
How can the manufacturing industry take advantage of the east wind of the industrial Internet to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon peaking?

author:Guangzhou forces to control Yuanhai

At present, the main source of carbon emissions in China is still the energy industry. According to data, the energy industry accounts for more than 80% of the total carbon emissions of the whole society, of which the carbon emissions of electricity are about 4.4 billion tons, accounting for 43% of the total emissions of the whole society.

How can the manufacturing industry take advantage of the east wind of the industrial Internet to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon peaking?

It can be seen that the top priority in reducing carbon emissions lies in energy reform, and decarbonizing the power industry is the top priority. In the era of digital economy, digital industrialization and industrial digitalization are not only slogans, but more importantly, enterprises should seize such an outlet to jointly build and operate the energy industrial Internet platform and implement the transformation.

How can the manufacturing industry take advantage of the east wind of the industrial Internet to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon peaking?

With the help of the industrial Internet and industrial big data, we can comprehensively standardize the management of energy-saving services for enterprises, and realize the construction of an energy-saving service management system with institutionalization, institutional process, process formalization, and form informatization, so that enterprises can strategize and win thousands of miles away.

How can the manufacturing industry take advantage of the east wind of the industrial Internet to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon peaking?

In the future, we will increase investment in digital infrastructure fields such as data centers, cloud computing, and industrial Internet, and deepen the layout, and it is imperative for green industrial enterprises with intelligent manufacturing as the core, and it is bound to give birth to more advanced information technology to help industrial enterprises and achieve cost reduction and efficiency.

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How can the manufacturing industry take advantage of the east wind of the industrial Internet to achieve carbon neutrality and carbon peaking?