
2020 Examination "Insects" segment training and answers

author:Let's have a couple of drinks together

2020 Examination "Insects" segment training and answers

(1823–1915), .

The book "Insects" has been translated into many different languages, and it has its place in the history of natural science and literature in France, and is known as "".

(i) (2019·Lianyungang)

(1) Cicadas are very fond of singing. In the cavity behind its wings is a cymbal-like instrument. It is not satisfied, but also to place a kind of castanet in the chest to increase the intensity of the sound. Because of this huge castanet, there is no place for the organs of life, so they have to be pressed into the smallest corner of the body. Of course, to be enthusiastic about music, then the only way to reduce the internal organs to place the instrument.

(2) But unfortunately, the music it likes so much cannot arouse interest in others at all. Even I haven't found the purpose of its singing. The usual conjecture assumes that it is calling out to a companion, but it is clear that this opinion is wrong.

(3) The cicadas have been next to me for fifteen years now, almost two months in each summer, and they never leave my sight, and the song does not leave my ears. Whether in drinking water or acting, they never stop singing.

(4) So it seems that they are not shouting at their companions, and if you think about it, if your companions are in front of you, you probably won't spend a whole month shouting at them!

(5) Actually, as I think, the cicadas themselves cannot hear the songs they sing. It's just an attempt to force others to listen in this tough way.

(6) It has a very clear vision, as long as it sees who is running, it will immediately stop singing and quietly fly away. But the noise was not enough to disturb it. Even though you stand behind it and talk, blowing the whistle, clapping your hands, hitting the stones, the calm cicada continues to sound as if it were all right.

(7) Once, I borrowed two earthen hammers for the countrymen to do a happy event, filled with gunpowder, and put it under the plane tree outside the door, and we carefully opened the window to prevent the glass from being broken.

(8) The six of us waited below, eagerly listening to what would happen to the band overhead. "Touch!" The gun was released, and the sound was like thunder.

(9) Not at all affected, it still continues to sing. It showed no sign of panic or disturbance, nor did it change slightly in the quality and quantity of its sound. The second shot, like the first, had no effect.

(10) I think that after this experiment, we can be sure that the cicada is inaudible, like a deaf person who is extremely deaf, and it cannot feel the sound it makes at all!

1. What kind of body structure does the cicada's singing originate from?

2. What are the characteristics of the line-drawing sentence language in paragraph (3), please analyze it slightly.

3. In the natural paragraphs (7) to (10), what is written? From this, we can see what kind of academic attitude the author has?

(ii) (2019· Yichang) Mysterious Pond

□ Fabre

(1) Although the diameter of this stagnant pond is no more than a few feet, it is like a vast, mysterious and colorful world under the nurturing of the sun. I don't know how many busy little lives will come alive. How it can impress and arouse a child's curiosity! Let me tell you how the first pond I remember deeply captivated me and sparked my curiosity.

(2) When I was a child, there was a group of ducklings in the family, and I was a shepherd boy who herded ducks.

(3) As soon as the ducklings arrive at the pond, they rush to find food, and after eating and drinking, they go to the water to bathe, they often put their bodies upside down, and their tails point to the air, as if diving ballet. I admired the graceful movements of the ducklings, and when I got tired, I looked at other scenes in the water.

(4) What is that? On the dirt, I saw several pieces of rope wrapped around each other thick and loose, dark and heavy, like heavy soot, and I walked over, trying to pick up a section and put it in the palm of my hand to look closely, but I didn't expect that this thing was sticky and slippery, and suddenly slipped away from the crack of my fingers. It took me a lot of effort to recognize them as tadpoles.

(5) Then my attention was drawn to something else. I watched the spring water flow to the small pond and merge into a stream, and it occurred to me that if I regarded the stream as a small waterfall, I would be able to push a water mill, so I made a shaft out of grass and supported it with two small stones, and successfully made a mill, but unfortunately only a few ducklings came to appreciate my masterpiece.

(6) Then I found something splendid and beautiful in the stone seat. It reminds me of the story of the legend of the dragon. Are they the treasures that the dragon gave me? Want to give me countless pieces of gold? In honor of the "treasure" I found, coupled with curiosity, I put the stones in my pockets and stuffed them full.

