
Wuxi Economic Development Zone: "Big People's Livelihood" in "Small Facts"

author:China Youth Network

"Happy birthday to you..." In the artificial intelligence class of Huazhuang Middle School in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, students in the first (7th) class celebrated their classmates' birthdays with self-designed music programming. At the opening ceremony of the school sports day, the robot dance designed by the students also amazed the audience.

Feng Minchao, a staff member of the Education Bureau of Wuxi Economic Development Zone, introduced that the district has invested 100 million yuan to build an artificial intelligence education base, 14 middle schools have built a total of 28 artificial intelligence laboratories, and primary and secondary schools have opened artificial intelligence courses.

On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party, Wuxi Economic Development Zone took the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an opportunity to conduct in-depth mass research, form a list of 103 practical projects in 5 categories focusing on implementing new development concepts, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and providing high-quality and efficient government services, and accelerated the construction of high-quality urban core areas based on "wisdom-driven, people-oriented, and problem-oriented".

Wuxi Economic Development Zone takes "Internet +" as an important starting point, opens up the "last kilometer" of serving the masses in an information-based manner, and provides more "scientific and technological guarantees" for urban governance.

A few days ago, Wuxi's first 24-hour intelligent micro-tax hall was completed, which can realize remote tax functions such as "cloud taxation"; high-frequency enterprise-related affairs can also be directly completed through the "unmanned tax" model, truly realizing "let the masses run less errands and let the data run more".

Yu Zhengye, deputy secretary of the party working committee of the Wuxi Economic Development Zone and director of the party and mass work department, said that the first thing to do practical things is to solve the "urgent, difficult, and anxious expectations" in the lives of the masses.

The roof of the old community Yucai Second Village is seeping water, and the wall surface is full of mold. This summer, the Wuxi Economic Development Zone transformed the old residential area, demolished and replaced the damaged façade rainwater pipes in the community, and repaired and renovated the slope roof and cornice waterproofing, the problem of house leakage was completely solved, and the parking space of the community was re-planned.

Up to now, Wuxi Economic Development Zone has set up more than 9,500 new charging points in residential areas, transformed a number of old residential areas, involving 135,600 square meters, and integrated the transformation of old residential areas with the improvement of back streets and alleys and the construction of block roads, and promoted the overall renewal of the area.

"Sandwich layer" support is a policy introduced by Wuxi Economic Development Zone focusing on practical problems. Zhou Liling, deputy chief of the civil affairs section of the Social Undertaking Bureau of Wuxi Economic Development Zone, introduced that the "sandwich layer" at this stage refers to the group with a per capita monthly income of between 1060-2120 yuan. Such groups have low incomes, cannot enjoy the minimum guarantee, and have a more difficult life. The "sandwich layer" support policy is to combine the assistance to low-income marginal families with life, medical care, and student assistance subsidies, and introduce a comprehensive rescue policy of hierarchical classification.

"Before the doctor spent more than 10,000 yuan, the cost was too high." Grandpa Song, a 77-year-old widow and widow, suffered a stroke last year, "The community told me that there is a new policy, you can receive relief money, and the dispensing is cheap." ”

Wuxi Economic Development Zone reached a cooperation with local hospitals to set up a "medical subsidy through train", which provides an annual cumulative subsidy of 600 yuan for the "sandwich layer" family outpatient clinic, and 80% of the first inpatient medical self-payment subsidy, and eligible "sandwich layer" families can also enjoy the Spring Festival one-time condolence subsidy.

At present, the Economic Development Zone has accepted more than 200 households applying for the "sandwich layer", and more than 110 households have been authorized to compare financial assets, and after economic verification, investigation and verification, and social publicity, more than 50 households have been officially enjoyed policy treatment since October.

Intern Chen Yuwei China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Runwen Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily