
Police Station Chief's "Three Abilities" Theme Video Interview (7) | Huang Fengjie and Mo Xinqing: Practicing the "Three Abilities" Spirit and Escorting the "Common Wealth Sample"

author:Huzhou Police

Editor's Note

  In order to further promote the "three energy" theme education and practice activities, Huzhou public security closely focuses on the vision and goal of "Huzhou land is more beautiful, the people's life is better, and the public security image is more reputation", strengthens ideals and beliefs, unites the whole police force, forges the public security iron army, and strives to create a demonstration city for the construction of the national social security prevention and control system, contributing to the construction of a green sample of common prosperity in Huzhou. From now on, the Huzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau launched the "Forging 'Three Energy' Iron Army, Helping the Common Prosperity First" - Huzhou Public Security "Three Energy" Discussion Police Station Chief Series Interview Program, please pay attention!

Practicing the spirit of "three abilities" and escorting the "common wealth sample"

Huang Fengjie, director of the Nanxun District Public Security Bureau and Fu Police Station

Mo Xinqing, director of the Linghu police station

, duration 14:55

Hu Gongxuan: Today we invited two directors of the Nanxun District Public Security Bureau, namely Huang Fengjie, director of the Hefu Police Station, and Mo Xinqing, director of the Linghu Police Station, to come and talk to us about their understanding of the "three energy" spirit and the "three energy" theme education and practice activities. First of all, please ask Director Huang to talk about how you understand the spirit of "three abilities"?

  Huang Fengjie: I think we must first understand on what occasion General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed it, and the spirit of the "three abilities" was put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he was investigating the advanced nature of party members, that is to say, the spirit of "three abilities" is a universal requirement for communist party members. To understand the spirit of the "three abilities," we must be clear about the historical evolution of the cpc's emergence, development, and growth. In 1921, the Communist Party of China was founded, exploring and leading the people of the whole country to establish a new China in which the people were the masters of their own affairs through the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, which completely ended the tragic situation of China's internal and external troubles, poverty and weakness in modern times, and opened a new era of development and progress of the Chinese nation. The COMMUNIST PARTY of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and the leading core of the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. This requires that our Party members must have the character and characteristics of an advanced nature. When we joined the party, we all started from writing the party application form, step by step through organizational training and inspection to become a formal party member, joining the party is our choice to pursue advanced nature, since we chose to join the Communist Party of China, choose to fight for the cause of communism and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we need to show the advanced nature of communist party members. Therefore, "being able to see it in ordinary times, being able to rush out at critical moments, and being able to see things out at critical moments" is a specific requirement for us to practice the advanced nature of party members and the unity of knowledge and action.

Police Station Chief's "Three Abilities" Theme Video Interview (7) | Huang Fengjie and Mo Xinqing: Practicing the "Three Abilities" Spirit and Escorting the "Common Wealth Sample"

Hu Gongxuan: Indeed, to do it first, you must understand, so how do you do it in combination with yourself?

  Huang Fengjie: To practice the "three abilities", we need to compare ourselves and seriously reflect on "Can I?" Think deeply about "How can it be?" "I joined the work in 2004, from the police to now unconsciously have gone through 17 spring and autumn, experienced 17 years of baptism of life, whether I still practice the oath I once took." At the beginning of the "three energy" theme education practice activities, I seriously compared and reflected. I remember the next day when I first joined the work, in order to catch a gambling suspect, I chased 3 kilometers in one breath, and the suspect looked at me with shocked eyes when he was caught, and I was jealous and hateful at that time. When I joined the work for half a year, in order to save a young man who jumped into the river and committed suicide, I did not hesitate to jump into the river to save him from the shore. I once went home for a month to investigate a case, and at that time I put my work first and took the unit as my home. I still have many such memories since the beginning of the police, can I still do it now? I think this is the question I have to answer in this thematic education practice.

Police Station Chief's "Three Abilities" Theme Video Interview (7) | Huang Fengjie and Mo Xinqing: Practicing the "Three Abilities" Spirit and Escorting the "Common Wealth Sample"

Hu Gongxuan: Director Huang's words made me very moved, the spirit of "three energy" is the precious spiritual wealth left by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Zhejiang public security, and it is a powerful spiritual driving force for promoting the high-quality development of public security work in the new era. Director Mo, around the spirit of "three energy" we have carried out a series of "three energy" theme education practice activities, what do you think is the significance of carrying out the "three energy" theme education practice activities?