(7) On the way back, I thought about my blue-clad beetles, snail-like beetles, and the treasures given by the dragons, but as soon as I stepped into the house, my parents' reactions disappointed me.

(8) "Hurry up and throw these things out!" Father yelled at me.

(9) "Little devil, something is about to charm you!" That's the magic of nature. A few years later, I learned that the "diamond" by the pond was actually a crystal of a rock; The so-called "gold grains" are nothing more than mica, and they are not treasures given to me by some dragon, but for me, the pond has always maintained its allure, because it is full of mystery, and those things seem to me far more attractive than diamonds and gold.

1. What specific things in the first pond in Fabre's memory sparked his curiosity?

2. Carefully ponder the key words in the text, and say what good learning qualities Liebul has.

3. Judging from Fabre's later achievements, why is the charm of "those things" far better than that of "diamonds and gold"?

Standard reading training

(1) The pretend death of insects

How is the situation between this dwarf and the giant so different? As soon as the giant was left facing the sky, it stood still, and it had to pretend to be dead for an hour before turning over and fleeing. The strong giant takes the cowardly approach, while the weak dwarf takes the immediate escape, and the contrast between the two is so great, what is the reason? So I tried to see how the dangerous situation would affect it. As the big black-headed black-footed armor lay motionless with its back to its lower abdomen facing up, I wondered, what enemy would it be better to let appear in front of it? But I couldn't think of what its natural enemy was, so I had to find an insect that made it feel like an attacker.

So I thought of buzzing flies. Doing experiments on hot days, flies buzzing around, is really annoying. If I don't put a bell-shaped hood on the big-headed black-footed armor, and I don't guard it, then the nasty flies will definitely fly on my subjects, so that the flies will help and can probe for me the virtual reality of the big-headed black-step armor that is pretending to be dead.

When the fly landed on the big black step armor and just scratched it with its own thin claws, its tarsus had a slight trembling reaction, as if trembling from the slight oscillation of direct current electrotherapy. If the uninvited guest simply passes by, pauses for a moment, and then leaves, then the slight fluttering reaction will soon disappear; if the uninvited guest does not go, especially if he is moving in his mouth soaked with saliva and overflowing food juice, then the tossed black-headed black foot armor will immediately kick his legs and kick his feet, turn over, and flee.

1. What insects do the "dwarfs" and "giants" mentioned in the selected articles refer to? In order to study the situation of insects pretending to be dead, which insect did Fabre choose as the object of study? (Plot Overview)

2. Please talk about it in conjunction with the original work, in Fabre's experiment, under what circumstances will the big-headed black step armor enter the state of pretending to be dead, and under what circumstances will it end the state of pretending to be dead? (Plot Overview)

3. In order to study the feigned death of insects, Fabre repeatedly and continuously carried out many different experiments, and carried out rigorous analysis and verification, what kind of enlightenment is this for you. (Reading Experience)

(2) Cicadas out of the hole

In addition, pale and blind larvae are larger than they are in their mature state. It is full of fluid in its body, as if it is suffering from edema. Pinch it with your fingers, and the tail will ooze a clear liquid, making your whole body wet. Is this fluid discharged from the intestine a form of urine? Or is it just the residual juice after digestion of the stomach that absorbs the juice? I'm not sure, but for the sake of convenience, I'll call it urine.

Oh, this pee fountain is the mystery. When the larvae dig forward, they also wet the powdery mud at any time to make it mushy, and immediately use their bodies to press the paste mud against the cave wall. This elastic wet soil is pasted on the original dry soil, forming a mud that seeps into the rough soil crevices. The thinnest slurry penetrates into the innermost layer; the rest is squeezed again by the larvae, piled up, and coated in the empty gaps. In this way, the tunnel is unimpeded, and no floating soil is gone, because it has been put on the spot and turned into mud, which is more porcelain and symmetrical than the original unpolluted soil.

The larvae work in this slimy mud, so when it comes out of the extremely dry ground, it is covered in mud, which makes people feel very strange. The adult worm, though completely freed from the dirty and tiring work of the miners, did not completely discard its urine bag; it preserved the remaining urine as a means of self-defense. If anyone gets too close to observe it, it will shoot a bubble of urine at the uninteresting person and fly away. Although the cicada prefers to be dry, it is a great waterer in both of its forms.

