
"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

"Attention, this is Beijing."

"Shenzhou 12, I am Beijing."

"The Great Wall reports that the cockpit environment is normal."

"Beijing understands."

"Announcement of the launch results."

Did the small partner who watched the live broadcast of Shenzhou 12 once "brainwashed" by the password of "Beijing understands"?

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

The voice is clear, the whole process is calm, meticulous, netizens were asking at the time, who is the handsome guy on the screen?

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

Before the identity was announced, he could only be given a cute nickname, "Beijing Great Understanding".

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994
"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

Now, the answer has been revealed, he is the chief dispatcher of Shenzhou XII Beijing, Gao Jian.

According to the People's Daily, Gao Jian, who was born 94 years ago, has participated in many missions such as Chang'e 4 and Changwu B's first flight, which is his first time to serve as the general dispatcher of Beijing.

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

June 23 "Heaven and Earth Call", Gao Jian at work

"Thanks to the concern of netizens, although the voice of the dispatch sounds very calm, but the heart is extremely excited." Gao Jian recently responded to his own popularity, "The excitement is because I am fortunate to participate in such a national brand mission, which is calm because there is the guidance of the predecessors behind it, and there is a strong team to support the efforts of all astronauts." ”

It is worth noting that careful netizens found that sitting next to Gao Jian in the June 23 tiandi call work was Yang Yanbo, the beijing general dispatcher of the Shenzhou 8 mission in 2011 and the first flight mission of the Long March 7 in 2016.

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

In 11 years, he was also popular because of his calm and calm performance and handsome face, and was called "God Starling" by netizens.

Xinhua News Agency previously said that Yang Yanbo is a 03-level graduate of the School of Telecommunications of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and after studying at the school for four years, due to his excellent academic performance, he was given the opportunity to pursue a master's degree at Xi'an Jiaotong University.

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

Picture from Guangzhou Daily

Aerospace science and technology personnel are excellent, @ our space said, "Beijing understands" is a kind of inheritance.

"Beijing understands" is him, the beijing general dispatcher in 1994

"People's Daily" commented, "China's aerospace, a road to the strong, can not be separated from the relay struggle of generations of astronauts to climb, to China's aerospace industry countless strivers, climbers, you are all handsome (beautiful) !!! ”

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