
Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

author:Muzi and her

In the era when medicine was not very developed, the general public did not know much medical knowledge, and could only fully trust the doctor, no matter what the doctor said, there was no way to judge right or wrong, in this situation, if the doctor really wanted to do something to the patient, the patient may only be able to suffer in silence. If you think about it this way, you feel that it is really good to be born in modern times, and the horror doctors I want to introduce this time have left a notoriety in history.

1. Johann Conrad Dippel(1673-1734)

Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

Johann Conrad Dippel, a German, invented an oil called Dippel's Oil, made from human ashes, blood and other organs, and was also used as poison to be smuggled into wells during World War II. He also had a great interest in experimenting with animal carcasses, one of which was to use boiled animal carcasses to summon demons. In short, he was a horror doctor who liked to take the corpses of people and animals to get things around, and some people said that the doctor in the Frankenstein novel at that time was alluding to him.

2. Francis Willis(1718-1807)

Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

Francis Willis is British. In the 18th century, when the medical community did not know much about mental illness and how to cure it, Willis did many very inhuman experiments on mentally ill patients, believing that imprisoning them and abusing their bodies to a certain extent would allow them to recover slowly. At that time, King George III just went crazy, willis let the king wear a restraint suit, so that he could not move, and then let his skin blister, the method should be burned or excessive rubbing of the skin and so on, so how can it be cured of mental illness (囧).

3. Andrew Ure (1778-1857)

Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

Andrew Ure is a Scotsman, he believes that the use of electricity can revive the dead, so he unloaded eight pieces of death row inmates, and then stuffed the energized device into the corpse block, and finally electrified to try to revive the body, but if you want to resurrect the dead, it is difficult to live by unloading eight pieces (囧). And when he did this, he liked to have an audience watching from the sidelines, but it is said that many viewers left the audience halfway through the audience because the scene was so terrifying (blindfolded).

4. Stubbins Ffirth(1784-1820)

Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

Stubbins Ffirth was an American, when the United States appeared Yellow Fever (Yellow Fever), which is an acute virus, and Ffirth believed that the disease was not contagious, so he began to do a very disgusting experiment, that is, to apply yellow fever patients' vomit to his wounds, the result was not contagious, and then he drank the vomit, there was no infection, and then he also drank the patient's blood, saliva and urine. As a result, he really has not been infected with yellow fever, so he is very insistent that yellow fever will not be transmitted. However, there is a very failure of this experiment, that is, the patients he selected are already in the stage of recovery, and there is no contagiousness, and later everyone found out that yellow fever is transmitted through the blood.

5. Fritz Haber (1868-1934)

Too scary: The 5 horror doctors in Western history, fortunately, do not live in the modern era

Fritz Haber, a Native of Germany known as the father of chemical warfare, used chlorine gas to kill people during World War I, killing countless people. Haber has no remorse for killing people, he thinks that since he is a scientist, in order to help the country win, the use of chemical warfare is inevitable, just because patriotism can be guilty, but his wife can not accept her husband to do such a thing, so he committed suicide. However, during World War II, he fled to England, unwilling to obey the German Nazis. Is it because conscience has found it?

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