However, although the larvae are full of liquid, it still does not have as much liquid to wet the floating soil dug out of the whole hole and turn the floating soil into a mud that is easy to compact. When the reservoirs dried up, they had to be refilled. Where to store water, and how to store water? I felt vaguely aware of the answer to the question.

1. Combined with the content of the selected paragraph, summarize what is the role of cicada "urine". (Plot Overview)

2. At the end of the selected essay, it is mentioned that "I feel that I have vaguely seen the answer to the question", what is the answer to this question? Please talk briefly about the original content. (Plot Overview)

3. Lu Xun commented that "Insects" is a model for "telling insect stories" and "telling insect life", which is very interesting and beneficial to read. Please give an example of what insect stories in Insects make you interesting and insects that you learn. (Plot overview, enlightenment experience)

(3) Praying mantis predation

The elytra then spread out and dragged diagonally on either side; the wings spread out in their entirety, like two parallel sails standing up, like a large crown on the back; the ventral end curled up into a crank, first cocked, then lowered, and then suddenly trembled, relaxed, and then made a popping sound, like the sound made when the turkey spreads the screen. It is also like the sound of a suddenly frightened swimming snake spitting out its core as a child. The body is proudly supported on four hind legs, and the upper body is almost vertical. The hijacking claws that had previously contracted against each other's chest were now fully open and protruded in a cross shape, revealing armpits decorated with rows of pearl grains, with a white heart and black dot in the middle. This black dot is like the spots on the peacock's tail feathers, coupled with those fine ridges of ivory, which are its magic weapons when fighting, usually hidden, but only in order to appear fierce and terrible during fighting, arrogant and domineering, it is revealed. The praying mantis stayed motionless in this peculiar posture, staring dead at the large locust, the other party moving, and its head also turned slightly. The purpose of this posture is obvious: the praying mantis is a prey that wants to frighten and frighten the paralyzed, and if the latter is not frightened, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Did it work? No one could figure out what was going on in the bright head of the ant or behind the locust's long face. No panic appeared in front of our eyes on their numb masks. However, it is certain that the threatened person is aware of the danger. It saw a monster standing in front of it, holding aloft its double hooks, ready to pounce; it felt itself facing death, but it did not flee in time. It was originally a long-legged jumper, good at high jumping, and could easily jump out of the range of the opponent's claws, but it was stupid to stay where it was, and even slowly approached the other party.

It is said that the bird will be paralyzed when it sees the snake's open mouth, and it will not move when it sees the snake's fierce gaze, allowing the other party to swallow. Many times, locusts are more or less like this. Now it has fallen into the range of deterrence from the other side. The praying mantis slammed down two large curved hooks, clawed them, and closed their saws and clamped them. The unfortunate locust has no power to fight back: its large jaw cannot bite the praying mantis, and its hind legs are just kicking wildly. Its little life is over. The praying mantis put away its battle flag, its wings, reproduced its normality, and began to eat.

1. What is the magic weapon for the mantis to win when fighting in the selected essay? (Plot Overview)

2. Combine the original book to talk about what other habits or characteristics of Fabre's praying mantises have, and try to give three examples. (Plot hookup)

3. What are the characteristics of the language of the selected text, please find specific examples from the text for analysis. (Artistic Features)

(4) Large peacock butterfly

The day after the invasion, I found eight of the visitors in the lab who had raided the night. They hovered motionless on the crossbar of the second window that was closed. The others flew away at ten o'clock in the evening through the passage that came in, the first window that was all open day and night. These eight persevering ones were exactly what I was going to do for the experiment.

I used small scissors to cut off the tentacles of the big peacock butterflies from the roots, but did not touch the rest of their bodies. They did not react to the procedure. No one moved, but only slightly flapped their wings. The operation was very successful: the wound did not seem to be very serious. The large peacock butterfly with its tentacles cut off did not fly around in pain, which was the best for my experimental plan. At the end of the day, they remained silently motionless on the rung of the window.

There are a few other things left to do. So I moved the bell hood and the "female prisoner" and put it on the ground, under the porch on the other side of the house, fifty meters from my laboratory.

As night fell, I checked out my eight operating animals for the last time. Six of them had already flown away from the open window; there were two left, but they had fallen to the floor, and I turned them over so that they were facing the sky on their backs, and neither of them had the strength to turn over. They are exhausted and dying. Don't blame me for the bad surgery. Even if I don't use scissors to cut off their antennae, they will still age and die.

1. What is the main purpose of this experiment conducted by the author in the selected articles? (Plot Overview)

2. The original work also wrote about other habits of the big peacock butterfly, try to give three examples. (Plot Overview)

3. What kind of scientific attitude does the line drawing sentence express the author? Fabre's research on the great peacock butterfly was ultimately not satisfactory, what do you think about this? (Inspirational Experience)

(5) The marriage customs of Jin Bujia

A few days later, I saw a similar scene, but the ending was complete. It is still a female golden step that bites a male gold step from behind. The bitten person did not resist anything, but struggled in vain to get rid of it. Finally, the skin cracked, the wound enlarged, and the internal organs were dragged out and swallowed by the humpty woman. The woman plunged her head into her companion's belly and cut it into an empty shell. The poor victim's paws fluttered, indicating that he had died. The executioner did not relent and continued to dig as deep into his abdomen as possible. All that remained of the deceased was the elytra, which were hugged into small hanging baskets, and the upper body that was still connected, and nothing else was left. The empty shell that had been stripped clean was left in place.

That's probably how the golden armor died, and it was always the males who died, and I saw their remains in the cage from time to time. Survivors probably died like this. From mid-June to August 1, the initial 25 "inhabitants" plummeted to five female golden beetles. All 20 males were disemboweled and stripped clean. Killed by whom? It seems to be the work of the female gold step armor.

First of all, I have the privilege of seeing it with my own eyes, as evidenced by it. I have twice seen female gold beetles eat males under the elytra wings in broad daylight, or at least attempt to open them without attempting. As for the other killings, if I have not seen them with my own eyes, I have a very strong evidence. Everyone had just seen it all: the captured Male Jinbujia did not resist, did not defend himself, but just struggled desperately and fled.

1. The selected article describes what kind of "marriage customs" exist in Jin Bujia? In the original work, the author also mentioned which insects have similar "marriage customs", please give two examples. (Plot Overview)

2. What are the characteristics of the language of "Insects", try to analyze it in combination with the selected articles. (Artistic Features)

3. The waist seal is a paper tape wrapped in the middle of the cover of a book, which belongs to the external decoration. The girdle is usually printed with short promotional and promotional texts related to the book. Please also write a paragraph of waist seal recommendation for "Insects". (Inspirational experience, artistic features)

(f) Italian crickets

Depending on whether each bow is rubbed on the corpus callus of another elytra (which is itself rough) or on one of the four smooth radiative wing veins, the crickets make a different sound. This may partly explain why timid crickets, suspecting danger, confuse us with their voices, making them feel elusive from front to back.

The strength, loudness, and dullness of the voice make people have the illusion of distance, which is the superb artistic means of the cricket, the belly whisperer, and there is another reason for this illusion, which is easy to find. When the sound is loud, the elytra is fully erect, and when the sound is dull, the elytra is somewhat sagging. When the elytra are in a drooping state, their outer edges are pressed to varying degrees on the soft side of the cricket, which reduces the area of the vibrating part and makes the sound smaller.

There are so many crickets singing at night in my garden. The little creatures in this small world are probing each other and answering each other with their beautiful and clear voices, or they can be said to be indifferent to other singers, but they are just expressing their feelings. High above, above my head, the swan constellation stretches its gigantic cross in the Milky Way; below, just around me, crickets are singing symphonies, one after another, and up and down. These little lives that sang my joyful voice made me forget about the stars. Those eyes in the sky blinked calmly and indifferently, looking at us, but we knew nothing about them.

