
Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

author:Pudivan Education
Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

The golden autumn sun is warm and tranquil, the autumn breeze in Chengdu is gentle and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are flowing and melodious. On October 29, 2021, pudiwen education international MBA degree class launched a corporate visit and exchange activity with the theme of "sharing beauty, sharing health and sharing happiness". Under the leadership of Mr. Sun Yichen, the head of the MBA program, the students of the Pudiwen Education International MBA Degree Class walked into Chengdu Baotiana Business Co., Ltd.


Chengdu Baotiya Trading Co., Ltd. is a collection of training, planning, products as one of the company, its brands: professional body care brand "Yusentang", "Jin lingtang", professional skin care brand "Huizhentang", "Jiaozhicui", professional eye care brand "eye protection", "xi eye", new resource food "Bolishen" and "fiber Yingli". Based on the country of Tianfu, chengdu is the national strategic planning and marketing command center, radiating all major provinces in the country, and set up sixteen branches in Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Guangdong.

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Chengdu Baotiana Trading Co., Ltd

Since its inception, Kou tia has been committed to professional skin care and body care, pay attention to the brand, pay attention to every product detail, refine the service, refine the marketing, and bring health and beauty to every customer. The company practices the corporate values of "sincerity", "pay", "improvement" and "win-win", provides the best quality products and services for consumers, and provides the most open, fair and just business platform for the majority of dealers. At the same time, the company also opens a professional skin care business school, with a strong teaching team and a perfect training system, which is the cradle for cultivating professional nursing talents, with the goal of building a leading brand in China's nursing industry.


At about 1:30 p.m., the students arrived at Chengdu Antilla Trading Co., Ltd. on time to sign in for the enterprise visit and exchange activities, and Chen Hua, chairman of Chengdu Antia Trading Co., Ltd., Wang Yanmei, executive chairman, Wang Fuyu, general manager, Liu Yong, executive vice president, and Zhong Ming, executive vice president, gave a warm welcome and reception.

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Enterprises visit the exchange activities on-site sign-in

The enterprise visit and exchange activities officially began, and the students visited the company building, various functional departments, and the company won honors and products over the years. During the visit, the students showed great enthusiasm for the use of Guantiana's products, the current technical level and production process, and actively raised questions and enthusiastically discussed.

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Visit Guan Tia Company

After the visit, the students went to the conference room on the fourth floor and participated in the discussion and exchange meeting. Chen Hua, chairman of Thea, and Wang Fuyu, general manager of Thea, introduced Chengdu Antea Trading Co., Ltd. to the students in detail and comprehensively from the four sections of about us, brand introduction, corporate responsibility and characteristics. Since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, Chinese society has entered a new stage of high-quality development, and Bautiya believes that doing a good job in enterprises is to fulfill the greatest responsibility to society, the greatest contribution to society and the industry, the highest responsibility for enterprises and employees, and the greatest value embodiment of every Bautiya person.

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Chen Hua, chairman of The Board of Directors of Kou Tia Company and a student of the 1st class of 2020

Chen Hua, chairman of Nova, expressed his warm welcome and sincere thanks to the students for their arrival, and he shared with the students his mental journey over the years since he started his business. He said: Under the changes in the economic environment, enterprises need to cooperate in groups, cherish and use more exchange opportunities, learn from the experience of better enterprises, and learn from and reflect on their own shortcomings. This enterprise visit and exchange activity is a precious process of re-learning, re-harvesting and re-cognition, which is conducive to building a new platform for win-win cooperation, and I hope that everyone can exchange enterprise management experience without reservation and learn together for common progress!

At present, Guantiya, including chairman Chen Hua, has 6 executives studying on the platform of Pudiwen Education International MBA, and in the future, Guantiana will continue to send more corporate executives to join our learning.

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Sun Yichen, head of the MBA program

At the exchange forum, the class teacher, Ms. Sun Yichen, delivered a speech, and she cordially praised Thea Company as a loving, responsible and responsible enterprise. She said that the study of MBA is not only in the classroom, but also requires students to go into excellent enterprises to learn and communicate in depth, understand their industry business philosophy, operating model, corporate culture, management strategy, etc. Pudiwen Education is dedicated to the party, shoulders the mission and responsibility of the continuing education industry, and helps business elites from all walks of life. Walk with the excellent people, go to the bright future together!

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ On-site listening and communication

The independent exchange session course conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges on issues such as operation and management, corporate culture, and development prospects. Starting from their own industry fields, the students freely discussed from the two dimensions of depth and breadth, spoke freely in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, shared successful experience in business, and realized the collision of ideas in the true sense.


Students gather here from a busy time, and the food and wine can not be disappointed. After the exchange meeting, the students went to the dinner party carefully prepared by The Company. At the dinner, the students tasted the food together, raised a glass together, and wished our classmates a long friendship!

Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

▲ Staggering and interlacing classmates


Shared Beauty • Shared Health • Shared Happiness | Visited the big health industry, The Angthia Group

Alone fast, far away; cohesion, win the future! The corporate visit and exchange activities were carried out through discussion sharing, field visits and other forms, and the students understood and felt the corporate culture and mission value of Chengdu Antia Trading Co., Ltd. The enterprise visit and exchange activity was successfully concluded, thanks to the warm invitation and warm reception of Chengdu Portia Trade Co., Ltd., I wish Thun tia to become a contributor and leader of a healthy society in the new era as soon as possible. At the same time, I also hope that students can seize the opportunity, deepen cooperation, and achieve a new situation of win-win cooperation. Take advantage of the momentum to open a better future, let us look forward to the next Pudiwen Education International MBA degree class students' excellent corporate visit and exchange activities!

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