
Chasing the light | "Snow Country" Chongli "Open Board"! Slide together towards 2022

author:Xinhuanet client

It was getting colder

However, there are a group of people in the goose who are fiery inside

I'm also eager to try to go out "wild"

That's right, it's all because...

Here it comes!

Chongli 2021-2022 snow season is coming!

Chasing the light | "Snow Country" Chongli "Open Board"! Slide together towards 2022

How can we live up to the snow that nature has given us?

Come and join me

"Cloud Experience" "Snow Country" Chongli Flying!

Chongli is located in the northwest of Hebei Province

It belongs to the transition zone between the Inner Mongolia Plateau and the North China Plain

The altitude ranges from 814 meters to 2160 meters

The mountains are undulating and the green mountains are beautiful

Densely forested and vast grasslands

It is one of the places with the largest area of natural secondary forest in Hebei Province

Chasing the light | "Snow Country" Chongli "Open Board"! Slide together towards 2022

For the Winter Olympics

The forest cover here has increased from 52% at the end of 2015.

Up to 67% today

The greening rate of trees in the core area of the Olympic Games reached 80%

Not only that

The entire Winter Olympic town has been renewed before this snow season

↓↓ Poke the video to see the latest changes in Chongli Town! ↓↓

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Only you can't think of it, you can't do it without Chongli!

With the footsteps of Chongli "opening the board"

Let's slide together towards 2022!

Chasing the light | "Snow Country" Chongli "Open Board"! Slide together towards 2022

Reporters: Yang Fan, Qin Jing, Jin Haoyuan

Editors: Niu Mengtong, Ji Jiadong, Huang Xuguo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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