
Liu Yuanzhao: The teacher I know Zhu Yongxin and his "To the Teacher"

author:Eight sons Liu Yuan Zhao
Liu Yuanzhao: The teacher I know Zhu Yongxin and his "To the Teacher"

I read Mr. Zhu Yongxin's book like facing a friend who gets along day and night. Mr. Zhu Yongxin is an influential educator at present. I once walked in a school in a certain city in the northeast, and when I looked up, There was Mr. Zhu Yongxin's education aphorism hanging on the wall. These aphorisms can be put together with famous quotes from ancient and modern Chinese and foreign celebrities such as Edison, Newton, Zu Chongzhi, etc. These words, or the aphorisms of the teacher, or the aphorisms of the learning, seem to me to be ordinary sentences, but why do people "worship" them so much?

A few years ago, several of our principal class members went to Ningxia to visit their classmates. I like the desolation of Helan Mountain, the mountains and waters. However, ningxia classmates led us to see the smoke and mist of the "Sand Lake" and proudly introduced: "Stuff the Jiangnan." Among the people we went to, some were from the Central Plains, some were from southern Fujian, some were from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, standing on the "plug", as a Jiangnan person, seeing the landscape of their hometown in a foreign land, they would be excited for a while, but more than that, they were indifferent. It seems inappropriate to put this matter here and say it together. Is it suspected of elevating oneself ,—— elevating oneself to the height of Mr. Zhu, and even more suspected of "Jiangnan narcissism"?

At this moment, I am reading Mr. Zhu Yongxin's "To Teachers" (2014 revised edition of the New Education Library Series of Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House), starting from inadvertent to focused. From flipping through it at random, to making notes paragraph by piece.

Mr. Zhu I am more familiar with. Thirty years ago, he was a professor at Soochow University, and I was a teacher in middle school, and I indirectly followed him on projects. Later, he served as the vice mayor of Suzhou, in charge of education. I worked as a director in the office of the Education Bureau, and often indirectly accepted his tasks to do things, hold meetings, and run documents. Provide drafts for his speeches, manuscripts, and copywriting. The aesthetic will also be tired, I see Mr. Zhu is approachable, there is no official shelf, there is no grand professor's shelf, therefore, lack of special reverence for him.

I remember that Deng Tuo's wife once wrote an article remembering her husband. She sorted out Deng Tuo's manuscripts and read them one by one, only to find that Deng Tuo was so knowledgeable and talented. Then, he said with emotion: The bodhisattvas in the family are not big. People who live around them are often ignored and overwhelmed by daily chores. At this time, I was reading Mr. Zhu's "To the Teacher", which was ten years after he left Suzhou for Beijing, and I devoted myself to reading his first educational monograph. Although I have read a lot before, it is all fragmentary. Now that we have met, we still call him Mayor Zhu and do not like to call him Chairman Zhu (now vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy and deputy secretary general of the Tenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference). During his tenure in Suzhou, he would bring Chinese and foreign educational celebrities to our school from time to time, or hold activities, or visit and exchange. He often invited experts himself, organized teachers to listen to lectures, or opened a bibliography to encourage front-line teachers to read. At that time, I felt that this mayor was not "grasping small and enlarging"? However, after so many years of ups and downs, the years have proved that he has truly grasped the foundation of "education work".

There are two educational celebrities that Mayor Zhu brought to our garden. One is Gao Zhendong, an old man, born in Weifang, Shandong Province. He founded Taiwan's Zhongxin School, which integrates pugao and vocational education, and has been running the school for more than 30 years, achieving three hundred percent of university promotion, employment, and no criminal record. Walking on the campus, he saw every grass and tree, all full of classical Wu culture atmosphere, stopped and said to Mayor Zhu, you are not as comfortable as being the principal here. It touched me instantly. The other is Li Xigui, a young and powerful man. At that time, he was still the director of the Weifang Education Bureau, and after giving us a report, he took a group photo under Ruiyun Peak. He was full of ambition and full of energy. At that time, it seems that the topic of famous principals of famous schools was discussed. This time I read Mr. Zhu's "Persistence is a Miracle - How to Persevere Under Pressure" in Mr. Zhu's "To the Teacher", which made me recall that he seemed to have been alert to me that time, he said:

"I often say to the principals of prestigious schools in many cities, you can be proud, but don't forget, because it is not your teaching level that is particularly high, but your students who make you and your school, your teachers. To be honest, where to put the children of these key schools, they will play well, because in the years of education, they have developed the habit of self-learning, self-education, and self-development. What really makes you look good is that you have to educate poor students well and manage poor schools well. "

Principal Gao Zhendong's school did not get the so-called best educational resources, the best source of students, but he achieved three hundred percent. Mr. Zhu's admonition is justified and a call for justice in education. I believe that all famous schools, including the eleventh school where Li Xigui is now the principal, including Hengshui Middle School, Renmin University Affiliated Middle School, and even century-old schools like us with some foundation, will be "enlightened".