1. What is the principle and function of crickets that can make people feel the illusion of distance, please summarize briefly. (Plot Overview)

2. Please appreciate the line drawing sentence from the perspective of rhetorical techniques. (Artistic Features)

3. What is the reason why the author does not look at the stars in the sky, but focuses on the song of the crickets, please summarize the theme of the article accordingly. (Inspirational Experience)

(7) Fireflies

One thing is very strange: the eggs of fireflies, even in the body of their mother, glow. If, while catching, I accidentally broke the egg-filled belly of a female firefly, I would see a stream of juice flowing down my fingers, as if I had broken a sac filled with phosphorus. I looked carefully with a magnifying glass, and it was indeed the light emitted by the eggs that had been squeezed out of the ovaries. In addition, when it is about to give birth, the fluorescent light in the ovaries has already appeared, and the surface of the female firefly's belly is already revealing a soft milky white light.

The eggs hatch soon after they are laid. Firefly larvae have a small lamp on both the tails of both the female and the male. As winter approaches, the larvae want to go underground that is not too deep, at most three or four inches deep. In the winter, I dug out a few larvae from the ground and found that their taillights were always on. As April approaches, the weather warms up and the larvae burrow out of the ground to continue their evolution.

All in all, I learned through observation and research that fireflies have been glowing since the day they are born and until the end of their lives. Its eggs are glowing, its larvae are glowing; the female fireflies are lit with gorgeous lamps, and the male fireflies keep the small lamps they already had in their infancy. I can say that I already know something about the role of the female firefly's light band, but what is its taillight for? I regret to say that I don't know yet. Insect physics is more esoteric than the physics in our books, and this question may be a mystery for a long time, even forever.

1. What characteristics of fireflies can you summarize from the selected articles? (Plot Overview)

2. In connection with the original book, tell us what the prey that the fireflies prey is, and how does it hunt? (Plot Overview)

3. Fabre wrote "Insects" in addition to truly recording the lives of insects, but also reflecting social life through the insect world. Please give an example from the original book to talk about your understanding. (Inspirational experience, artistic features)

(viii) Pear-shaped dung balls of scarabs

Scarabs have two ways to avoid food drying. First, it used its broad-armed armor to press hard against the outer layer of the pear-shaped manure ball, resulting in a more uniform, dense, protective coat than the center. If I crush a canned food made this way, the outer skin usually falls off at once, revealing the core in the center. This reminds me of the core and kernel of a walnut. The mother scarab only touches a few millimeters of surface when pressed, so a shell appears. It didn't press deep, so the big kernel in the middle was also separated. In the hottest days of summer, housewives would put bread in sealed jars in order to keep their food fresh, and the mother scarab did the same thing by pressing it into a shell to protect the food of the children inside.

The scarab did much more than that: it became a geometrist, able to solve the smallest problem. All other things being exactly the same, evaporation is apparently proportional to the size of the evaporation surface. Therefore, in order to reduce water loss, it is necessary to keep the area of food as small as possible; but it is also necessary to make this smallest area contain the maximum amount of nutrients in order for the larvae to eat well. So, what kind of shape can achieve the minimum area and the volume can meet the requirements? According to the geometric answer, it is spherical. The scarab thus processes the larvae's food into a spherical shape, while the pear neck is temporarily ignored; this spherical shape is not the result of blind mechanical conditions imposed on the scarab a necessary shape; nor is it the result of rolling on the ground and suddenly obtaining it. As we have seen, in order to make it easier and faster to get the food it collects elsewhere to eat, the scarab processes the food into a spherical shape without moving its position. In short, we have admitted that this sphere was made before rolling.

1. How does the scarab in the selected essay avoid drying out food? (Plot Overview)

2. Many insects in "Insects" have their own small skills for survival and reproduction, please give two examples to prove the wisdom of insects. (Plot Overview)

3. After reading "Insects" and understanding the process of Fabre's scientific research, try to summarize the connotation of "scientific spirit". (Inspirational Experience)

(ix) Tunnel bee guards

This tunnel bee, which stands guard at the entrance of the cave, is older than the other tunnel bees. It is the builder of the house, the mother of the tunnel sisters who are now busy collecting pollen, and the grandmother of the tunnel bees who are still larvae. Three years ago, when he was still a flower season "girl", he worked hard and exhausted. Now that its ovaries have shrunk, it's time to rest. No, the term "rest" is used incorrectly here. It's still working, it's doing its part for the family. It can no longer have children and becomes a "janitor". It opens and closes doors for its own family and shuts strangers out.

