
The Xiangxi Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau (Prefecture Civil Air Defense Office) held the 8th collective (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theoretical Learning Center Group

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment Xiangxi October 29 news (reporter Zhang Zheng correspondent Song Xue) in order to deeply study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on ideological work, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the prefecture and the "Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Party Committee (Party Group) Ideological Work Responsibility System Implementation Rules", on October 29, the Xiangxi Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau (Prefecture Civil Air Defense Office) held the 8th collective (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theoretical Learning Center Group. Zhong Kewen, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Prefecture CPC Committee, director of the Prefecture Civilization Office, and executive deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Study and Education of Party History of the Prefecture CPC Committee, made a special counseling report, and Song Zongjiang, secretary of the party leading group and director (director) of the bureau (office), presided over the meeting.

The Xiangxi Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau (Prefecture Civil Air Defense Office) held the 8th collective (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theoretical Learning Center Group

Meeting site.

At the meeting, Zhong Kewen gave a report on the spirit of the Twelfth Party Congress of the Prefecture and gave special counseling to the eighth collective (expanded) study of the Party Group Theoretical Study Center Group. Zhong Kewen made a vivid and profound interpretation of the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the prefecture from the four aspects of the solid foundation, target positioning, key tasks and strong guarantees for the comprehensive construction of modernized new Xiangxi.

The meeting pointed out that to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Twelfth Party Congress of the Prefecture, it is necessary to completely, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, persist in proceeding from reality, and in the process of building "three districts and two places" and building "five Xiangxi", we must always hold high the ideological banner, stand on the highest standards of the times, aim at the highest standards, maintain high morale, and have the courage to climb the peak" and strengthen the system concept. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation, and take the initiative of the initiative to promote rural revitalization in the forefront of poverty alleviation areas; build a characteristic advantageous industrial system, make the real economy bigger and better; build new cities and towns of higher quality, and promote the formation of a new pattern of regional coordination and integrated urban and rural development; adhere to ecological priority and green development, and build green waters and green mountains more beautiful and Jinshan Yinshan to do more; persist in creating a high-quality life in high-quality development, so that the sense of gain of the masses of all ethnic groups is more colorful, and the sense of happiness is more sustainable. A sense of security is more secure; we will modernize our governance system and governance capabilities and build a vibrant, peaceful and peaceful state of good governance. It is necessary to forge the soul and establish a heart with ideals and convictions, lead the way with political construction, consolidate the foundation with building and strengthening the organization, lead innovation and development with qualified personnel, undertake the mission with excellent skills, always maintain the true color of clean and honest construction, and run well the "first stick" of comprehensively building a modern new Xiangxi.

The Xiangxi Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau (Prefecture Civil Air Defense Office) held the 8th collective (expanded) study meeting of the Party Group Theoretical Learning Center Group

Song Zongjiang took a party lesson and led the singing of "Love My China".

Song Zongjiang said that all cadres and workers of the state's housing construction (civil air defense) system should fully understand, study in depth, implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the state, and strive to promote the construction of housing and urban areas and civil air defense work in the whole state to a new level. It is necessary to fully understand the status and role of housing and urban-rural housing construction and civil air defense work in the new situation, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission in work. It is necessary to do a good job in ideological work, comprehensively implement the "Implementation Measures for the Responsibility System for Ideological Work of Party Committees (Party Groups)," and consolidate ideals and convictions. Do a good job of organizational leadership, implement the responsibility system, do a good job of risk management and control, hold the main position, and constantly improve and perfect. In connection with the actual conditions of housing construction (civil air defense) work, we should give full play to the functions and roles of housing construction (civil air defense) departments and raise the level of housing and urban and rural housing construction and civil air defense work in the whole prefecture. It is necessary to do a good job in positive propaganda, publicize and report on the good experiences, good practices, and good results of the housing and civil air defense work at multiple levels and from multiple angles, and strengthen the mainstream ideology and public opinion.

The meeting organized and studied the "Interim Measures for the Management of Big Data in Xiangxi Prefecture", mobilized and deployed the pilot promotion work of the "Internet + Supervision" platform official meal supervision subsystem at the state level, and carried out a special party class on clean government construction. Relevant personnel made central speeches and exchanged experiences. The meeting ended with the chorus "Love Me China".

Members of the theoretical study center group of the bureau (office), cadres at or above the deputy department level of the bureau (office), and cadres and workers of various departments and second-level institutions attended the study meeting.