
Get to know people from the mahjong table, and use the mentality of playing mahjong to do career and school

author:Sunny day doll yeah

Get to know people from the mahjong table, and use the mentality of playing mahjong to do career and school

Get to know people from the mahjong table, and use the mentality of playing mahjong to do career and school

Meet people from the mahjong table

Human nature, in many cases can be covered up, that is to say, can be disguised, the true face can not be revealed for a while, to examine the nature of people, there is a good place to go, that is, the mahjong table, where the nature of man is exposed, there are also people who want to disguise, but the desire for interests quickly burns away the false veil draped over him, look at the performance of people on the mahjong table, each performance is enough to express people's inner world, the following face some of the behavior on the mahjong table to make some interpretations, and make small talk after tea and dinner, please do not sit on the number.

1. People who play their cards quickly and without thinking - have a straight temperament and like to go straight.

2. Every card is played, the hesitant person - cannot be trusted.

3. A person who loses his temper without playing a card for a while - impatient personality, likes to complain about things.

4. Nine times out of ten people who want to "fire the cannon" and also play cards - dare to dare to do in life, only focus on the result regardless of the process.

5. The person who makes a mistake always has to find a reason - the face is serious, and the person is rigid with the matter.

6. The old love of the back card sutra - do anything to drag mud and water, mother-in-law mother-

7. The person who does not say a word at the end of a round - the city government is deeper, and treating people and things always gives people the feeling of "only being in this mountain, the clouds are deep and do not know where".

8. In the bureau, the rich are always in debt - the sense of monetary interests is stronger, and it is best not to become a partner in the business field with this person.

9. The person who has fun at the end of the game and wins or loses never asks questions - he has great feelings for his friends, has a major career, and in his subconscious will not offend his friends for the sake of the small sections of life.

10. People who always complain about other people's mistake cards - life is always "calculating, making a big fuss, and nitpicking".

11. The person who always likes to scream on the bar - passionate about friends, outgoing, love and hate, jealousy and hatred, his expression is a barometer of emotional changes.

12. People who are unhappy and love to throw cards - people who are always resentful in the face of adversity and cannot afford to lose.

13. People who don't play cards in order – life is sunny, has an amazing memory, and does things eclectically.

14. People who are neatly aligned and orderly – rigorous, conformist, old-fashioned, inflexible.

15. People who play cards first – fear of failure and value the outcome of the process.

16. The person who plays the card first and then touches it - no matter whether it is right or wrong, he will never regret it, believe in the arrangement of fate, and have a firm belief.

17. The one who is always unclear – sloppy.

18. People who don't know how to play their cards at critical times – they are indecisive and undisciplined.

19. A person who draws a card in advance before the card is played - he loves to steal and slip, is dishonest, and it is better to have less contact.

20. You pay 5 yuan with 100 yuan, don't find you to make up for it, don't let you owe him, but say that you owe you 95 yuan - his life principle is, I'd rather bear others than others bear me, an extremely selfish person.

22. The luck has always been bad, but it is silent – able to face setbacks correctly and wait patiently for fate to turn around.

23. Lose money and always pay it in cash without complaint, never owe, on credit - very honest people.

24. The first one, someone "and" up, the first one to give money - must be a very serious person, he does not owe others, others can not owe him, nails are nails, rivets are riveted. It is a person who obeys the rules, and it is also a person who pays attention.

25. He who wins money carries money, and whoever loses owes money – he must be a man who sees money and forgets profit.

26. At the table, he who does not say a word, "and" gives money - he must be a loyal and honest person in life.

27. There are a few who are long without "and" and want all kinds of playing styles - this kind of person has a bad mentality, can't hold his breath, has a confused thinking, has no patience, and is a self-centered person.

28. A person who is usually reluctant to speak, who sits at a mahjong table and talks a lot - this kind of person is purely an entertainer, does not care whether he wins or loses, is an expression, he is either a big money, or a person who is an official or a person who does not care about money.

29. People who are afraid of cannons and always tear down "houses" - such people will be careful about everything, afraid of wolves before tigers. This kind of person can save money in life, but he can't make a lot of money.

Get to know people from the mahjong table, and use the mentality of playing mahjong to do career and school

Work, learn and start a business with the mentality of playing mahjong

The analysis of the mentality of mahjong players is as follows:

1, strong concept of time, punctuality and trustworthiness, dedication: not late, not early departure, a little careless overtime, diligence never called bitter, professionalism can be first-class. For example, the four people agreed to play mahjong in advance, in order not to miss the time, one of them came 20 minutes early, but when he arrived at the house, the other three had arrived in front of him first, and this one said very politely, "Sorry, sorry, I came late." Is he late? No! Originally 20 minutes early, he said he was late. In the eyes of mahjong players, as long as one person arrives first, other people who come later are considered late.