After reading a book of "To the Teacher", I read out three key words: reading, growth, and happiness. The core of Mr. Zhu's concept of education is teachers, and the core of Mr. Zhu's concept of teachers is reading. Reading, growing, and being happy is a line, or a system. Teachers grow in reading, and reading is a matter of the teacher's soul. A teacher must truly grow with a noble soul. Only those who possess noble souls and who are united to a wonderful body can be truly happy. Mr. Zhu advocates "new education", throughout the book, combined with what I see and hear in daily life, I think the essence lies in this.

Mr. Zhu said: "From the perspective of spiritual development, to a large extent, a person's spiritual world is shaped by the books he reads, and what you read, you will become something. Reading books allows us to have a calm mind, a calm mood, a rational mind, and an open mind. ("Standing on the shoulders of the master- how to read professionally?")

In "The Three Treasures of The New Teacher", Mr. Zhu believes that instead of participating in the training, it is better to read books by himself. He said: "Many of the current training is either fried cold rice", "or it is far away from the front-line teachers, those who serve as training teachers, do not know much about the situation in primary and secondary schools, and the front-line work is even more itchy, and the content of the teaching cannot solve practical problems." "

How well said? In some places, some education departments, some schools, the so-called "training", or to complete the task, to take the form. Some "stuffed bootlegs" pave the way for themselves and the so-called experts to gain fame and interests, wasting a lot of teachers' time. Some teachers are led by the nose by "training" and become containers and tools for others. Teachers must have their own "persistence" ,—— strong inner "persistence". How to "stick to it"? Mr. Zhu believes that it is one of the "three auspicious treasures" of "reading", the so-called "new education". How to read? Mr. Zhu said:

"Teachers and students write essays together, teachers and students weave each other in life, and record the growth of life with words. For teachers alone, teachers are required to record and reflect on their daily educational life through educational diaries, educational stories, educational case analysis, etc., so that they can grow more consciously. The history of a person's professional writing is the history of his education. ("Be a Great Reed - How to Learn to Think")

Thinking, thinking in reading, thinking is the process of dialogue, dialogue with books, dialogue with predecessors, dialogue with excellent traditions, even dialogue with oneself, dialogue with one's own heart. Dialogue is the process of thought, the process of generating new matter of thinking. This kind of reading is effective reading for teachers, and it is Mr. Zhu's so-called professional reading. From this, it brings reflection. What is the relationship between the professional reading advocated by Mr. Zhu and the current fashion of "teacher professional development"? What is the fundamental difference between Mr. Zhu's understanding of teachers and teacher development and our general understanding? What is the height of the shining point that underpins the core theory of Mr. Zhu's view of teachers?

Is there any difference between Mr. Zhu's expression and other current "genres", namely "new education" and "new basic education" and "new school", is there an essential difference? Why is the impact of "new education" so great? Mr. Zhu's writing is very simple, but why does it have such a great impact on teachers, especially in rural areas, western regions, and late-developing areas? Because Mr. Zhu's educational ideas are to the point. For some time, the utilitarianization of education has become increasingly serious. School education is the "program", that is, the "assembly line", the teacher degenerated, becoming a program administrator, the operator of the assembly line. There is no rich and complete campus life, no wonderful educational spiritual life. How do you accumulate over time and what is the status of the teachers? Where is happiness? What is the happiness of teachers?

Mr. Zhu said: "Although the famous sayings of happiness are different, they basically reveal the basic characteristics of happiness - happiness should be in creation, happiness should be in service, happiness should be in research, and happiness should be shared with others. Education is precisely the cause that has these common characteristics, so education is the cause of making people happy. (Where does teacher's happiness come from?) - How to enjoy your educational career)

Reading can make people "grow", and reading can make teachers return to the door of happiness. Inside the door of happiness, there is our creation, our happiness in service, our new discoveries and promotions in education and scientific research, and we inspire each other, influence each other, and promote each other. That is the real educational life, the teacher life. Everyday happiness is the real life. A few days ago, while reading "To Teachers", I realized the current campus life of our school, and I wrote down such a paragraph in the WeChat circle of friends:

"The semester faculty meeting, the opening of the high school education teaching summary conference, five teachers on the stage to speak, the level is so high, can speak at any national education forum, touching people." If we do not publicize the "Yuan" now, we will not say "Zhuang Yuan". There is a girl named Yao Zhuyun who was close to mental breakdown in junior high school, with poor grades, and she herself said that even any "tutor" was unwilling to accept her to make up lessons. This time, he won three hundred and ninety-six places in the province in the liberal arts ranking. Before the meeting, it was a small cultural performance of faculty and staff, which became a tradition. The last item on the agenda is to hand out cakes for teachers who have summer birthdays and celebrate their birthdays collectively. - Happy school days like home. "

Is this the state that Mr. Zhu should be under the teacher's concept of happiness? Relaxed, tense, happy, serious, colorful. The Teachers' Conference has become a platform for teachers to communicate "professional writing". Vivid cases can move both the speaker himself and the audience. Present the ordinary in the ordinary. Of course, we are still quite far from the realm expounded by Mr. Zhu, and we must work hard. Mr. Zhu belongs to the "landscape of Jiangnan", which is the best and rare scenery in the landscape of Jiangnan. I used to be a lonely person, who didn't know mountains, who didn't know mountains, who didn't know water, but now I understand that bodhisattvas are the most approachable, and a master who doesn't look like a master is a master.