
It's as warm as home— a note on the first day of heating in Ma Sanli Old People's Park

author:China's well-off network

"This year the radiators have been added again, and it's a blessing to be here, just as warm as home." Yesterday morning, the elderly Zhang Cuizhi, who lives on the second floor of the Ma Sanli Old People's Park in Dongli District, let the reporter into his house.

On the first day of heating, Grandma Zhang's room was warm and melting, and her face was full of smiles at the age of 90.

Just last heating season, Zhang Cuizhi's old man's house was not so warm.

"Our heating here has been used for more than 20 years, and it is full of rust, the water flow is not smooth, and the heating effect is not good." Zhang Xiaojing, director of the nursing department of Ma Sanli Elderly Park, introduced.

"Ma Sanli Elderly Park was only incorporated into the cogeneration network for heating before the last heating season, when the pipe network was aging, and we washed the pipe many times, but the effect was not ideal." Wang Yi, secretary of the party branch and director of the Second Heating Service Center of the Military Electricity Of Tianjin Energy Group Thermal Power Company, who is responsible for heating the Ma Sanli Elderly Park, told reporters.

To this end, after the end of the last heating period, the company implemented the special action of "summer treatment of winter diseases, new treatment of old diseases", especially for "one old and one small" users, and adhered to the extension of "one household, one policy" service.

"This year, we started ahead of schedule to include it in the 2021 annual key maintenance project, and in the summer, we renovated the risers and coils of the corridors and indoor heating facilities." Wang Yi said.

The effect of the renovation was verified on the first day of the start of heating in our city. As soon as the reporter entered the hall on the first floor of the Ma Sanli Old People's Park, a wave of warmth came to the face, and groups of three or five elderly people sat on the seats in the hall and chatted about the sky, all with smiles on their faces.

"Last year there were only 10 radiators in the house, and I had to wear cold suits in the room at night, but this year the radiators increased, I counted, there were 17 pieces on the sunny side, and 26 on the yin side, and the house was particularly warm." A grandmother who lives in the shade told reporters, "And the heat was provided in advance, and last night I only covered the blanket, and the quilt was covered in previous years." ”

The temperature in the house and the corridor has risen, and the old people have become active, or open the door to breathe, or sit around the hall and chat.

"Low room temperature will not only cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diarrhea and other diseases, but also affect the mood of freezing hands and feet in the house." Liu Rong, director of The Ma Sanli Elderly Park, said, "This year," the temperature has risen, which is good for the elderly physically and mentally. We do care, and it's much more convenient. ”

Nowadays, the elderly Zhang Cuizhi only wears autumn clothes and maokan shoulders in the house.

The warmth felt by the elderly in Ma Sanli Old People's Park is just a microcosm of the city's insistence on "winter disease and summer cure" in heating, and efforts to solve the difficult problems in the process of heating for the masses.

In April this year, as soon as the central heating supply stopped last year, the Municipal Urban Management Committee organized heating enterprises, relying on the special action of "I do practical things for the masses, and the level of heating services", to implement the transformation one by one during the heating period and the problems that the masses reflected on the big opinions, and efficiently completed 12,490 indoor transformations. In particular, adhere to targeted treatment, do a good job in the service guarantee of old-age institutions, complete the docking visit of 177 central heating old-age service institutions before the heating period this year, and provide technical service support for 131 nursing homes in need.

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