
In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

author:Triple solar terms
In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day."

Although the original intention of the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao was to describe the joy after the spring, the story of seeing the Chang'an flowers in one day can happen on any spring day. From the sting to the qingming, walking around the flowers is a basic respect for spring.

In the Book of Poetry, the cloud "peach dreams and burns its glory", and people especially loved the peach blossoms in the spring in the pre-Qin period. Pink and willow green are the most representative colors at this time, and they are also people's typical imagination of "beauty". Li Yu of the Qing Dynasty said in "Idle Love and Occasional Mail": "The unanswered peach is extremely delicate in color, resembling the face of a beautiful person, and the so-called 'peach cheeks' and 'peach jing' refer to natural unanswered peaches." It can be seen that the peach blossom is like a beauty, with the peach blossom burning, there is "out of its east gate, there are women like clouds", the opportunity to meet love, are in the leisure time of stepping on the green and watching the flowers.

In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

<h1>Peach blossoms burn</h1>

There are more people walking around and watching flowers, and customs have become festivals and an indispensable part of cultural inheritance. By the Wei and Jin dynasties, the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar was explicitly set as the Shangwei Festival. This is a waterside feast, a spring festival in the countryside, and on this day, whether it is an otaku or a young child, you have to leave home and go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of spring. As in the pre-Qin dynasty, unmarried men and women can still choose to make love in the flowers.

"In the late spring of March, jiangnan grass grows, miscellaneous peanut trees, and warblers fly wildly." Among the miscellaneous flowers of raw trees, the peony blooms the most in late spring and March. At this time it is the end of spring, peony is called "temple spring", according to the description of the ancients, peony flowers bloom "haoshi crazy incense has never met, red lights flash green pan dragon", both beautiful and pitying, is the interpretation of people's hearts. If the man and the woman are in love with each other, give each other a peony flower. The emotionally rich Chinese ancestors celebrated the Shangwei Festival as China's Valentine's Day, which is the romanticism of spring alone.

In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

Song Anon. 《Spring Tour Late Return Map》

In the Tang Dynasty, when the time came, it became more interesting to watch flowers, as the poet said, "If you stay in the forest and flowers, you are a flower watcher when you go out." ”

According to the "Tang Dialect", the Tang Dynasty and the first queen, the people of the same year gathered to feast and drink, and the first feast was set in the Qujiang Apricot Garden south of Chang'an City, called the Flower Tan Feast. At the banquet, the youngest of the two "young juns" was selected, called the Tanhua Envoy, and let them visit all the famous gardens in Chang'an City to explore the flowers and fold the flowers. If someone else folded the famous flower first, these two Tanhualang would be fined for drinking, which is an interesting story of Chang'an Tanhualang. In the Song Dynasty, this custom still existed. After the Southern Song Dynasty, the third place in the first class of the scientific examination hall was called Tanhua, and the three generations of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties remained unchanged. Therefore, although the champion of that year was the best in learning, Tanhua must be talented and complete, so as not to live up to the reputation of "Tanhua".

"The chang'an women travel in the spring and wild, and when they meet famous flowers, they set up mats and grass, and hang them in red dresses, thinking that they are feasting." According to the record of the "Kaiyuan Tianbao Testament", the scholar and girl who did not have the pressure of scientific expeditions to enjoy the spring flowers were in a much more relaxed mood than the scholars. About a few girlfriends out, on the road encountered famous flowers, simply in front of the flowers in a circle, sitting on the ground, enjoying the flowers and drinking, not also happy. Such a fashionable lifestyle is not inferior to modern people.

In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

Japanese people not only watch the cherry blossoms, but also set up a table, spread mats and plastic sheets under the cherry blossom trees, set up sake dishes and karaoke, drink wine, sing and perform, the Japanese call Hanami. Image source Visual China

The Tang people's way of appreciating flowers later spread to Japan, and to this day, the elegant fun of setting up a table in front of the flowers is still popular in Japan.