  Mo Xinqing: The launch of the "three abilities" theme education and practice activities is a further deepening of the education and rectification of party history study and education of the public security contingent, encouraging the whole police to further strengthen their political beliefs, improve their ability to perform their duties, and provide stronger public security responsibilities and actions for reshaping the "crystal crystal Nanxun" and building a sample of the Nanxun demonstration area of common prosperity with high-quality development.

Our public security organs are the "knife handles" in the hands of the party and the people, a special disciplined force, and shoulder the important duties and missions of safeguarding the country's political security, maintaining social stability, and ensuring the people's tranquility. In my opinion, the "three abilities" police must temper the down-to-earth style of "being able to see it in ordinary times," serve the people wholeheartedly, and do their work in the hearts and minds of the masses; they must also be full of the mission of "being able to rush out at critical moments," have the courage to overcome difficulties, and strive to be the vanguard; and they must be full of the dedication spirit of "being able to see out in times of crisis," keep danger to themselves, and give safety to others.

Hu Gongxuan: So how do you practice what you call a down-to-earth style, mission and dedication?

  Mo Xinqing: First, we insist on learning and practicing understanding, and build up political loyalty. As the first inheritor of the "three abilities" spirit, all the police in Zhejiang are the disseminators and practitioners of the "three abilities" spirit. In order to truly integrate the spirit of "three abilities" into the blood of every policeman, the Linghu police station regards the "three energy" theme education practice activities as a major political task, focuses on the main theme of learning, and formulates a study plan for each stage. The first is to demonstrate and lead learning. Persist in grasping political study at the above rate, lead the whole institute to be the leading goose, and play a leading role in study. The second is to focus on key studies. Organize the people's police to carry out special study in the form of theme publicity, exchange forums, etc., encourage the police to talk about their experience, find deficiencies, and propose measures, effectively enhance their sense of loyalty, and strengthen the idea of "one game of chess". The third is to enrich the vector science. Make full use of the "theme party day", "Monday night reading", watching warning education films, visiting red bases and other forms of activities to carry out concentrated study to ensure that every police officer is educated and promoted.

Second, we will make every effort to overcome difficulties and strengthen responsibility. As the people's police in the new era, we dare to show our swords in the face of great wrongs and wrongs, dare to face difficulties in the face of contradictions, dare to stand up in the face of crises, dare to take responsibility in the face of mistakes, and dare to resolutely struggle in the face of unhealthy tendencies and evil tendencies. In the face of the sudden outbreak of the new crown epidemic, all of our police and auxiliary police gave up the warm moment of reunion with their families, quickly threw themselves into battle, worked day and night, selflessly dedicated, and strictly prevented the spread of the epidemic. In the face of the fire danger, our police officer Zhu Xueli and auxiliary police officer Wu Binjie rushed into the fire scene to save people without hesitation, vividly interpreting the fearless spirit of bravely moving forward at a critical moment and sacrificing life and forgetting death. In the face of thousands of grassroots work, Wu Juemin has been a "old cattle" in the community for 26 years, working hard and complaining, and meticulously cultivating the "responsibility field". General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out many times that leading cadres must not only have the broad shoulders to take responsibility, but also have the real ability to accomplish things. In order to make all-out efforts to forge a high-quality and excellent public security iron army, the Linghu police station has solidly carried out the "all-police large-scale training in actual combat", closely centering on the principle of "what to train and what is missing to make up for what", organizing the auxiliary police of the whole institute to carry out targeted special training in basic knowledge, actual combat skills, and physical fitness, effectively improving the comprehensive quality of the people's police's work, culture, law, skills, and so on, and constantly improving the combat effectiveness of the contingent.

