
Qianlong changed the name of the ancestor? Huang Taiji's real name is "HuangTaiji"? How did the qing dynasty come about?

author:Economic History Words

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As we all know, in ancient China, dynasties have their own names, what Qin, Han, Tang, Song, feudal emperors in the choice of country name, that is very cautious, and often have a source.

For example, why was the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang was crowned King of Han, and even why zhu Yuanzhang was designated as the Ming Dynasty? Because Jin Yong said that Zhu Yuanzhang had joined the Ming Sect in that year, Zhu Yuanzhang was the ming sect's people who helped him fight down, although he later expelled Zhang Wujie, but when choosing the name of the country, he could not escape a Clear word.

Qianlong changed the name of the ancestor? Huang Taiji's real name is "HuangTaiji"? How did the qing dynasty come about?

So why was the name of The last feudal dynasty in China, the Qing Dynasty, set to the Qing? There is a reason for this, as we all know, when Nurhaci's thirteen pairs of armor were raised, he set his national name as gold, and some people called it houjin.

Of course, the Manchus themselves are afraid to be called Dajin, so why did Nurhaci set the name of the country as Jin? This is because Nurhaci believes that he led this tribal armed force and is a nation with the Jurchens who fought all over the world.

In fact, later generations have examined that I am afraid that it may not be a nation, but the good villains are Jurchens, and the scope of activity is similar to the range of Nurhaci, and they can pull tiger skins to make a big banner.

When that Jin soldier attacked the Northern Song Dynasty, he really destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, and tossed the Southern Song Dynasty enough, and now Nurhaci wants to emulate the Yan family, so naturally he will set his country name as Jin, and indeed whether it is jurchens or nurhachi's hands, everyone is like a wolf, the Jianzhou warriors are less than ten thousand, and no one can beat it.

After Nurhaci's death, his son Emperor Taiji succeeded to the Khan's throne, and at first the people and horses led by Emperor Taiji were also called Houjin, but after 10 years of Emperor Taiji's succession, he made a major decision to call himself Emperor, and at the same time changed the name of the country to Daqing.

Let's first say, why did Emperor Taiji dare to claim the title of Emperor ten years after taking over the Khan's throne? Although the Manchus have won several wars against the Ming, you have not broken Shanhaiguan, and the population and land owned by the Ming Dynasty are probably more than ten times more than you.

There was an important factor, that is, the Emperor Taiji conquered the Mongols, and more importantly, he obtained the Imperial Jade Seal from the hands of the last Mongol Khan.

In the past, we talked to you, in ancient China, we are very particular about inheritance, when the Heshi Bi, after being handiworked by Qin Shi Huang, ordered people to carve it into a national jade seal, and by the then minister Li Si, wrote eight big characters on it, ordained by heaven, both Shou Yongchang, since then this jade seal has become a thing passed down through the generations.

As a unified empire, you can get this heirloom jade seal, which means that you are an orthodox dynasty, and if you can't get it, it means that you are just a small imperial court in a quiet corner.

After the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang expelled the Mongols, he established the Ming Dynasty, but according to legend, when Emperor Yuan Shun fled north, he took this national jade seal with him, so the Ming generation never got this national jade seal.

Until the end of the Ming Dynasty, in the Manchu war against the Mongols, Huang Taiji's men took back this heirloom jade seal, so Huang Taiji was very happy, he believed that this was the destiny of heaven.

You look at the Ming Dynasty for more than 200 years, driving the Mongols away, but the Chuanguo Jade Seal did not get it, and now I got the Chuanguo Jade Seal, so in the support of everyone, the Emperor Taiji decided to call himself emperor.

To tell the truth, the Manchu Qing Dynasty called the emperor quite early, in the past you had to have more than half of China, you can be called the emperor, what do we say in ancient China, saying that the comparison of strength between King Wen of Zhou and the King of Shang, very much the world zhou has eight points, King Wen is still relative to the king of Shang.

However, Emperor Taiji was because he got the National Seal, he felt that he was the destiny of heaven, so he was called emperor, but when he was called emperor, Emperor Taiji conveniently changed the name of this country from Houjin to Daqing, what is the reason for this?

There are two reasons, on the one hand, when Nurhaci first started his army, Manchuria was a very small tribe, what do you think Nurhaci had in his hands? Thirteen pairs of armor only.

At this time, he wants to tell the world that although I am very small, I am the descendant of the ancient warriors, I am the descendant of the Great Golden Dynasty, I am very advantageous in fighting, I cannot let you look down on me, I want to give myself a strong momentum.

And in the era of Emperor Taiji, he had fought with the Ming Dynasty many times and won many victories, and at this time, Emperor Taiji already had the heart to dominate the world and be the master of the Central Plains, so he understood that war is only a continuation of politics, and you can't fight the world immediately, and you can't rule the world immediately.