The cautious and suspicious lamb looked out through the crack in the door and said to the wolf, "Let me see your paws, or I won't open the door." Grandma Tunnel Wasp was equally cautious and suspicious, and she also had to say to the visitor, "Let me see your tunnel wasp yellow paws, otherwise I won't let you in." "If you are not considered to be your own family, no one wants to enter the hole." Let's take a look. An ant passed near the cave. The ant was a brazen outlaw who wondered why the sweet scent of honey wafted up under the hole. The tunnel bee "janitor" twisted his neck, meaning, "Get out of the way, or you'll die!" "Usually, this intimidating gesture is enough. The ants saw this and quickly walked away. If it doesn't go, the tunnel bee "janitor" will fly out of the hole and pounce on the bold maniac, pushing it and driving it away. After driving it away, the tunnel bee "janitor" immediately returned to the post and continued to stand guard.

1. What is the role of the story of the suspicious little goat quoted in the selected essay? (Artistic Features)

2.Please analyze the characteristics of the selected essay in terms of writing style. (Artistic Features)

3. What inspired you from the tunnel bee's "old doorman"? (Inspirational Experience)

(10) Pine caterpillars

On the third day, everything was still the same as the next day. It was a very cold night, and the poor caterpillar suffered another night. I found them split into two piles along the edge of the pot, and no one wanted to queue up anymore. They are held close to each other so that they can be warmer. Now that they are divided into two teams, it is reasonable to say that each team should have its own leader, and they can not follow others and each carve out a way of life. I'm so happy for them. Seeing their big black heads tentatively probing left and right in confusion, I thought it wouldn't be long before they could get out of this terrible circle. But soon I realized that I was wrong again. When the two separated teams met, they formed a closed circle, and they began to circle around all day again, unaware that they had missed a perfect escape opportunity.

It was still cold one night later. The pine caterpillars were all crowded into a pile again, and many of them were squeezed to the sides of the silk track, and when they woke up the next day, they found themselves outside the track, and they followed a leader outside the track, who was crawling into the flowerpot. There were seven adventurers out of the track, while the rest of the caterpillars didn't pay attention to them and were still going around in circles.

The caterpillar who arrived at the flowerpot found that there was no food there, so he had to return to the team according to the same path as the silk thread had instructed, and the adventure failed. If the path of adventure chosen was to work outside the pot rather than inside, the situation would be very different.

Another day passed, and another day passed after that. The sixth day was very warm. I noticed a few brave leaders, too hot to bear, so they stood on the outermost edge of the pot on their hind feet and made a gesture of jumping out into the air. Finally, one of them decided to take a risk, and it slipped down the edge of the pot, but before it was halfway there, its courage vanished, and it returned to the pot to share the bitterness with its compatriots. By this time the caterpillar team on the edge of the basin was no longer a complete circle, but was disconnected somewhere. It is precisely because of a single leader that there is a new way out. Two days later, on the eighth day of the experiment, thanks to the opening of new roads, they had begun to climb up and down from the basin, and by sunset the last pine caterpillar had returned to its nest at the foot of the basin.

I calculated that they had walked for a total of forty-eight hours. The distance around the circle is more than a quarter of a kilometer. Only when it was cold at night did the procession lose order, causing them to leave the track and reach home almost safely. Poor ignorant pine caterpillar! Some people always like to say that animals have understanding, but in them, I really don't see this advantage. However, they eventually returned home without starving to death on the edge of the pot, indicating that they still have some brains.

1. What does the author want to prove experimentally? (Plot Overview)

2. Please cite the other two habits of pine caterpillars from the original book. (Plot Overview)

3. What did the author's experiments and their results in the selected essays teach you? (Inspirational Experience)

(xi) Striped spiders

The spider's display of motherhood is even more impressive than the genius displayed when hunting for food. Its nest is a silk bag in which its eggs are laid. Its nest is more mysterious than the nest of birds, shaped like an inverted balloon, about the size of a pigeon's egg, with a wide bottom and a narrow top, and a flattened top, surrounded by a circle of clam-shaped edges. On its entirety, it appears to be an egg-shaped object supported by a few wires.

