
A "brother ~" made the traffic police laugh... | A line of micro

author:Hebei Traffic Police

At 21:42 on October 13, when the police of the Traffic Police Brigade of Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou County, conducted a routine inspection of passing vehicles in Caojiayao Village, Houcheng Town, a small car driver encountered a traffic police inspection, not only did not slow down to cooperate with the inspection, but accelerated to escape the scene, and was subsequently caught by the police.

In the face of the police's inquiry, the driver Zhao always refused to answer positively. Asked why he ran into the card and escaped, he used the words "did not hear" and "misunderstood" to argue, and called it "in order not to obstruct traffic".

The driver, Zhao Mou, claimed to have only drunk one bottle, but the strong liquor emitted by his body was really unconvincing. The driver Zhao Mou saw that the police were unmoved by his cunning words, and even began to stage a number of dramas to the police. First of all, she was spoiled, softly pleaded, and a "brother ~" made the police laugh.

A "brother ~" made the traffic police laugh... | A line of micro

Then he used the urgency of urination as an excuse to delay time, and finally became emotional, crying that it was not easy for him to work, and there were many tricks, like a drama possessed.

The police let it cooperate with the exhalation alcohol test, but the driver Zhao Mou played a little clever, one moment blowing and leaking, the next moment using his tongue to block the blowing port, repeatedly blowing more than thirty times, and finally successfully completed the alcohol test under the persuasion and education of the police. After exhalation alcohol testing, the alcohol content in the body of the driver Zhao Mou was 180mg/100ml, and he was suspected of driving a motor vehicle drunk.

A "brother ~" made the traffic police laugh... | A line of micro

When arriving at the hospital for blood testing, the driver Zhao said that he had stomach pain and refused to cooperate, and then with the assistance of the police, the hospital staff successfully obtained a blood sample. After blood testing, the alcohol content in the blood of the driver Zhao Mou was 216.64mg/100ml, which belonged to the drunken driving of a motor vehicle.

A "brother ~" made the traffic police laugh... | A line of micro

According to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the public security traffic management department imposed a penalty of revoking his driver's license and not being able to re-obtain a driver's license within 5 years, and his drunk driving behavior was suspected of dangerous driving and also bear criminal responsibility.