
41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?

author:A pleasure

Big-name stars compete for glory, afraid of the aura of the other side and their looks, but afraid that the two are similar in many ways, and it is not clear whether they will win or lose. Previously, Liang Yongqi and Xiong Dailin had an accidental head-to-head collision in the case of participating in the event, 2 people of similar stature, the aura was in turn strong, but the advantages of each possession were equal, and it was impossible to distinguish who could be better.

Liang Yongqi's purple outfit on the day looked like it shocked all the main venue, some people said that short-haired girls are slightly inferior to long-haired girls, because they are sexy and charming, sexy and charming, and cool and handsome. They put it on Liang Yongqi's body and it was really for the face pumping. Although In recent years, Liang Yongqi has always been short,but whether it is sexy and charming, elegant, or cool and handsome, she can easily interpret it.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?


The short exile on the bright bright red large fragrant lips, and then 2 exquisite golden earrings, illuminating the elegant aura of all people, a slanted shoulder big red skirt is also extremely eye-catching. The slim design scheme shows her slim neck and small jade neck, the overall frame is very slim and slender, the tight waist of the upper body depicts the waist of Miaoman, and also carefully selects the black glitter powder tight waist in the waist seam part, which makes her hips and her crotch width smaller in the visual effect, making all people more slim.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?

Before participating in this activity, Liang Yongqi had carried out weight loss and slimming due to filming works, and now it can be seen that weight loss and slimming are evident, all the human skeleton and thickness are much slimmer, and the aura is also out of the house. The hem of the fish body hanging to the feet is very beautiful, like a bright red mermaid princess.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?


A pair of high-heeled shoes worn inside, completely covered under the hem, but it is very well decorated to show her height and show her figure. The black handbag and the glittering powder at the waist are breathing in, but they seem to be one. And Xiong Dailin, who stood next to her and was similar to her, did not hesitate to let go.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?

The situation of Xiong Dailin who appeared this time looks quite good, although he was confused by emotional problems before this, but after devoting himself to the work, he has unearthed a lot of its own beauty. However, this time she did not have too thick makeup and exquisite styling design, but a simple high ponytail to easily play.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?

The round and slippery earrings are decorated with a slightly lighter makeup and styling design, but they make her look much cleaner. The black-and-purple long-sleeved dress decorated her extremely exquisite figure, relatively compared with the slightly slender Liang Yongqi, Xiong Dailin's figure was more rounded, and the black tight top jacket of the round neck shirt firmly wrapped her figure, which also highlighted her rounded bust and slim A4 waist.

41-year-old Xiong Dailin met 45-year-old Liang Yongqi, but the temperament gap is a bit large, what do you think about this?


The black crewneck jacket contrasts black and white with the skin, and the neck line frame is also added, so that everyone looks very energetic. The slim A4 waist is connected to a very spacious and wide blue-purple clothing printed skirt, the colorful long skirt is very decorative to the lower body, although slightly wide crotch, but if it is for some girls with looser spans to wear, it can easily cover this shortcoming.

And fully covered the legs, but also let people leave some room for imagination, the sole of the feet wearing a pair of black red-soled high heels, and black clothes and pants in close contact, it seems to enhance her some elegance. I have to admit that although the hem of the lower body a-line looks a little more feminine, but from the freshness and air generated by Xiong Dailin herself, it makes her look quite domineering and leaky, standing with Liang Yongqi's elegance, interpreting two different design styles.

And the two people are very similar in stature or stature, with high heels with the waist, standing together in the abdomen is actually in the same height to width ratio, but there is a little sister aura. But relatively speaking, it may be Liang Yongqi's bright red lipstick that helps her illuminate the color, lining Xiong Dailin's light lipstick with a slight darkness.

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