
In contemporary Chinese literature, the Lotus Dian and Tea Flower Sects are the most powerful in Shanxi and Hunan


Among the contemporary Chinese literary schools, there are two literary schools with local flavor, the Lotus Flower School and the Tea Flower School. So, let's share the two most local literary schools in the contemporary literary school:

1. Lotus Flower Sect

Mr. Sun Li's literary style is fresh and beautiful, maintaining the enthusiasm for the prose culture and poetry of the novel, and is considered to be the founder of the "Lotus Pond School".

In the early 1950s, when Mr. Sun Li was the editor-in-chief of Tianjin Daily's Literary and Art Weekly, he consciously guided and cultivated a group of literary youth in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei regions, and published a number of rural theme novels characterized by the aesthetic style of poetry and prose culture.

In contemporary Chinese literature, the Lotus Dian and Tea Flower Sects are the most powerful in Shanxi and Hunan

Most of these works are based on the rural life in the Jizhong Plain, taking Mr. Sun Li as an example, taking the artistic conception of poetry and the brushwork of prose as the main features, or describing the history of struggle and emotional history of the people in Jizhong and praising the pure and simple and beautiful virtues of the working people; or recording the fresh and beautiful water town scenery and folk customs of the Jizhong Plain, showing the beauty of human feelings and human nature with the characteristics of the new era, forming a common simple and natural, fresh and feminine artistic style, forming the "Lotus Dian School", also known as the "Baiyangdian School".


Representative figures

magnum opus

Sun Li

"Lotus Pond", "Lu Hua Dang", "Instructions", "Wu Zhao'er", "Village Song", "Mountain Memories", "Swing", "Little Victory", "New Moon", "The First Record of the Wind and Clouds", "Ironwood Prequel"

Liu Shaotang

"Green Branches and Green Leaves", "The Sound of the Canal Paddle", "Melon Shed"

From Vichy

"Chicken and Duck Commissioner", "July Rain"

Han Yingshan

"Duck", "Painting"

House tree people

"Flower Palanquin Room", "Gravity"

Second, the tea flower pie

In the history of contemporary literature in China, Hunan has a large number of talents and giant masters. There are works by Shen Congwen, Ding Ling, Zhou Yang, Zhang Tianyi, Ye Zi and Zhou Libo, especially Shen Congwen and Zhou Libo's works depicting the local folk customs of Hunan, which have had an important impact on young writers in Hunan;

In contemporary Chinese literature, the Lotus Dian and Tea Flower Sects are the most powerful in Shanxi and Hunan

There have been many works with strong local characteristics of Hunan, which not only emphasize the record of the times and social changes, but also emphasize the expression of natural scenery and historical traditions, especially the expression of folk customs such as weddings and funerals, seasonal customs, superstitious taboos and taboos in the southern countryside, and strive to pursue a style of custom painting and pastoral poetry, forming a literary genre "Tea Flower School" that combines localization and poetry dominated by Hunan writers.

Zhou Libo

"The Great Change in the Mountains", "The Storm", "The People on the Other Side of the Mountain"

Peng Jianming

"That Mountain, That Man, That Dog"

Tan talks

"Bending mountain road"

Zhou Jianming

The Willows Prequel

Xie Pu

"February Orchid"

Sun Jianzhong

"Stories Left in Memory"

Han Shaogong

"Looking West at the Thatched Grass"

Well, today's contemporary literary knowledge is shared here, let's see you in the next article!