
5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

author:Department of Education of Shandong Province
5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!
5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

He Jing, from Dezhou, Shandong, has now been dismissed from Shandong University. He once served as the head of the Science and Technology Innovation Department of the Student Union of the College, a part-time counselor for new students, won the title of "Excellent Student Pacesetter" for three consecutive years, won the Several Wish Scholarship and the Gulf Chemistry Scholarship, won the Three Combination Scholarships of the University for 5 consecutive times, won the first prize of the National College Students Mathematics Competition, the third prize of the National College Students Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Social Practice and Science and Technology Competition and many other awards.

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Feng Liying, from Linyi, Shandong, has been dismissed from Shandong University. He has served as a part-time counselor for freshmen, won the titles of "Top Ten Excellent Students", "Three Good Students" and "Excellent Communist Youth League Member" of the College, won the Number Wish Scholarship, the Three Combination Scholarships of the University 5 times, the National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project, the University-level Project, and the Second Prize of the National College Students Mathematics Competition, the First Prize of the Asia-Pacific University Students Mathematical Modeling Competition and other various awards.

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Feng Yiyu, from Zibo, Shandong, has been dismissed from Shandong University. He once served as the vice president of the student union, a part-time counselor for new students, won the titles of "excellent student pacesetter" and "three good students", won the national scholarship, the school council scholarship, etc., won 2 utility model patents, 1 computer software copyright, the first prize of the National College Students Mathematics Competition, the first prize of the Asia-Pacific Mathematical Modeling Competition and more than 30 awards at all levels.

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Nan Laixin, from Jinan, Shandong, has now been dismissed from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. As a member of the class study committee, he has won many scientific and technological innovation awards such as "Excellent Student Pacesetter", "Three Good Students" and "Excellent Communist Youth League Member", and has won the third prize of the National College Student Market Research and Analysis Competition, the third prize of the National College Student English Competition, the first prize of the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition, and the "Zerun Inspirational Scholarship" and "Digital Wish Scholarship".

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Sang Xue, from Tai'an, Shandong, has now been dismissed from studying at Shandong University of Science and Technology. He is currently the deputy secretary of the Youth League Branch; he has won the titles of "Three Good Students", "Excellent Communist Youth League Members" and "Excellent Volunteers" for 3 consecutive years, won 5 consecutive school three-union scholarships, won 1 computer software copyright, 35 awards at all levels such as the second prize of the "Teddy Cup" Data Mining Challenge, the first prize of the National College Students Mathematical Modeling Provincial Award, etc.

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Zeng Xiangting, from Jining, Shandong, won the title of "Outstanding Communist Youth League Member" of the school, won the third prize of the university for three consecutive times, won the second prize of the national mathematical modeling competition at the provincial level, the third prize of the "Internet +" college students innovation and entrepreneurship competition and many other awards. Actively participate in activities such as poverty alleviation and "three visits to the countryside", use summer time to go to Rizhao City to participate in volunteer teaching, and won the title of "Excellent Volunteer".

They come from different places, have different life choices, but share common beliefs; they use companionship to encourage each other to move forward together. They are from the School of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Class 2018-1 Class A15-126 dormitory. Since enrollment, the 6 people in the dormitory have not been afraid of challenges and have worked hard to move forward, and have won more than 240 national, provincial and school awards, 42 scholarships, and 5 people have successfully guaranteed research.

Learning is endless: We strive together to appreciate the charm of scholarship

The transformation from "a blank piece of paper" to "thick ink and heavy colors" is the silent cultivation of countless stars and moonlit nights, but also the bitter pleasure in the face of failure and difficulties, the learning atmosphere of A15-126 dormitory is very good, encouraging each other to learn, a little slack will be reminded that everyone promotes each other and grows together.

Every night is basically 11 o'clock, the library is closed, the teaching building is closed, and everyone has finished studying and returned to the dormitory. Every time there is an exam, the atmosphere of study in the dormitory is particularly strong, and everyone will take the problems encountered during the day to the attic with the pony to discuss the problems. Zeng Xiangting in the first year of college, chose a major in other colleges, stemming from the love of mathematics, sophomore year in the first semester of her resolutely chose to transfer to the School of Mathematics, faced with the problems of changing majors, professional differences, different ways of thinking, etc. With the help of her roommates, she quickly kept up with the progress and achieved good results.

For the secret that the 6 people in the dormitory can maintain good grades together, He Jing said with a smile: "Our dormitory is very united, everyone has a different division of learning, there are people who usually take notes, there are people who summarize and summarize. "They listen to lectures together, do group homework, sort out knowledge points, help each other check and fill in the gaps, summarize and summarize the key points at the end of the term, talk about the topics together, make progress together, and give the boring learning process full of fun." In the end, five people successfully guaranteed the research and won a total of 15 offers from universities, of which three were dismissed to Shandong University, one was dismissed from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and one was enrolled in the university for master's and doctoral studies.

Apply what you have learned: Travel the sea of science and technology, and walk with you all the way

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

In their spare time, they actively participate in various scientific and technological innovation competitions. Whether it is a mathematical modeling competition, or a data mining competition, a market research and analysis competition, an English competition, an innovation and entrepreneurship competition, etc., they always form a team to sign up together, and those who stay up all night in the dormitory to write papers and change the defense PPT are the days when they accompany each other. The mutual encouragement of the 6 people allowed them to achieve one impressive result after another in one competition after another. Up to now, 6 people have won more than 130 awards at or above the provincial level in science and technology competitions.

