
Public opinion hits the "legislative through train"

author:People's Representative Newspaper

At the grassroots legislative contact point of the central bay community in Shijingpo Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, it is difficult not to be attracted by a beautiful landscape painting on the wall. On the screen, in the beautiful mountain city, a rail train speeds in the thick spring color...

For the residents of the central bay community of Shijingpo Street, this painting has another layer of meaning - the "public opinion through train" of grass-roots legislative contact points carries the legislative opinions and suggestions put forward by the masses and sails to the legislature.

26 mass opinions were written into the regulations

"In the past year, more and more people have participated in legislative consultation, the spirit of ownership has become stronger and stronger, the awareness of democracy and the rule of law has become stronger and stronger, and the opinions provided have become more and more accurate." Peng Lijuan, first secretary of the party committee of the central bay community in Shijingpo street and head of the grass-roots legislative contact point of the central bay community, said.

In May last year, the Central Bay community became one of the first five grass-roots legislative contact points of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, in order to open this "public opinion through train" quickly and well, "train conductor" Peng Lijuan paid a lot of painstaking efforts to vividly interpret the whole process of people's democracy.

"The work of the grass-roots legislative contact points is moving forward in the process of exploration." Peng Lijuan introduced that as of September 2021, the grass-roots legislative contact point of the Central Bay community has held 28 opinion collection forums, relying on the "E Party Building" mini program and the work WeChat group to collect legislative opinions online for more than 10 times, and has completed the solicitation of opinions on more than 10 draft laws and regulations such as "Chongqing Municipal Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior (Draft)" and "Chongqing Municipal Domestic Waste Management Regulations (Draft)" handed over by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, summarizing and sorting out more than 80 opinions and suggestions, and 14 articles have been fully adopted. Article 12 was partially adopted.

"I'm happy, I didn't expect my suggestion to be taken." Pu Yuchang is an ordinary retired worker and an information collector at the grassroots legislative contact point. In the Central Bay community, there are many information collectors like Pu Yuchang. They walk in the streets and alleys, go deep into enterprises and communities, listen to the most authentic voices at the grassroots level, the most original expression of public opinion, and then pass on to the grassroots legislative contact points.

All along, square dancing disturbing people is Pu Yuchang's "heart knot". After receiving the "Chongqing Municipal Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior (Draft)" for soliciting opinions, he carefully read the draft regulations and visited the masses, and proposed, "It is suggested that a paragraph be added to article 15 of the draft regulations, that is, square dancing should be carried out within a limited time in the permitted venues, and the volume should be controlled and not disturb others." Later, his suggestion was adopted by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and written into the regulations.

Yao Huaquan, who is also an information collector, also put forward a proposal to take the initiative to give up the seat for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled in the process of promoting legislation on civilized behavior in our city, and finally it was also adopted. Yao Huaquan said happily: "This fully embodies the purpose of 'coming from the masses and going to the masses' and 'serving the masses of the people.' ”

Open up the "last mile" of public opinion solicitation

The legislative opinion solicitation work is indispensable to the diligence of the collectors, and even less to the solid guarantee provided by the various measures taken by the contact points.

In order to build a good position, the grass-roots legislative contact point of the Central Bay Community relies on the Central Bay Community People's Congress Deputies Workstation, invests more than 2 million yuan, and builds an indoor area of more than 200 square meters, which can meet the multi-functional demands of the community", and builds a "public opinion hall" with an outdoor area of 3,000 square meters. At the same time, legal information collection points are set up in residential buildings, courtyards, pension service centers, community parks, property management communities and other places to promote the high integration of legislative positions and residents' living spaces, and radiation drives the entire jurisdiction.

In order to form a team that combines special groups and groups, the grass-roots legislative contact points of the Central Bay Community have reached a joint construction agreement with the Shapingba District Court, the Procuratorate, the Bureau of Justice, the Law School of Chongqing University, the Zhongqin Guoyan Law Firm and other units to jointly form a team of professional talents; based on the actual situation of the region, in the former special steel family area driven by the "special steel talent workshop" and the new real estate community driven by "party building + property", 315 "capable people" information collectors and 248 property information collectors were cultivated respectively. The special group combines a wide range of legislative opinions and suggestions.

At the same time, in accordance with the "Rules for the Work of Grass-roots Legislative Contact Points of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress" and the "Work Measures for the Grass-roots Legislative Contact Points of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress (for Trial Implementation)", the grass-roots legislative contact points of the Central Bay Community have combined their own actual conditions to formulate work rules for contact points, establish a linkage system for public opinion collection and a staff training system, etc., to ensure that public opinion collection is "wide" and public opinion is reflected "accurately".

In addition, the grassroots legislative contact points of the Central Bay community also collect legislative opinions and suggestions online through the "E Party Building" mini program and work WeChat group developed by the street itself; offline, through symposiums, visits and research, legislative suggestion collection boxes, etc., widely collect the legislative suggestions of the masses and social units in the jurisdiction, so that "wisdom + iron footboard" can jointly serve the collection of legislative information.

The grassroots legislative contact point of the Central Bay community also explored the formation of a six-step work method of "three screenings and three translations". That is, "one translation", which identifies the scope of opinions solicited by the draft regulations; "one translation", which interprets the content of the draft regulations and the focus of research; "two screenings", which identifies the pertinence and feasibility of specific opinions and suggestions; "two translations", which gives necessary supplements and interpretations to the suggestions; "three translations", which reports the report on legislative opinions and suggestions; and "three translations", publicizes and interprets the official regulations that have been promulgated.

Recently, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has expanded the contact points for grass-roots legislation and set up the city's first "national brand" grass-roots legislative contact point in Shapingba District. The legislative contact point has established 10 liaison units, formed a think tank composed of 40 legislative advisory experts, and established a standardized work process. The Central Bay Community is one of the liaison units.

Not long ago, the grass-roots legislative contact point of the Central Bay community received a letter soliciting opinions on the "Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft)", and immediately after receiving the letter, a meeting was held to divide the regulations, and the regulations were communicated to 7 relevant legislative information collection points in chapters, and information collectors, legal professionals of co-construction units, planning and environmental protection offices and other relevant units were organized to carry out centralized discussions twice, and more than 30 suggestions collected were supplemented and sorted out, and a total of 12 suggestions were reported.

It is understood that the legislative contact points of Shapingba of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress have completed the work of soliciting opinions on the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law, collected a total of 208 original public opinions, and submitted 34 articles to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress after summarizing and sorting them out.

Source: Chongqing People's Congress Citizen Guide Rong Media

Editor: Liu Liyuan

Review: Guo Yi

Public opinion hits the "legislative through train"