
Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

author:China News Network
Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

The astronaut clothing R&D and design team of Donghua University has designed a series of special clothing to ensure the whole process of astronauts' work and life in space and on the ground. Photo by Donghua University

Zhongxin Online, 17 Jun (Wang Yu, Xu Jing) On the morning of 17 June, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft sent Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo to space, and they will become the first batch of "occupants" of the space station's Tianhe core module. The series of special clothing that guarantees the whole process of astronauts' space and ground work and life, as well as the shoes in the space station mission astronaut's cabin, are from the R&D and design team of Donghua University for many years of innovation and hard work.

This is five years later, following the launch of Shenzhou 11 in 2016, Donghua University's "science and technology + design" once again accompanied astronauts on the journey to space.

Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

In fact, the three astronauts wore the regular clothes developed by the astronaut clothing research and development design team of Donghua University on the 16th and appeared at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

This time, the astronaut clothing R&D and design team of Donghua University has designed a series of special clothing to ensure the whole process of astronauts' space and ground work and life, including work clothes, exercise clothes, leisure clothes, weightless protective clothing, sleeping gear, etc. for astronauts working and living on the space station, as well as regular clothes, mission training clothes, special clothing and other ground mission clothing, etc. These special clothing not only ensure the realization of a number of special functions, but also integrate design elements with Chinese characteristics, becoming the "space costume" of astronauts appearing in the world.

Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

Astronaut space station mission module with shoes. Photo by Donghua University

"The special clothing for Chinese astronauts is a multi-functional clothing with priority in functionality and ergonomics, and the multi-functional clothing with aesthetics, the R&D and design team of astronauts of Donghua University has integrated the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics in the surface accessories, color patterns, and even the details of the clothing, showing the beautiful image of Chinese astronauts as the space dreamers and guardians of the Chinese dream." Professor Li Jun, head of the astronaut clothing R&D and design team of Donghua University and dean of the School of Fashion and Art Design, introduced it.

The styles, colors, patterns, textures, etc. of the full range of spacesuits and accessories should not only match each other, but also integrate with the cabin environment, reflecting the cultural elements and characteristics of the times with Chinese characteristics, and reflecting the professional characteristics and spiritual outlook of the astronaut group. Different types of clothing with different functions, some can help astronauts in long-term space flight to combat the adverse effects of weightlessness on human muscles, and some can also care for astronauts to regulate their mood and mood, while also considering the display effect after photography, video and image transmission in the light environment of the cabin, which can be described as "the same dish must meet the stomach of a hundred families".

For example, in the design of astronauts' regular clothes, on the basis of the sky color lake blue, the elements of symbolizing the earth's skyline and outer space tones are added, and the changes in shades and shades are matched to make the clothing look more three-dimensional and full, more layered. The process is mainly based on three-dimensional straight lines, and the "S" shaped arc of the front shoulder metaphor for the space flight trajectory echoes with the "V" shaped straight line puzzle that symbolizes victory on the front chest, presenting the beauty of thickness and thickness curved and harmonious.

In addition to the clothing itself, the design of some clothing supplies worn by astronauts should also be systematically planned according to the color and shape of the clothing. Among them, the main line of the astronaut's honor logo is like the trajectory of the spacecraft in the blue universe, giving people the dynamic of upward flight, and the number of five-pointed stars indicates the number of manned missions performed by the wearer. Through the comprehensive carrier of astronaut special clothing, the team uses artistic design to highlight the connotation and style of "flying".

Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

The finishing touch of the cabin shoes is the sole. Photo by Donghua University

Tianhe core module is the astronaut's "space home", which provides 3 times the space for astronauts in the Tiangong-2 space laboratory, equipped with 3 independent bedrooms and 1 bathroom, to ensure that astronauts can live daily for up to three months. Living in a "big house" for a "long time" is, of course, inseparable from a pair of comfortable and beautiful astronaut "home shoes" (shoes for astronauts in the mission module of the space station).

"The shoes in the astronaut cabin should be 'flexible' to protect the safety and comfort of the feet, while taking into account the fashionable design and heavy culture." According to Zheng Rong, head of the R&D and design team of astronaut shoes in donghua university and professor of the international fashion science and technology innovation center of donghua university, the design and development of shoes in the cabin integrates the disciplinary advantages of anthropometry, ergonomics, materials science, three-dimensional modeling, rapid prototyping, product design and other fields of the school, and has won the support of industry resources and related cooperative enterprises and units. To the greatest extent, the relevant advanced technologies and achievements based on ergonomics (ergonomics) are applied, combined with three-dimensional foot scanning technology, plantar pressure analysis, integrated weaving and other technologies, and the design influencing factors including the special environment of the space station, the characteristics of the human body, and the needs of movement are carefully and comprehensively considered.

Incorporate the elements of the times with Chinese characteristics To reveal the details of the design of the Shenzhou 12 astronauts' clothing and cabin shoes

The materials for the shoes in the cabin are mainly thermoplastic materials and blended knitted materials, which are soft, lightweight, environmentally friendly, antistatic, breathable and elastic, ensuring the comfort and safety of the astronauts' feet when they move in the spacecraft cabin and the weightless environment of the space station.

The finishing touch of the shoes in the cabin lies in the sole, on the basis of ensuring functionality, the hollow design of the entire sole originates from the change of the Chinese character art design of the seal book "Nine Days of The Moon", and the Zhou Tian "Stars" surrounded by the outer circle, the cycle begins again and again, not only highlighting the "dare to go to the nine days to catch the moon, dare to go down to the five oceans to catch turtles" Ling Yun's heroic great power, Chinese-style romance and feelings also jumped on the paper.

Since the 1970s, Donghua University has been focusing on the important role of high-performance fibers in national strategic projects. Taking aerospace as an example, as early as the 1980s, Donghua University began to use scientific research to help Chinese aerospace exploration. Professor Pan Ding of the School of Materials Science of Donghua University led the carbon fiber research team to successfully develop the "aerospace-grade high-purity viscose-based carbon fiber" to help the missile soar into the sky, fill the domestic gap, and make China the third country in the world to master the technology.

After three years of research and development and innovation, the team of Professor Zhang Weiyuan of the School of Fashion and Art Design of Donghua University completed the research on the "extravehicular space suit warm body dummy system" of the extravehicular space suit, and used the warm body dummy to give the metabolic energy, heat transfer and skin temperature data of the astronauts after wearing the extravehicular space suit under the conditions of outer space, which played a key supporting role in ensuring the first outing of the cabin of Chinese astronauts.

Since the establishment of the manned space engineering research project in 1992, Professor Yuan Qinhua of the School of Chemical Biology of Donghua University led the research group to carry out multidisciplinary research and successfully developed the "astronaut urine collection device", which makes the "convenience" of astronauts in flight or emergency response convenient. The "spacecraft high reliability passivation glass" developed by the senior engineer team of Han Wenjue of the School of Materials Science of Donghua University was successfully applied to the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft, accompanying China's aerospace hero Yang Liwei to fly into space for the first time.

In the autumn of 2021, Donghua University will celebrate its 70th anniversary. The school said that Donghua people adhering to the school motto of "reverence for virtue and erudition, dedication and pragmatism", rooted in the land of China, constantly pioneering and forging ahead, accumulating thick and thin hair, overcoming difficulties, and painting a splendid historical picture.

Source: China News Network

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