing it. As the wind passed, the clouds in the air changed shape, and Lele sighed: "Ah, The second and third are left behind, getting farther and farther away..." Like a sports commentator, Lele explained to me a track and field game in the cloud. Never found, it turns out that the cloud can still play like this.

Subsequently, I followed Lele's train of thought and asked some questions about the clouds and winds, and he opened his mind and told me a lot of stories, although his thinking was out of his mind, but those brain holes were no less than what I saw in picture books. It was not enough to talk about the clouds and the wind, and he began to tell the stories of the children and teachers in the kindergarten. When he spoke excitedly, he couldn't help but dance and jump up and down, but without the shouting that he had previously immersed himself in the self-knitting plot, I was greatly surprised by his imagination and ability to express himself.

It also reminds me of when I was chatting with other mothers, hearing them complain that their children's imaginations were too poor, and when it came to writing essays, they were anxious to scratch their ears and scratch their cheeks, and the articles they wrote were also dry...

Today, after reading this "Life Montage" with Lele, I realized that many children are not born with a lack of imagination, but they are likely to be stifled by improper parenting methods by their parents at the beginning of their inception.

Therefore, it is very important to cultivate and protect children's imagination.


Don't use qualitative thinking to imprison your child's imagination

The world in the eyes of children and the world of adults are completely different, parents let the child play freely, do not stop the child's imagination because there is a discrepancy with their own cognition; but also be a patient listener, for the child's imaginative description to as much affirmation and encouragement as possible.


Guide your child to ask more questions about why and think deeply

The power of asking questions is very strong, and children who often ask questions have a strong curiosity and the willingness to take the initiative to think, and their psychological imagination will become more and more abundant. Parents should not avoid and discourage their children's questions, but can look for answers with their children; when telling stories to their children, they can also sell a pass appropriately, so that children can guess and supplement the plot behind.


Get close to nature and inspire imagination and creativity

Children's rich knowledge and practical experience are the source of imagination. If the child has never seen the vast grassland at all, it is difficult to express the heroism of galloping horses in articles and paintings. As long as there is an opportunity to let the child get closer to nature, his senses will become more sensitive to the stimulation of nature, and the inspiration for imagination and creation will be stimulated in full absorption and practice.

I use "life montage" to discover and cultivate the path of children's imagination 1.My son's imagination and expressiveness surprised me 2. Observe life and look at problems from the child's point of view

Lele finally fell asleep tired, and I picked up the book "Life Montage" again and read it carefully from the preface.

The author is naturally a young girl who has been painting since she was 3 years old, and in the preface she talks about the reason for creating this picture book, which was a walk with her mother, when she found the light of the sunset passing through the leaves and falling on the wall, so she took a picture. Her mother asked her incomprehensibly: "How to shoot such a dirty building?" She said: "The color inside the tree shadow is gray, the bright surface is warm, and the tree shadow changes more where the shadow meets, which is really attractive." When she said this, her mother said: "It's really good-looking, and if you don't tell me, I won't find out about it myself." ”

When they walked around and returned to the place where they had taken the picture, they saw an old lady taking pictures at that location as well. Mother said, "She is like you, a person who knows beauty." You see she is also someone who likes to observe life... If I were with you every day, how good it would be to be like you. Therefore, she decided to use the way of painting to share the beauty of her life with more people.

In this short story, the author's mother did not understand at first, questioning her daughter's behavior, when she heard her daughter answer, she learned to look at the problem from her daughter's point of view, and harvested the beauty, and after meeting the old lady, the mother realized that her daughter was the one who knew beauty, and she hoped to harvest such a discovery of beauty every day.

It is such a story that stimulates the author's desire to create, record the beauty around him, share it with more people, and touch the reader through resonance. She did, at least, and her stories and paintings touched me and sparked my thoughts.

However, there are many parents who have set up a generation gap between themselves and their children from the beginning, and even if their children are adults, they will think with such a setting. But sometimes when you try to enter their world, you will find that it is not so difficult to understand, in the child's world, adults can also ask without understanding, and when we express enough sincerity, children are happy to share their world.

When children are willing to take their parents to swim in their world, parents can also lead them to feel the world in their own eyes, not so much as a mutual exchange, but rather a sharing of each other, only such sharing, in order to make the hearts of both sides closer, and can harvest more beauty in life.

Therefore, adults do not necessarily understand more than children, and many times, our observation and discovery of things around us may not be as good as children. On that afternoon, Lele taught me to put aside the inhibitions of thinking and break through the boundaries of imagination. And when I became his listener, even the questioner, he would explain it to me with great patience and let me discover a different kind of wonderful world.

At the end of my story with Lele, I summarized the care of improving children's observation and shared it with parents for reference:

1. Respect children's ability to observe things and their interest in playing, and ask them to describe their interests;

2. Ask questions about your child's area of interest and ask them to lead their parents into the world they observe;

3. Share with your child the beauty you have observed around you and ask them to evaluate it.

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