The top of the nest is concave and resembles a silk bowl. The rest of the nest is covered with a thick and delicate layer of white satin, embellished with ribbons and some brown or black patterns. We can immediately guess the effect of this layer of white satin, it is waterproof, rain or dew can not soak it.

In order to prevent the eggs inside from being frozen, it is not enough to keep the nest away from the ground or hide in the dry grass, and there must also be some special thermal equipment. Let's use scissors to cut open this layer of rainproof satin wrapped on the outside. Below this we find a layer of red silk. This layer of filament is not as fibrous as usual, but a very fluffy bunch. This substance, softer than the fluff of a swan and warmer than the stove of winter, is the bed of comfort for the little spiders of the future. The little spiders are not exposed to the cold air in this comfortable bed.

After the nesting work was completed, the spider walked away in a slow stride without looking back. Never come back, not because it's cruel, but because it really doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Time and sunlight will help it incubate its eggs, and it doesn't have the energy to worry about it anymore. When it made the nest for its children, it had used up all the silk, and there was no more silk to prey on itself. Moreover, it has no appetite of its own. Aging and exhaustion caused it to die peacefully after a few days in the world. This is the end of the life of the spider in my box, and the inevitable destination of all the spiders in the bush.

1. Combined with the selected article, what are the characteristics of the nest of the striped spider? (Plot Overview)

2. There is no shortage of insects with great motherhood like striped spiders in "Insects", please give two more examples from the original book. (Plot Overview)

3. The class holds a reading sharing meeting, assuming that you want to recommend "Insects" to the students, please take the content of the selected text as an example to share your reading feelings and experiences with the students. (Inspirational Experience)

(xii) Immunity to scorpions

The reaction of the goldsmith flower golden turtle clearly tells us that it has immunity to scorpions. But even if there is an insect in the insect class that can prevent the scorpion from stabbing, it should not be the goldsmith flower golden turtle. Because it did not intersect with the place where the scorpions were infested, it was almost impossible to see each other, and besides, the larvae of the goldsmith flower golden turtle were not injected with poisonous needles, and the larvae I placed in front of the scorpion were probably the first goldsmith flower golden turtle larvae that saw the scorpion. What is puzzling is that although they have no defenses, they have the ability to resist scorpion venom.

The hedgehog's ability to destroy snake venom can be explained by the fact that this is a specialty necessary for them to pursue this profession, which is a logical statement. The most beautiful bird that also lives on the Mediterranean coast, the hummingbird, will be safe and sound if its belly is filled with live wasps; the cuckoo's stomach is full of caterpillars but does not itch; because the occupation they are engaged in requires so.

I wanted to get some fat bugs that could tolerate scorpion stabs. So I found some grape root pillar rhinoceros turtle larvae from the rotten roots of the olive tree. These bugs are only the thickness of a thumb and live like a small fat intestine. After being stabbed by a scorpion, this chubby bug burrowed into the rotten olive wood block I had prepared for it in a large bottle, and they did not care about the sudden accident, and they ate it very well. Eight months later, he was still fat and strong, and had prepared a nest for himself, intending to transform into it, which could undergo terrible experiments but was safe and sound.

In order to get more accurate results, I also need to find more bugs to cooperate. The two laurel trees in front of my house happen to be suitable, these two laurel trees, verdant and turquoise all year round. But a nasty celestial cow destroyed them, and in order to save my tree, I had to use an axe to help.

I cut off the most damaged roots, and from a split trunk, I got twelve Celestial Bull larvae. It's time for me to settle accounts with them, it has ruined my greenery, and I'm going to make it accept my scorpion experiment and die under the scorpion's poisonous needle. After receiving the experiment, the adult Tianniu soon died, but the larvae survived, nibbling on wood fragments in large bottles. I found the celestial cow on the oak tree again, and the result was the same. The horned adult is dead, but the larvae are indifferent to the scorpion's poisonous needle.

1. In the selected essay, what is the purpose of the author's experiment? In the original book, what is the author's final conclusion? (Plot Overview)

2. Contrast is Fabre's common writing method in "Insects", please analyze what comparisons the author has made in combination with the content of the selected articles, and what effect is this? (Artistic Features)

3. Connect with the original work, combined with real life, talk about the inspiration you got from Fabre and his "Insects". (Inspirational Experience)