Third, we adhere to the guidance of public opinion and enhance the "three senses" of the masses. Serving the people wholeheartedly is not only a slogan, but also a firm practice, which is to let the masses around them see, touch and feel. Linghu Police Station insists on transforming the effectiveness of the "three energy" theme education and practice activities into an endogenous driving force for development, deeply implements the new five small projects of "breaking small cases, handling small things, solving small worries, helping small help, and benefiting small profits", making every effort to help solve the practical problems of the masses and enterprises, and focusing on achieving the improvement of "three senses". Since the beginning of this year, the number of yellow gambling police in the jurisdiction has dropped by 53.06% year-on-year, and the incidence of telecommunications network fraud has dropped by 5.56% year-on-year. With the Town Spear Mediation Center as the "body", the fishery dispute mediation team, the family mediation center, Wu Juemin Studio and other characteristic mediation teams as the "wing", forming a mediation network covering the whole region, and the resolution rate of contradictions and disputes is 98.5%. Make every effort to create two ecological joint logistics police models in Xiaang and Yudu, realize the efficient linkage of functional departments, the in-depth integration of law enforcement on duty, and the joint participation of social forces, and enhance the ability of regional comprehensive management; build a digital management platform for chemical parks to achieve accurate prevention and control, fine management, accurate early warning, and intelligent services through digital empowerment and flat governance; continue to deepen the construction of the "Guardian of the Fishing Capital" project, give full play to the role of the police community of mass prevention and mass governance, and strive to escort the construction of beautiful towns in the fishery capital.

Hu Gongxuan: Next, please ask Director Huang to talk about how the Hefu police station practiced the spirit of "three abilities"?

  Huang Fengjie: As a Communist Party member in the new era, a branch secretary and director of a basic police station, I must regain my original intention of joining the police and fulfill the oath I took when I joined the party. Through a great discussion, all party members of the branch summarized the four specific requirements of "loyalty, justice, professionalism and kindness":

1. Loyalty. Public security organs, entrusted with the functions and powers entrusted by law, are responsible for both criminal justice and administrative management functions, are state organs of an armed nature, and are an important force for safeguarding national security in peacetime. Ideologically, we must be loyal to the party, the country, and the people, and establish a correct outlook on life, values, right and wrong, and righteousness and profit. In action, we must unswervingly safeguard the core position of the party committee, obey the resolutions and central work of the party committee, and consciously abandon the individual. It is necessary to unswervingly obey the organizational arrangements, report personal matters without concealment, consciously be loyal and honest to the organization, and remove selfishness.

2. Impartiality. Objectivity and impartiality are the most basic requirements of the rule of law, and they are also the spiritual qualities that public security police should first have. To become a qualified people's policeman, we must believe in equality. "Equality before the law" is not just a simple slogan, it is the basic rights granted to citizens by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, and it is the premise and guarantee of governing the country according to law. In addition to the equality of faith, we also need to remain independent. Due to the special historical and cultural traditions of the Chinese nation, human feelings and relationships have become one of the factors that are most likely to affect fair law enforcement, and it is also one of the most inevitable troubles in our daily work, and an excellent people's police must remain independent, have an independent personality that is not affected by external factors, and have independent thinking that is not affected by others, only in this way can we realize the oath of law enforcement justice.

3. Professional. The public security organs are the vanguard troops in cracking down on illegal crimes and guard the forefront of fairness and justice. In the new historical period of social governance ruling the country according to law into a new era, a large number of social interests and contradictions are intertwined, a large number of new laws and judicial interpretations are accompanied by the introduction, and being able to accurately grasp the legal facts that can be proved by objective evidence is the key to law enforcement work, and it is also the key to adjusting social contradictions through law, so the public security police must maintain a positive and enterprising spirit of specialization, maintain pragmatic and courageous excellent quality, and maintain a comprehensive and systematic knowledge structure to ensure that law enforcement work moves in the right direction. Only then can the cornerstone of justice be effectively laid. Therefore, we must continue to strengthen our study and strive to be the builders and defenders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Fourth, kindness. There is a maxim in the legal profession that "a good heart is the best law", which warns people that it is very important and meaningful to have a good heart, and that a good heart can impress, inspire, warm, educate, and she is better than the best laws and rules. The original intention of people in formulating laws is also to punish evil and promote good, but in practical work, we often put punishment of evil in the forefront and leave the promotion of good behind. In the new era of history, we must set an example of carrying forward goodness and must uphold human rights. In the face of all kinds of suspects, we must always maintain respect for human rights, pay attention to the integration of legal effects and social effects, pursue the unity of the rule of law and human rights, and strengthen a belief: "The law is the perfect combination of justice and goodness, and is the best tool for the people's police to serve the people." ”

Hefu Police Station chose a loyal, objective, professional and kind path to practice my mission of joining the police, and I will bravely move forward.

Source: Huzhou Public Security

Editor: Chen Qi