2, do not dislike the environment, do not care about the conditions: there is a place on the line, you see which mahjong comes in and says: What is the condition, but first look at where the card table is, where the mahjong is, the goal is clear. Regardless of whether the ground is kang or kang, there is a card table on it. A few squares, smoking, athletes, are acceptable. In the process of success, endure all harsh environmental factors.

3, there is a team spirit: no need to choose a leader, no one to organize, four people are naturally together, when they arrive, they will find work, take the initiative to code cards. Three lacks and one moment of impatience.

4, do not pick the treatment, do not talk about pomp: as long as you give some simple food on the line. At this time, if you invite him to a high-end restaurant to eat seafood, he will definitely say, "There is something wrong with you." Well! Well! No, if you're in the mood, just get a bowl of noodles or a few steamed buns for each of us. ”

5. That is, actively responsible and good at helping each other: whose card who codes, never delay, but also take the initiative to help people code, such as a person to go to the toilet, come back to see that others must give the code well. When the cards fell on the ground, everyone took the initiative to pick them up, and no one said, "Well, you touched it, and I don't pick it up."

6. If something goes wrong, take the initiative to find your own reason: multiple circles of discord, borrow someone else's lighter to burn your own stinky hand, or go to the bathroom to wash this stinky hand with soap. There is no excuse, excuse is the great enemy of work, the great enemy of life. They have truly achieved "only to find a way to succeed, not to find a reason for failure." 

7. Have an investment concept: win or lose with a smile. Lose today, get it back tomorrow! No money to repay loan sharks!

8. Mahjong players have three specialties (drilling), namely concentration, professionalism, and research:

The so-called concentration is to concentrate on it once you get on the card table, and it is most annoying for others to ask questions and make mistakes. At this time, no matter who said anything to him, as long as it was something that had nothing to do with playing mahjong, he didn't seem to hear it, that is, his house was on fire, and he would say: What is the hurry! Wait until you're done playing this card.

The so-called professional, for example: code cards do not need to count two six a five, the dice play the point two, six, ten, the next family first grab the card; three, seven, eleven wear, the home first grasp; four, eight resistance, the upper family first grasp; five self-hand, playing dice people first grab; twelve to the end, is also the first to grasp the family. It is really simple and procedural to achieve complex things, and it will be easy to master and operate once you learn.

The so-called specialty, people who have been playing mahjong for a long time will mostly touch the cards with their hands, and they can know what this card is without looking at it and touching it with their hands. Someone asked how to feel eighty thousand? He said that using his thumb to push to the sides to skim the middle gap was eighty thousand. What about ninety thousand? He said: Skimming up the past is ninety thousand...

9. Love to use your brain to talk about tactics: stare at the home, look at the next home, defend against the home, remember well, that card, and a few, in whose hands, how to stay, what to play. Diligent.

10. Good at observing the situation will choose, will analyze: when their own cards do not expect to be harmonious, do not have the confidence to play outside, to see who is and the smallest, to find out the best plan, at least can lose less. Not negligent at all. They understand that "the details make or break".

11. Have the spirit of persevering to the end and never giving up: one does not hit, touch the next one! A handful of nonsense, look down! Simple things are repeated, repetitive actions are done happily, do not eat, do not go home, play until the turnover, and even stay up all night. As long as you are in the card field, you can win money. Losing today and coming back tomorrow is really "never giving up".  

12. Be good at learning the strengths of others: often stand behind the master and nod and smile, learning what you want.

13. Have a healthy attitude of aiming, moving forward courageously, and being positive and optimistic: often opposed by family and friends not doing the right thing, and still relish it!  

14. Have a heart that knows how to be grateful: touch the cards, bar cards, and thank the people who help you listen to the cards. When the hu card is played, it will be even more thankful to the person who fired the cannon!

15. Can think in a different position, know how to change themselves: when they are not harmonious in many circles, they must say to one of them: "Come, let's change positions." ”

16. No favoritism and fraud, iron-faced selflessness: even if father and son are at the same table, no one will give in, no regrets are allowed to play cards, and money should be given to win or lose, "fathers and sons clearly settle accounts."


If you can put this mentality of playing mahjong into your career, what will you not be able to do? Ensure that your business is 100% successful!

In our time, if people in all positions have the mentality of playing mahjong people, why worry that work cannot go up to the next level; if our students have the mentality of playing mahjong people, why worry about poor academics.

Get to know people from the mahjong table, and use the mentality of playing mahjong to do career and school

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