
The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided

author:Market Weekly

On the morning of November 1, the meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded) of the county party committee was held in the government conference hall to convey the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded), and arrange for the deployment of Guangling County to implement the work.

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided

Wang Liping, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech, in which she stressed that all levels of Guangling County should regard studying and implementing the spirit of the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress as the primary political task at present and for a period in the future, gather ideological consensus, gather the strength of officials, practice political loyalty in the new journey of promoting high-quality development in an all-round way, and hand over high-scoring answers to the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee with excellent results.

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided

Wang Chonghu, Liang Jie, Chen Honggang, Liu Yuqing, Li Qingchun, Yu Yongjun, Yang Peining, Wang Yongfeng, Cao Liqiang, Ren Yongliang, He Hongwen, Yang Lixin, and other county leaders, other county and department-level leaders, responsible persons of party committees and government work departments, and party committee secretaries of various townships and townships attended the meeting.

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided
The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided

The meeting pointed out that the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress was an extremely important meeting held at a crucial moment in realizing the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and toward the second centenary goal of building a socialist modern power in an all-round way. Focusing on the overall situation of development, the meeting put forward development ideas and goals for the next five years, providing a program and pointing out the direction for doing a good job in future work. The work report made by Secretary Lin Wu on behalf of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee reviewed and summarized the historical achievements made by Shanxi Province in the past five years with the "six major achievements", profoundly put forward the "four hows" of the "question of the times", accurately put forward the "seven paths" and target requirements for promoting high-quality development in an all-round way, and delineated the blueprint for Shanxi's future development. On October 30, the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee focused on the implementation of the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress, focusing on the specific requirements of the "eight focuses" from the three aspects of improving the political position, implementing the benchmarking table, and in-depth study and publicity, and all departments at all levels in Guangling County should conscientiously study and understand and implement the standard.

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided
The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangling County CPC Committee (expanded) conveyed the spirit of studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) Wang Liping presided

The meeting stressed that studying, publicizing, and implementing the spirit of the Twelfth Provincial Party Congress is the most important political task at present, and cadres at all levels should profoundly understand the theme of the congress, accurately grasp the rich connotations, and achieve absolute unity of ideology, politics, and action.

First, we must persist in "learning words first" and consciously walk in the forefront of studying and implementing the spirit of the provincial party congress. It is necessary to accurately understand the connotation and focus on achieving "five grasps", one is to firmly grasp the main line of "promoting high-quality development in all directions", the second is to firmly grasp the development positioning of "three districts and three places", the third is to firmly grasp the realization of the new road of transformation, the fourth is to firmly grasp the strategic layout of "a group of two districts and three circles", and the fifth is to firmly grasp the fundamental requirements of reform and innovation. It is necessary to do a good job in comprehensive study, take the study and implementation of the spirit of the provincial party congress as an important content of strengthening theoretical armament, combine it with the implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech, combine it with the study and education of party history, and combine it with the implementation of the spirit of the sixteenth party congress of the city. It is necessary to do a good job in creating an atmosphere, give full play to the advantages of the mainstream news media and various effective carriers, publicize and report the spirit of the provincial party congress at multiple levels and from multiple angles, and promote the spirit of the meeting to cover every grass-roots organization and every party member and cadre.

Second, we must adhere to the principle of "taking the lead in dry words" and quickly transform the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee into a powerful driving force for all-round high-quality development. At present, we must focus on firmly grasping the "seven major issues," first, grasp dispatch and stable operation, grasp economic operation as the "No. 1 work" of all units, earnestly show a sense of urgency that cannot wait and cannot be delayed, dig out the growth potential of various indicators, do our utmost to make up for shortcomings, and promote the quality of Guangling County's economic operation to a higher level. The second is to grasp projects and promote development, around the growth of guangling county's high-quality development of major projects, set up a special work class, concentrate on promoting, every week, every month to see the progress, see the problem, see the actual results. At the same time, it is necessary to actively adapt, understand and implement the "Shanxi Action" of carbon peaking, highlight the stock, strictly control the increment, and effectively build all-round high-quality development on the basis of green ecology. The third is to grasp the platform and create an environment, profoundly understand the instructions and requirements of Secretary Lin Wu on the development zone "from expanding the area to improving efficiency, from homogeneous competition to differentiated development, from focusing on the hard environment to creating an excellent soft environment", to strengthen the development of the hard platform, to create an excellent development soft environment, so that the soft and hard environment "grasp with both hands, two mistakes, two promotions". The fourth is to pay attention to safety and stability, to do a good job in security and stability maintenance and epidemic prevention and control work during the Sixth Plenary Session, and relevant departments should thoroughly study and judge the current situation, pay close attention to formulating work plans and emergency plans, and resolutely guard the "moat" of the capital. The fifth is to grasp the creation and strive for the first-class, focus on the creation of "provincial civilized counties", according to the standard requirements of the evaluation system, supervise one by one, refine the quantitative work tasks, and complete them with quality and quantity. Continue to deepen the "one rectification and four promotions" to ensure that the listing is created as scheduled. The sixth is to consolidate and seek revitalization, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation with high quality, rectify the problems as the main line, comprehensively promote dynamic monitoring, industrial development, employment support, pay close attention to the implementation of policies such as education and medical care, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of preventing poverty return. Promote rural revitalization with high quality, firmly establish a global overall thinking, solidly promote rural construction actions, focus on consolidating and expanding the results of the "six chaos" rectification action, normalize the implementation of the "six cleansing" action, and achieve the goal of "six noes" in the whole region. At the same time, we will actively dock preferential policies at higher levels to ensure that we are at the forefront of provinces and cities. The seventh is to grasp the basics and benefit the people's livelihood, to stabilize the "basic disk" of employment, to accurately carry out recruitment activities and entrepreneurial support actions, to do a good job of "first good education", to promote the "three" strategy of famous schools, famous teachers and famous students in depth, to accelerate the pace of the construction of fully enclosed high school projects, and to promote the comprehensive progress of rural education resources in the county. It is necessary to create a "healthy guangling", adhere to the "three-pronged approach" of medical facilities, service levels, and team building, and attract a number of health care industry projects. It is necessary to do a good job in winter heating and "coal to electricity" projects to ensure clean winter and warm winter.

Third, we must adhere to the principle of "putting real words first" and display first-class political responsibility with a pragmatic and pragmatic style of doing solid work. Leading cadres at all levels should comprehensively enhance their ability to implement, improve the level of implementation, strengthen the effect of implementation, and take on the responsibility of pragmatic and pragmatic work to promote the spirit of the provincial party congress to take root and blossom. County-level leaders and "top leaders" at all levels should personally grasp implementation, highlight the results of implementation, take responsibility for implementation, build a platform to grasp implementation, and change the style of work to grasp implementation. We should regard the study and implementation of the spirit of the meeting as the primary political task at present and for some time to come, truly study and study, really do solid work, strive to be first-class, and hand over high-scoring answer sheets to the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee with unrepentant achievements!

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