
"To do" and "to do" are one of the most tangled and indistinguishable words in modern Chinese, can you tell the difference?

author:Huangxian dialect
"To do" and "to do" are one of the most tangled and indistinguishable words in modern Chinese, can you tell the difference?

If you want to find a pair of the most difficult words in modern Chinese, it is not "doing" and "doing". In Mandarin, "to do" and "to do" are pronounced the same, the meaning of the words is entangled, how to distinguish between them is still a matter of opinion. Mr. Wang Li said in the "Chinese History Manuscript" that these two characters are a pair of words, and the existence of the old form and the new form of a word at the same time constitutes a word. Although the words come from the same source, due to their respective developments, meanings or differences, the division of labor is also different. During the same period, the old forms often remained only in the written language, while the new forms appeared in the spoken language, such as "call" and "call", "reverse" and "welcome", "domain" and "country", "view" and "see". "Doing" and "doing" are a pair of words, "doing" comes out early, and "doing" comes out late.

"Cha" is the first word for "zuo", "cha" is the meaning of the word, and the oracle bone and gold text are from the knife on the top and bu from the bottom. The "Ritual Rites" has the phrase "Bu Ren sits as a turtle", this word is exactly the meaning of bu ren scraping and drilling the turtle bone with a knife, and then burning it, according to its crack signs for divination, so its original meaning refers to the production of bu turtle. After "cha" was used exclusively for the extended meaning, it was written as "zuo" with the meaning of "亻", which was read as zuò. Making a turtle is the beginning of divination, so "doing" has both the meaning of production and the meaning of beginning. "Guangyun Twilight Rhyme": "Make, make." "Zhou Li Kao Gong Chronicle": "Make a car to travel on land, and make a boat to travel water." "It is used to make righteousness. Guangya Shiyi: "Work, beginning." Chapter 63 of Lao Tzu: "The difficult things under the world will be done easily, and the great things under the world will be done in detail." "It is the original meaning used. From the beginning, it is extended to the rise and production, "Commentary on the Interpretation of Words": "To do, to start also." Yi Qian: "The clouds are from the dragon, the wind is from the tiger, the saints are made and all things are seen." Furthermore, in the section of the "Cao Jiao Controversy" of zuo chuan zhuang gong ten years: "Fu war, courage also." One drum blows, then declines, three exhausts. Further, by extension, the Standing, Analects of Zihan: "The Son sees the fading, the crowned and the blind, and sees it, although it is small, it will be done, and it will be overtaken." The Analects of Advancement: "Drums and Sess, Hordes, and Shether." "It's all about it. It also refers to labor and work, "Lefu Poetry Collection, Miscellaneous Songs, And Ballads, Kik Songs": "The sun rises and works, and the sunset rests." This leads to the word "work and rest", which refers to work and rest, such as regular work and rest, work and rest system. Furthermore, it is extended to as a pawn, as a peacock flying southeast: "The king is regarded as a rock, and the concubine is regarded as a reed." And by extension, Yuan Xiao Dexiang's "Killing the Dog and Persuading the Husband": "Teach that the more you make up, the more posture you make." "Twisting posture" and "pretending" also use this meaning. From the beginning of production and by extension refers to creation and creation, "Analects of Shuzhi": "To describe but not to do, to believe and to be ancient." "Mencius Liang Hui Wang": "Zhongni Yue: 'The initiator has no consequences!'" 'For its likeness to use it also.' "From creation to extension refers to works, such as masterpieces, successful works.

When "zuo" is pronounced zuō, it refers to places where production is engaged, such as workshops and small utensils. It also refers to people who are engaged in a certain craft, "Kyomoto Popular Novel : Nian Yu Guanyin": "I am Nian Yu Zuo, shinshu has a few acquaintances, afraid that there will be peace there." ”

Because "doing" bears a lot of righteousness, it is necessary to reduce its burden, and at the latest in the late Tang Dynasty, the word "do" was specially created to carry the meaning of "doing" and "creating". There is no word for "doing" in the Shuowen and Tang Shizi books, and Song Dingdu's "Jiyun": "Compose, Zong Zuoche, Make Also, Do Customs." Ming Zhang Zilie's "Orthographic Pass": "Do, customary writing." Qing Gu Yanwu's "Five Books of Phonology" quotes the "Guide to the Broad Rhyme of the Jade Chapter": "Doing words, "(Jade) Chapter" and "(Guang) Rhyme" do not have this word, and are written by themselves." Therefore, "doing" is a later vulgar word and a separate word derived from the separation of "doing". "Do" is a word that will mean, from the person to the past. From man, it is because the activity of "doing" is the work of man; from the cause, the original meaning of "because" is "to make it work", so "doing" inherits the use of "doing" in the meaning of doing and engaging, but it is not used for the meaning of rising, starting, etc. "Doing" has the meaning of making, such as making clothes and making a table. There are also creative meanings, such as making articles. It also means engaging in a certain work or activity, such as working or doing business. Or hold celebrations or commemorative events, such as making a full moon and making a birthday. There are acts and righteousness, such as parents and officials. There are also as righteous, such as this article can be used as a teaching material. It also refers to forming a certain relationship, such as being a husband and wife, being a parent. It can also refer to pretending to look like a certain person, such as making a grimace and making a look.

