
40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

author:Love skincare

In the small projectile land of the entertainment industry, the star bumping shirt is a matter of probability. All actresses have to rush to wear the new models of the season, lead the trend, whether on stage or offstage, shirt collisions can happen.

However, as the saying goes, "Bumping shirts is not terrible, who is ugly is embarrassed", this sentence may be used in ordinary people, but not in stars! After all, as a public figure, his every move will be magnified countless times, and it is inevitable that female stars will be compared by netizens after colliding with their shirts, and they can only think that they are unlucky!

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

Some time ago, 40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and the two actually wore the same long skirt, and invariably wore a white top:

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

In the photo, Zhang Ziyi's face is emaciated, and he has a low ponytail, which looks gentle and intellectual. And Yin Tao's face is full of collagen, which looks more girly. In addition, Yin Tao coiled the head of the ball, and tied a black bow on the chest, which looked very playful and cute, looking much younger than Zhang Ziyi.

Many netizens said: This same frame, 40-year-old Yin Tao is much smaller!

These two people are one of the film queens, the other is the queen, are rare talented women in the entertainment industry. But to tell the truth, over 40 years old can be maintained into such a way, which has made ordinary people look beyond reach!

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

How do you slow down your aging and stay young like these actresses? Compared to expensive skin care products, yoga is a life-friendly and healthy recipe for age reduction. The practice of yoga can dredge the meridians, detoxify and nourish the face, and many people keep themselves active by practicing yoga.

If someone around you is practicing yoga, you will find that her spirit is quite full every day. Not only is the posture better, but the temperament and energy are also improving.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

Consistently practicing yoga can really make you more and more attractive, because yoga takes care of not only our bodies, but also our emotions.

Negative emotions are an important factor affecting human health, 80% of the problems of the human body come from bad emotions, these negative energy, will become tangible toxins, clogged in our body.

Our body has a natural metabolic balance system, immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc., which will help us to excrete excess or unwanted old substances and toxins from the body. When the toxin content in the body is not high, our detoxification system is not destroyed, showing a balanced state, these toxins into the body will be dissolved in the blood or bile, and then by the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin and other corresponding organs responsible for detoxification, and finally through urine, feces, breathing, sweat excreted.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

However, if these detoxifying organs are not functioning properly and are out of balance, toxins will accumulate in the body and cannot be excreted, which is prone to the situation that even if you are not sick, you always feel that your body is very tired. Generally speaking, when we feel uncomfortable, we will look for corresponding symptoms and then prescribe the right medicine. Like a cold that requires cold medicine. But if we feel mentally tired, we may not do anything, let it go, ignore it.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

But in fact, emotional channeling is very important, if the mood is not good, it will also affect our physical health.

Have you ever had this experience? Obviously, I slept a lot, but I still felt tired when I woke up, or my head was groggy when I got up, as if I was getting tired the more I slept. I can't say what's wrong with my body, but I can't lift my body.

If the above conditions continue to occur or even recur, it may mean that your chakra energy has been out of balance!

For example, if the menstrual period is not smooth, endocrine disorders, it represents the "lower abdominal chakra" energy imbalance located in the lower abdomen of the body. If you often feel headaches and dizziness, it means that there is a problem with the "eyebrow chakra" located in the center of the forehead, and it needs to be re-conditioned to find the balance of energy.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance

It is important to always pay attention to yourself and adjust the balance of your chakras in time. Today we share a set of stretching exercises that drive away negative energy that can help us detoxify our emotions and open our heart chakras.

The well-balanced chakra energy travels through the chest cavity upwards into the shoulders and arms, as well as to the neck and face. To achieve a balanced form of energy for our heart chakras, we need to be willing to open our hearts by relaxing the chest, upper back, shoulders and neck, etc., while releasing those emotions that cannot be processed for the time being and are suppressed, such as fear, sadness, disappointment, melancholy, etc. Learn to open your heart and accept yourself on every level.

Next, we move on to the practice, where you can put on a soft and soothing piece of music that allows you to relax in the flow of music and asanas.


Emotional detoxification

Recommended Practice Cycle: Practice more than 3 times a week

Video duration: 8 minutes

Practice duration: 20 minutes

Difficulty level: ★★★ ☆☆

| Asana Benefits:

Open the heart chakra, release emotional stress, and make the body and mind more relaxed.

| Practice Notes:

1. Do not eat for one hour before and after the exercise, or eat a small amount.

2. People with high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma or half a year after surgery should not carry out difficult actions, pregnant women and menstrual women please practice targeted courses.

3. If you feel physical weakness or spasm during the exercise, you should stop practicing immediately.

4. If there are no special requirements during the practice process, please use your nose to breathe.

5. People who have suffered injuries to their neck, shoulders, back and lower back must first obtain the advice of a doctor or instructor before deciding whether to start practicing yoga postures.

▼ Action parsing

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance


Fold the blanket into long strips, resting on the armpits of the shoulders, with both hands on the back of the head. Put your feet together on the ground, open to your sides, and breathe in this motion. Inhale, feel the position of the heart chakra in the chest expand, exhale, feel the position of expansion relax, and extend this feeling of relaxation from the chest back to the back. Leave on for 5 minutes.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance


Lying on the floor, the left hand open to the left and the right hand to the chest, the palm of the hand wide open, so that each finger is separated. Turning his head to the right, his feet straightened forward, his left ear pressed to the ground, and he felt his heart chakra between his chests stretching in the direction of his left arm. Leave on for 1-2 minutes on each side.

Advanced Approach:

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance
40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance


Lie on your side, with your left hand resting under your ears, your right hand straight to the side, and your knees bent at 90°. Inhale, right hand pulled high to the sky, shoulders away from ears.

Exhale, the right hand leads the body to the right, starting from the heart chakra to relax, the sensation extends from the right chest to the right armpit, and extends this feeling of relaxation to the armpit, the right arm and the entire palm of the right hand. Inhale, pull your right hand back to point to the sky, exhale, and let your right hand back on the floor on your right. With the breath, repeat this action a total of 8 times, and then change sides.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance


Place two yoga bricks on the mat, lie down on your back, let the two yoga bricks be on the middle back and behind the head, spread your hands on the sides of the body, palms up, and stay for one minute.

40-year-old Yin Tao met 41-year-old Zhang Ziyi, and even wore the same long skirt, which was really tender or tender at a glance


When this is done, the body lies on its side, removes the bricks, lies down on its back, and enters the rest.

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