
Online shopping grapes surprise spiders, how should consumers deal with it?

author:Beijing News

Summer is the grape market season, but the citizen Xiao Wang bought a box of grapes with spiders on a fresh platform. What's going on? Can spiders still eat when they appear in grapes? Can Xiao Wang ask the merchant to compensate for the loss?

Recently, the citizen Xiao Wang placed an order on a fresh platform to buy a box of grapes, and when the grapes were poured out, he found a small spider. Although he was not bitten by the spider, it also caused a lot of psychological shadow to Xiao Wang.

At present, there are more and more consumers shopping for vegetables and fruits on the fresh platform, and the packaging of fruits and vegetables is becoming more and more sealed, if it is directly from the planting base to the store, it may be inevitable that some small bugs will appear. So, what should I do if I find small bugs on the fruits and vegetables I buy? Can I still eat it?

In this regard, Ruan Guangfeng, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Science and Technology Exchange Center of Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, told the Beijing News that although small insects in fruits and vegetables may be psychologically difficult to accept, they are usually not harmful to the human body. It is recommended that you pay attention to cleaning, wash it several times, and cook it to eat.

Ruan Guangfeng said that the acidity of human gastric juice can kill fruit and vegetable fly larvae, in case of eating it, it will also be digested, will not survive or reproduce in the human body, there is no harm to the human body, there is no need to panic. "If you are really worried, wash it several times with water or salt water, soak in the water without air, and the bugs will run out."

However, for spiders, it is still necessary to pay attention to prevent being bitten. Public information shows that although most spiders have poisonous glands in their mouthparts, the venom is usually aimed at insect prey and is less harmful to the human body. Of course, some spider species are more toxic, such as the red-spotted spider, also known as the black widow spider, the burrowing tarantula, mainly distributed in southern Russia, southeastern Europe, China's Hainan and Xinjiang and other places.

What if I am really bitten by a spider? Experts said that after being bitten by a spider, it is necessary to seize the time to use iodine solution disinfection, and you can also choose to use soapy water or sodium bicarbonate water to rinse to effectively neutralize the acidity of the venom and reduce the damage to the skin. If necessary, you can also choose the method of squeezing, and the spider venom inside the wound can be discharged as much as possible from the body to avoid further irritation and inflammation of the skin by the venom. If the symptoms are more severe after being bitten, you should seek medical attention in time.

If the purchased fruits and vegetables appear bugs or cause food safety problems, can consumers defend their rights according to law? Zhu Jinyuan, the chief lawyer of Beijing Guandao Law Firm, said in an interview with the Beijing News that according to China's Food Safety Law, when there is a food safety problem in the purchased fruits, vegetables or food, you can ask the producer or operator for compensation. In addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers may also demand from the producer or operator compensation of ten times the price or three times the loss; if the increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it shall be 1,000 yuan. "For example, if you buy grapes with spiders, you can claim compensation from the fresh platform and manufacturers." Zhu Jinyuan said.

Beijing News reporter Ouyang Xiaojuan

Edited by Li Yan Proofread by Liu Baoqing

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