
Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

author:New Gifts Climb the Boundary

The previous article talked about frequent cheating in marriage, raising countless spare tires, which can be called the battle bird in the sea king, today talking about a loyal marriage, dare to cheat together to go to The Yellow Springs, there is no divorce only widowed loyal birds, to wash everyone's battered glass heart - the national second-level protected animal crown spotted hornbill Anthracoceros coronatusll.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

Crowned hornbills belong to the Dharma monk hornbill family, also known as the spotted hornbills or Indian spotted hornbills, and when they fly, their heads and necks will be straight forward, looking like an airplane, so they are also called: airplane birds.

It is named after its crowned helmets with black spots on the upper part of its head, and it inhabits evergreen broad-leaved forests at low mountains and at the foot of mountains below 1500 meters above sea level.

Crowned hornbills are generally accompanied by a few or a dozen flocks and live in the same area all year round.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

They have large unidired helmets on their mouths, but the inside of the helmets is spongy, so it is not heavy.

There is a significant black spot on the back of the helmet process from the base to the apex, and there is also a black spot on each side of the helmet process, the black spot on the male helmet process is much larger than that of the female bird, extending backward from the tip of the beak, covering 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire helmet process, while the back of the female helmet process has almost no black spots, and the black spots on the helmet process of the young bird are extremely inconspicuous, and as the body grows, the dark spots will gradually expand and become obvious.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

Generally inhabiting tall trees, feeding on the fruit of plants and insects, they can eat many fruits and seeds that animals cannot eat, prefer stone fruits and berries, and spread these seeds farther away, sometimes eating snails, small reptiles, rats and insects. At present, it is distributed in Guangxi in China.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

The theme of this article is: trust, so let's talk about trust between the crowned hornbills.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

The crowned hornbill is monogamous, during the breeding period, the husband and wife will build a nest in a tree hole far from the ground, the female bird will slowly block the hole inside, the male bird will seal the hole with wet soil, fruit seeds, etc. outside, and the couple will cooperate to close the hole with only a thin slit.

Love is mutual trust: the crested hornbill

The female incubates the eggs inside, takes the child, and the male finds food outside, and when he returns, feeds the female and baby through the reserved slits and does not leave the nest.

The male is diligent in finding food for his wife and children during the day and keeps a sentry near the tree hole at night to prevent other small animals from harming his family.

It can be described as a classic model within the male and female protagonists.

Females generally lay 2 to 4 eggs during breeding, until the chicks leave the nest and are fed by the male, and when the chicks are full of wings, the husband and wife will break the hole to reunite.

However, male crowned hornbills may be targeted by poachers on the way to foraging, and once the male can't return, it is basically a dead family!

Author: Zhang Yuelu; Article from: Xinzhi Climbing Boundary; Follow me to take you to understand the knowledge of multiple animals.


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