
Yuyang District held an economic operation scheduling analysis meeting

author:Market Weekly
Yuyang District held an economic operation scheduling analysis meeting

In order to comprehensively analyze and judge the economic operation of Yuyang District since this year, identify problems to make up for shortcomings, strengthen measures to grasp implementation, and ensure that all goals and tasks for the whole year are fully completed, on October 19, Yuyang District held an economic operation scheduling analysis meeting.

Yuyang District held an economic operation scheduling analysis meeting

Cui Fei, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, attended the meeting and made a speech; Wang Xingang, member of the standing committee of the district party committee and executive deputy governor of the district, presided over the meeting; Bai Chendong, member of the party group of the district government, He Li, deputy district governor, Du Zhilong, Fu Zhen, and Gao Laiwei attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Wang Jianjun, vice chairman of the District CPPCC Committee and director of the District Development and Reform and Science and Technology Bureau, briefed on the construction of key projects and fixed asset investment in 2021, and arranged the deployment of economic operation in the fourth quarter; the person in charge of the District Statistics Bureau reported on the economic operation of Yuyang District in the first three quarters.

In 2021, Yuyang District arranged 184 key projects, and as of now, 144 have resumed work, with a resumption rate of 78.3%. In the first half of the year, Yuyang District achieved a regional GDP of 58.978 billion yuan, an increase of 16.8% year-on-year; in the first three quarters, the local fiscal revenue of Yuyang District reached 6.09 billion yuan, an increase of 35.3%.

Cui Fei pointed out that since the beginning of this year, Yuyang District has conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployments of the higher levels on steady growth, comprehensively deepened reform to promote economic development, adjust the structure, and improve people's livelihood. It is necessary to clearly understand the situation, identify the gaps, strengthen confidence in development, enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for doing a good job in economic work throughout the year, bite the goal, self-pressure, sprint hard, work hard and quickly, and promote sustained, healthy, and stable economic development.

Cui Fei stressed: All levels and departments must take immediate action, set firm targets, highlight key points, and strive to fight a decisive battle in the fourth quarter. It is necessary to pay close attention to the expansion of investment in projects, increase the impetus for attracting investment, strengthen the steady growth of industry, highlight the characteristics of strong agriculture, promote the integration of culture and tourism, and keep the bottom line to ensure safety. The departments of regional development and reform and science and technology, emergency response, energy, rural revitalization, health and health, and ecological environment should formulate relevant key work promotion mechanisms as soon as possible, work hard for a long time, and go all out to grasp the implementation.

Cui Fei demanded that we should take multiple measures to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, earnestly strengthen the investigation of personnel from key areas such as Xi'an City, Yinchuan City in Ningxia, and Zhangye City in Gansu Province, be cautious and consistent, strictly guard against death, and resolutely consolidate the hard-won results of prevention and control. It is necessary to overcome difficulties with stronger perseverance, revolutionize the old and the new with greater determination, start a business with a more practical style, emancipate the mind, reform and innovation, redouble efforts, go all out to complete various goals and tasks, and strive to write a new chapter in Yuyang's high-quality development.

(Source: Yuyang District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】