Among the blossoms of spring, the Japanese people love cherry blossoms. Even in Japanese, "cherry blossom time" refers to "spring season". Cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, with their beauty in the flock. Every spring day, the pink cherry blossoms are like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and the sky is gushing, and the ground is shaded, and even the excitement and excitement of the flower watchers are carefully drowned in it. Japanese flower-watchers used to perform divination under cherry blossom trees and ask the god of agriculture to bless the rain and wind for a year. The tradition of worshipping the gods under the flowers still originates in China. In Japan, this ancient custom later evolved into "Hanami", and from the Heian period onwards, the Imperial Palace held a cherry blossom feast every year in the middle age, which was the grace of the magnates at that time. In the Edo period, cherry blossom viewing in the spring and feasting under the flowers, "Hanami" finally became a national event in Japan, and cherry blossoms eventually became a symbol of Japanese group culture.

Every year during Japan's cherry blossom season, when the flowers are still budding, Japanese television stations have begun to promote the attractions and routes of cherry blossom viewing in the island country from south to north, which is called the "cherry blossom front" report, which predicts the opening of cherry blossoms in various places and guides people how to enjoy the flowers. In order to attract attention, the media will even investigate the cost of going to different places to enjoy cherry blossoms, people's favorite snacks and drinks when viewing cherry blossoms, and so on. This kind of group activity, formed by the unity of aesthetics, is difficult to see in other parts of the world. From the flower watchers in the Upper Forest of Chang'an City to the cherry blossom watchers in the mountains of Japan, the transmission of culture continues its vivid vitality in the collective order.

In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

Ming Dynasty "Reclining Smoke Cage Chart Axis"

Of course, not everyone is willing to go out and look at the flowers, and there are many dead houses among the literary and artistic youth in ancient times, but they are more particular about the way of viewing flowers.

Han Xizai of the Southern Tang Dynasty during the Five Dynasties of China liked to arrange flowers and burn incense, and he believed that "the incense burning of flowers has a flavor and its wonderfulness: wood rhinoceros Yi gentian, Di Yi Shen wood, Lan Yi Four Absolute, smiling Yi Musk, Zhan Zai Yi Tan, is for the 'Five Yi'".

It seems that flower arrangement and incense burning are a bit extravagant, but by the time of the Song Dynasty, the art of flower arrangement did develop into its heyday. After the Song Dynasty, people gradually stopped celebrating the Festival, but in the spring flowers were still to be rewarded, not only to be rewarded, but also to fold home from between the fields and slowly watch. The song dynasty flower arrangement was all the rage and was known as one of the "Four Arts of Life".

Ouyang Xiu of the Northern Song Dynasty said in the "Luoyang Peony Record" that "the customs of Luoyang are mostly good flowers; in spring, there are no nobles in the city who arrange flowers." ”

Chang'an flower viewing, Luoyang flower arrangement, from the Tang To the Song, spring flower viewing gradually abandoned the pursuit of form and pomp, and began to transition to a moral aesthetic. While watching the flowers, the Song people also discussed the art of flower arrangement, such as the choice of flower materials, the meaning of flowers, the production of flower arrangement containers, and the composition of flowers and leaves. The Song people look at flowers, with "Qing" and "sparse" as the beauty, which is also the influence of Song Ming Science on life.

In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

Flower arrangement, the beauty of spring

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the theory of flower arrangement was more mature. The Ming Dynasty "Flower Calendar" came out, saying that "spring is plum, for begonias; summer is peony, peony, for pomegranate; autumn is wood, for lotus, chrysanthemum, winter is wax plum", what moon to see what flowers, are clearly written. In the flower arrangement, the famous literary scholar Yuan Hongdao wrote twelve articles of the "History of Bottles", which are both beautiful prose and art forest. This book is mainly about the art of flower arrangement, not only was the master of Chinese flower arrangement theory at that time, but also after the introduction of "Bottle History" to Japan, it was respected by the traditional Japanese flower road community, studied as a textbook, and even formed a school of Japanese flower road - Hongdao Stream, which had a huge impact on Japanese flower road art.

From this time to the Qing Dynasty, flowers were still popular throughout the country, and people who watched flowers in spring were still endless. The most exquisite part of Chinese flower viewing culture is the harmony between man and nature, so that you can also become a part of beauty.

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In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

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In the spring when the flowers are in full bloom, the peach blossoms of the elegant life are scorching

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