
Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

author:Erya book friends

I haven't read a poem in a long time and was touched by the verses. I haven't finished a novel quietly for a long time because it's too long. Books, reading books, and reflections that tell you how to learn how to live fast are not limited to this.

The more anxious a lot of text is, why do you have to solve a problem quickly, and it is not very good to quietly read a book. If you can't finish reading for a long time, or don't have time to read, then choose a writer you like for a long time but have not started reading for a long time, read a short article of theirs, understand their writing style and emotional thoughts, and then read their long story if you like.

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

This set of booklets of the Penguin Modern Classic has 8 volumes, 8 writers, and the lineup is luxurious, they are the French genius female writer Sagan, the Nobel Prize writer Albert. Camus (1957) and John. Steinbeck (1962), Andy Warhol, the father of pop art, Susan Sontag, the "conscience of the American public," and others.

50% of the content is the first translation of the introduction of the work, just the length of the text, including novels, essays, notes, speech collections, poems, etc.

The content of this set of books is about the avant-garde art, the representative works of intellectual literature, known as the "Avant-Garde Voice", bilingual in Chinese and English, the theme of ideas involves love and loneliness, art and society, personality and rebellion, etc. After reading, we can help us understand the characteristics of avant-garde culture in the 20th century, and how writers present their rich and unique souls through words.

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

Françoise Sagan is known as a genius French writer who is said to enjoy horse racing and drag racing, gambling and alcoholism, and lives a luxurious and indulgent life, and she is said to have had unusual friendships with Sartre and former French President Mitterrand, which also adds a special aura to her mystery. But what she loves most is writing.

Although I have not yet read "Hello, Sorrow" when she was 18 years old, the comments all say that her text is concise and calm, lightly melancholy, showing the beauty of French, unfortunately I do not understand French. However, from the "Little Lover" included in the Penguin Modern Classics, this set of small green books can be seen to see her talent,

"His beautiful Cred coat... She glanced at it casually, the clothes were brownish gray, and Nicholas's thick and silky hair was maroon, blending in with the colors of autumn. "So many autumn colors," she muttered, "your clothes, this wood... My autumn..."

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

Albert Camus's charm is still to be said, in 1957 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for "passionately and calmly articulating contemporary questions posed to the human conscience". How many people bought that copy of "The Outsider" because he was handsome like a movie pictorial.

Even if you can't read Sisyphus, you will collect a copy, and even if you haven't read Plague, you know what he said. In this little green book, his speech "Creative Danger" is the first translated work, which can be seen in the speculation that he has been entangled between artists and politicians:

"To talk to everyone about everyone, you have to talk about what everyone knows and the reality that is shared by all of us. The sea, the rain, the necessity, the desire, the struggle with death are the ones that bind us together. We are similar to each other by what we see together and the suffering we endure together. Each individual has a different dream, but the reality of the world is shared by all of us. Therefore, the effort towards realism is justified because it is fundamentally related to the prospect of art. ”

"Beauty has never enslaved anyone. On the contrary, every day and every second of thousands of years, beauty is alleviating the enslavement of millions of people, and occasionally liberating some of them completely. After all, the greatness of art lies in the eternal tension between beauty and pain, between love for humanity and the madness of creation, between intolerable loneliness and weary crowds, between rejection and promise. ”

Art moves forward between two huge cracks of "frivolous boredom" and "political slogans." ”

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

Carson McCullers, one of the most important American writers of the 20th century, fell ill and suffered a kind of alienation and loneliness in her works, and those who loved her words may have also fallen into loneliness and alienation, calling for love and understanding.

In China, McCullers' ashes follower was the writer Su Tong, who once said that his preference for McCullers was perhaps unreasonable, and that there was no murder in her writings, but there was humiliation and betrayal more brutal than murder; there was no smell of blood, but there was a sadder ending than the dead. "

I feel this way in reading the short stories "The Troubled Boy" and "The Sojourner", the mysterious beauty of the mystery.

In the end, you don't know if the "time" of the boy's fear will appear again, the seemingly understated text always tugging at your heart, will that time come, where did she go?

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

It is necessary to understand that the original meaning of "vanguard" comes from the famous French Dictionary of LaRousse, the so-called "vanguard" refers to the vanguard of an armed force, whose task is to prepare this armed force for entry into action, where "vanguard" is a military term.

The history of the term "avant-garde", which began with the French Revolution and later became a term in the field of culture and literature and art, began in the early 19th century. In the field of novels, avant-garde novels belong to a kind of pure literature, so the avant-garde must also be based on pure literature, that is, to achieve a certain degree of avant-garde, the novel must first have pure qualities.

Pure qualities, not for pleasing and convincing, nor for flattery and flattery.

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

Primo Levy, an Italian national treasure writer, was a writer and chemist, and a prisoner of Auschwitz 174517. His writing, life, memories and reflections in the concentration camps. These words are creations, but also testimonies. The 1997 film Aftermath is based on Primo Levy's autobiographical novel of the same name. The film depicts how Levy overcomes the trauma of war and becomes a normal person again. The Survivor collection of poems reads:

Until the prophecies come true, until your strength is exhausted, until you also end up: not a bang, but a silence, like a November tree stripped of its leaves, like someone finding a stopping clock.

If we were reunited, in the good world above, in the daylight, how would we face each other?

Penguin Classic Little Green Book Mint Green just right, wait for me to say goodbye to Summer

Also, andy Warhol, an advocate of pop art, would feel that true artists are confident. Before admiring his artwork, read his essays "Love" and "Fame."

"I'm fascinated by people with good smiles. You can't help but wonder what makes them smile so beautifully. ”

"Whenever someone writes a particularly harsh report, I always resign myself to it, because what right do you have to say that the article is not the truth?"

"You should have a product, and that product can't just be 'you.'"

Summer has just passed, what ceremony to say goodbye to summer, in this blue cloudy day, the early autumn of the yellow leaf land. Penguin modern classic set of small green books, mint green just right, small folio light, can be carried around, read at any time, Chinese and English bilingual text, especially the size of the English font is just right.

This set of books has a face and a soul, you may wish to let the heart stop for a moment, enjoy the purity of the text at the same time, and the favorite writer to have a spiritual handshake.