In the process of the national college student mathematical modeling competition, the 6 people in the dormitory applied what they learned, pioneered and innovated, skillfully solved mathematical problems, and won good results; in the national college student market research and analysis competition, they revised the roadshow PPT again and again, sorted out the questionnaire, and simulated the defense over and over again, only to finally play to the extreme on the stage; in the national college student mathematics competition, they would share the real problems printed out of previous years, and discuss and study different topics together every night, summarize the inductive question types and experience in doing the questions In the national college students' social practice and science and technology competition for energy conservation and emission reduction, they studied the ecological microcirculation system of urban buildings, continuously explored the significance of environmental protection, and kept the sense of social responsibility in mind...

This competition is not only the use of knowledge, but also the enhancement of their own skills in continuous training, and the responsibility and mission on the shoulders of a contemporary college student are more and more clear.

Silent cultivation: do your best to gather a warm spring

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

During the university period, the 6 people in the dormitory actively participated in student work and served their classmates. Dedication and responsibility are the original intention of their participation in student work, and they can be seen in the school student union and the college student union. Whether it is weekends and holidays or weekdays, they can always plan their time reasonably, complete the student work with quality and quantity, and achieve both learning and work.

Feng Liying, Feng Yiyu and He Jing all served as part-time counselors for new students during their junior year, assisting the teachers of the Youth League Committee to carry out their daily work and doing their best to help new students solve difficulties. This experience also gave them great exercise, and the trust and supervision of teachers and students witnessed their accumulation and growth.

Sang Xue, Nan Laixin and Feng Yiyu have played a good leading role in class construction. As the deputy secretary of the Youth League Branch, Sang Xue promptly urged the students to participate in the "Youth Study" and actively carried out the theme group day activities in the class; nanlaixin, as a learning committee member, was responsible for the teaching information liaison work between the teachers and the students, becoming a bridge for good communication between teachers and classmates; feng Yiyu, as a science and technology committee member, led the students to actively participate in various scientific and technological innovation competitions.

From student union work to class building, everyone actively shines in their positions, and they devote their spare time to the people and things they love, so that youth can shine in dedication and responsibility.

Volunteer Practice: Committed to volunteer service, writing a chapter of youth

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

Running into each other, helping each other, the girls in the A15-126 dormitory incarnated as "foreign" families and became "practice experts" who bravely practiced and integrated into society. They searched for alumni footprints, gave full play to the strength of alumni, walked into public welfare classrooms to tell revolutionary stories, and actively participated in the volunteer service activities of "Henan Flood Fighting and Disaster Resistance", the "Blue Bird Project" summer internship activities, the volunteer service activities of Shandong Museum and the summer volunteer teaching activities of "Xiaocao Xuetang", and their deeds have been reported by the media for many times.

In the sophomore year, the 6 people in the dormitory signed up for the Qingdao West Coast Half Marathon Volunteer Service together, worked hard in the reception group, the timing group, and the bag storage group, successfully completed the volunteer service work, and won the honorary title of "Excellent Volunteer". "I want to expose myself to more social groups and do my best to help them." Talking about his original intention of participating in volunteer service, Sang Xue said so.

In the summer vacation of the sophomore year, the dormitory 6 people in two groups actively participated in the summer "three to the countryside" activity, He Jing and Nan Laixin set up a "Shanke Youth Observer" volunteer service team to investigate the development of Liuqiao Town in Qihe County, Shandong Province since the reform and opening up; Sang Xue and Zeng Xiangting went to Heshan Town, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, to investigate the results of local poverty alleviation with the theme of "telling the story of poverty alleviation and investigating the results of poverty alleviation"; Feng Liying and Feng Yiyu participated in the research activity of "helping rural poverty alleviation and cultural tourism and rejuvenating agriculture". With practical actions, they sketched the youthful silhouette of the volunteer service of Yamashiro.

From love: chase the direction of the heart, live up to the youth Shaoguang

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!

The flowers before the court blossom and fall, the clouds in the sky are soothing, on the basis of their good habits of treating themselves strictly, they also have a positive and optimistic personality and an indifferent and calm attitude, they have a wide range of hobbies, and shine in their respective fields of expertise.

Feng Yiyu loves dance, actively participates in various dance competitions, and wins the third prize of the school's traditional dance competition. Sang Xue and Nan Laixin actively participate in the host competition, they help each other, learn the strengths of others in practice, make up for their own shortcomings, Sang Xue even joined the hospital hosting team, with her standard pronunciation, improvisation ability to host many large-scale parties, the broadcast host as an interest and hobby, and constantly enrich and improve themselves. He Jing and Feng Liying participated in the Hospital Games and won the second and third places in the women's 1500 meters respectively, they insisted on exercising, motivated each other, and used passion and struggle to make the flower of youth bloom brilliantly.

With their hard work and love, they have enriched their university life and blossomed on their respective stages with the vitality and passion of youth. Today, with the warmth of mutual encouragement, 6 people are about to go to a new mountain and sea to create a new future, which belongs to their story, to be continued...

5 people were dismissed, more than 240 awards, to see the eye-catching results of the Yamako "Xueba" dormitory!