Therefore, he wants to tell the world that his Emperor Taiji is the destiny of heaven, that he rules the world with mercy, that the world is inhabited by the virtuous, and that the unvirtuous are lost, so what impression can he not let others have? Say that this Manchurian warrior is like the golden soldiers of the year, burning and plundering everything, before you were a robbery type of country.

What does that mean? You are all tribal alliances, you are a fishing and hunting nation, you have no money, the Central Plains is an agricultural economy, people have a solid family, so you, a fishing and hunting tribe, come and rob when you have no money, the Manchurians did a robbery thing at the beginning, rushed to Beijing 4 times, each time mainly to grab money.

And now Huang Taiji's ambition is big, his purpose is not to grab money, I want to become a real country, I want to take this world for myself, then I can't make people feel, I am a barbaric army, I have to be able to recover people's hearts, so the name Jin must not be used, this name brings too bad influence to the Han people.

So why choose it? We have to say that Huang Taiji is an emperor who has studied the culture of the Central Plains very much, and since the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, on the issue of dynastic rotation, china has a five virtues that have always been said.

What does that mean? The five elements everyone knows, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements are mutually exclusive, what jin kemu, jin sheng shui, the rotation of dynasties is also like this.

So what is Ming virtue, Ming is fire virtue, the word Ming has the meaning of triple fire, so Huang Taiji accepted this five virtues and always said, change the name of his nation to Manchuria, set his name as Daqing, and use triple water to extinguish the triple fire of your Ming, the so-called water can overcome fire.

Although this is a feudal superstition, for thousands of years, China's feudal dynasties have been passed down from generation to generation, that is, they have constantly replaced the old dynasties with new dynasties, which are completely in the evolution of the five elements.

Therefore, Emperor Taiji fixed the name of Daqing, although Emperor Taiji did not have many years after he was called emperor, and shanhaiguan was not broken, he died, but the so-called King Wen reduced the Shang Wu Wang, and the emperor Taiji's life behavior also paved the way for his son to be able to enter the Central Plains.

And you know what? Not only did Emperor Taiji change the name of his own people and the dynasty he created, but the name of Emperor Taiji himself was also changed by others.

To tell the truth, the names of many feudal emperors in ancient China sound very good and very domineering, such as winning the government, the surname of the family is a person who can win, and it is still politics, such as Liu Bang.

But which emperor's name is probably not as domineering as the emperor Taiji, you think about the emperor's emperor, taiji two words, anyone with a little cultural common sense, hearing the name of the emperor taiji, will be a vibration, how can the emperor taiji have such a great name?

This name was changed later, when Huang Taiji was born, he was the 8th son of Nurhaci, at that time the Manchus were still tribes, and their own writing was in the formation period, so the name Huang Taiji was just a colloquial language at the beginning.

Therefore, in many documents at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there are no three words of Huang Taiji, but the three words of Huang Taiji, of course, there are many transliterations, we can understand, this is a non-Chinese name, translated into Chinese characters, how you translate it.

At the beginning, it was actually translated into Huang Taiji and the like, and some people discussed what the word Taiji meant, some people said that Taiji was not the meaning of the prince, was Nurhaci, when he got the son of Huang Taiji, he designated him as the crown prince? This is certainly not possible.

Of course, after Emperor Taiji ascended the throne, the people at the bottom will be far-fetched and say, you see the name of our master, similar to the crown prince of the Han Dynasty, which shows that Emperor Taiji himself is destined for heaven, and the Great Khan will pass the Khan throne to him.

But in fact, we know that, first, Nurhaci had more than ten sons in his lifetime, when Huang Taiji was born, his mother was not particularly rich, and when Huang Taiji was born, there was no vision, and for people like Nurhaci, who already had many children, it was too common to have a son.

If it is the eldest son, you may have the first child in your life naturally attaches great importance to it, or if it is the last son, we know that many parents have this habit of hurting the youngest son, the Emperor Taiji is not biased, born in the middle of the 8th son, how can it get nurhaci special favor?

So later, even many people verified that the meaning of Taiji is often used in Manchu, it is probably the meaning of Prince Age, and the Manchu name of Huang Taiji himself may only be a yellow, so when did the name Huang Taiji appear?

Legend has it that Qianlong changed the name of his ancestors, and we know that Qianlong, a rich and noble emperor, has been a rich emperor for too long, and usually likes to dance and ink, put all kinds of world-famous works in the palace to see, and after reading it, he also has to write a criticism.

There may be a day when Qianlong had a whim, looking at the difficult history of the ancestors' entrepreneurship, looking at the name of his ancestor Huang Taiji, feeling that this name did not match his ancestors, simply waving a large brush, changing it to Emperor Taiji, this name sounds domineering enough, only enough to match this Emperor Taizong, so it is Qianlong's modification that has achieved such a domineering name.

Original author: Li Chengwei

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