
How to get the teacher qualification interview defense to get the favor of the examiner

author:Shaanxi Jingjia

  How to get the teacher qualification interview defense to get the favor of the examiner

  First, the principle of proper appearance and generous behavior

  It is very important to test etiquette, proper dress, elegant conversation, not only to leave a good first impression on the interview examiner, but also to enhance their confidence.

  First, be sure to be punctual, and whatever your reason, being late will be seen as a sign of lack of self-management and restraint. Test takers should arrive at the test room in advance to use the time before the test to adjust their nervous emotions and quickly adapt to the test room environment.

  Second, dress formally, the teacher interview is very formal, very serious, be sure to wear formal clothing to attend, rather conservative than new. Men are best to wear dark suits and ties; Ladies choose relatively more, but to be neat and beautiful, stable and generous as the principle, the color, style, size of clothing should be coordinated with their age, temperament, skin color, status and teacher's profession, but also with the discipline they teach, the age of students, such dress will enhance their professional quality.

  Third, in the interview, it is necessary to put an end to indecent small actions such as shaking legs, spitting out tongues, turning pens, extending fingers, etc., which are easy to leave the examiner with the impression that the examinee is immature, unstable, and unconfident, and naturally thinks that such a person is not suitable for being a teacher. In the interview, the tone should be balanced, the speed of speech should be smooth, try to avoid mixing Chinese and English, try to use less auxiliary words, such as "la", "oh", "what", etc., do not leave the judges with unclear, lengthy, not serious and lack of confidence.

  Second, the principle of calmness and improvisation

  The interview examiner pays more attention to the candidate's ability to respond flexibly with the changes in the situation, and the candidate should be fully prepared. For example, when you enter the interview room, if the examiners do not ask questions, but look at you with a smile, you are overwhelmed and nervous. At this time, you can "take the initiative" to change this passive situation. You can introduce yourself first, or even ask questions to the examiners to appear to be a flexible, responsive, and adaptable person. Generally speaking, after the examiner asks questions during the interview, the test taker should think a little and not be in a hurry to answer. Even if the question you ask is similar to the one you prepared in advance, don't answer it immediately, because that gives the examiner the feeling that you are not answering the question with your brain, but memorizing the prepared answer. If it is a topic that has not been touched before, it is even more necessary to think calmly. Sharpening the knife does not mistakenly cut wood, and hasty answering questions may lead to incorrect texts, pulling or not organized, eyebrows and beards. After thinking, clarifying the train of thought, grasping the main points and answering the questions in clear levels will leave a better impression on the examiner.

  Third, the principle of seeking truth from facts

  Seeking truth from facts means that when answering the examiner's questions, it is necessary to proceed from the actual situation of the examiner, not to exaggerate, not to shrink, and to correctly respond to the examiner's questions. For example, when the examiner asks about your family situation, you should tell the truth and simply. If you ask how many courses you have studied at the undergraduate or graduate level, if you remember clearly, report truthfully, if you can't remember accurately, just say a rough idea, and don't make up a number at will. When asked about your strengths and weaknesses, be concise and concise, and never talk too much or too much. When it comes to professional knowledge in the interview, it is even more necessary to answer realistically. If you can't answer the examiner's question, frankly admit "don't know" and apologize, because a person's knowledge is always limited. When asked questions that you are familiar with, you should try to play as much as possible.

  Fourth, the principle of clear organization and clear hierarchy

  Logical thinking ability is an indispensable content in the interview test, and the level of this ability can be shown through the test taker's defense, and clear and consistent is the specific performance of this ability. It should be noted that the examiner does not look at what you answer but to see how you answer, which requires the test taker to think logically after hearing the interview question, and then the statement should be logical, which requires the test taker's answer level to be clear, clear, closely connected, and the expression echoes before and after. Answer according to this to conquer the examiner.

  Fifth, closely follow the principle of the topic

  The defense must be answered according to the requirements of the test questions, and how it needs to be answered, how it is answered, cannot answer what is not asked, and cannot arbitrarily expand or narrow the content or scope of the questions and questions. For example, some organizational questions clearly ask "As a teacher, how do you plan for this activity", many test takers do not hesitate to start answering questions according to the answer routine divided into pre-planning, implementation during the event, and after-the-fact summary to answer the questions, and ignore the questioning method of the question, the result is counterproductive, leaving the examiner with the impression that the test taker will only be rigid, can not be flexible, and cannot respond to problems when encountered, and naturally will not get it. Therefore, we must closely follow the topic to answer, take the problem as the center, and innovate in combination with our own characteristics in order to make a breakthrough and obtain.

  Sixth, the principle of being reasonable and well-founded, and saying things that are close to the point

  The interview defense itself has the characteristics of a theoretical test, so the test taker should have a certain theoretical height in answering the question. For example, answering questions should be reasonable and well-founded, quoting scriptures, saying things far and wide, or the party's education guidelines and policies, or national education laws and regulations, or new curriculum concepts, or famous words of education celebrities, etc., which require a certain theoretical foundation, and test takers should usually pay attention to the accumulation of this aspect.

How to get the teacher qualification interview defense to get the favor of the examiner