Because "do" and "do" are homologous words, there is a relationship of broken threads, and their meanings are also intertwined with each other, and it is difficult to clarify, for example, it can be said that both "make a report" and "make a report"; it can be written as both "testimony" and "testimony"; it can be written as "making a show" or "making a show"; it can be said to be both "making a sound" and "making a sound". Many linguists try to make a difference between the two. Mr. Lü Shuxiang believes that the difference between "doing" and "doing" is still to use "wen" and "white" as the standard, he said in the "Eight Hundred Words of Modern Chinese": "Customarily, the manufacture of specific things is generally written as 'doing', such as 'making tables, making clothes, making articles', abstract words with a heavier color in written language, especially in idioms, are generally written as 'doing'. The meaning of "doing" focuses on "creation", which is to create and create, which is more suitable for spiritual products, and the action is not strong, and generally does not produce specific physical objects. The significance of "doing" focuses on "system", which is more suitable for material products, strong action, and more specific physical products. Mr. Lu believes that when it is not clear which word to use, it can be written as "doing", and from the perspective of distinguishing the relationship between the word and the original word, from the perspective of philology, it is not wrong to write the word when it is not clear. Some people even think that "doing" and "doing" cannot be distinguished, and simply use "doing" uniformly to avoid entanglement. However, the actual pragmatic situation is that "do" and "do" belong to the common words that are used more frequently, and in most cases people still treat them differently. Their meanings are both intersecting and independent, and there are many words with different meanings, such as "guest" and "guest", "practice" and "practice", "finish" and "make".

Now some linguists have come up with a compromise solution: the verb phrase for zuo is the first word, and it all uses "do", such as: contributing, doing surgery. The first word is a two-syllable word of zuo and a fixed structure of idioms, colloquialisms, etc., according to customary usage, such as: works, pros, heavenly combinations, fuss, power, daydreaming. The last word is a two-syllable word or a trisyllabic word of zuo, all of which are used as "doing", such as: recognize, call, read, write, and call. There are also many problems with this program, and it is not an overnight thing to promote it.

However, in Huangxian dialect, the distinction between "doing" and "doing" is relatively simple, because Huangxian dialect pronounces "doing" as "zòu", which is different from the rhyme of "doing", and it can be heard as soon as you hear it. Mr. Lü Shuxiang said in the article "On 'Of, Land, Get' and 'Do, Do'": "'Do' and 'Do' are originally one word. In ancient times, there was only 'doing', which was a sound word, and later it became a sound in speech, but the reading sound was still in the sound, and there was a person who created a 'do' word to represent the sound of the sound word of speaking. In many dialects, the pronunciation of "do" and "do" is different, and Huangxian dialect is only more distinct. And there are many places in Huangxian dialect where "do" is used, making shoes, making jackets, making pants, making clothes, making needles and threads, doing business, doing business, doing business, making false accounts, making lots, making marks, cooking, cooking, cooking, making chickens, making fish, making wine, making vinegar, making sauce, making medicine, making sesame sugar, making black powder, making dumplings, making slices, making fires, making dry food, making tables, making stools, making mazars, doing carpentry work, making stones, making tree basins, making hair, making a fire, being a matchmaker, being a companion, being a daughter-in-law, being a bridesmaid, and using "doing". "Make a mouth" means kissing in Mandarin. Giving people a little wife Huangxian dialect is called doing a little. The roof ridge is the eyebrow of a house, which must be built by an experienced old bricklayer, which is called "making a ridge" in Huangxian dialect. Babies have just learned to squeeze their noses and make eyes called "doing stories" and "doing ugly eyes". The mother will scold the child when she is angry: "I can beat you to death without doing two." Don't argue with him or her, don't see him or her in general, called "don't do the same thing with him or her." Male thieves and female prostitutes are called "being a thief and raising a man" in Huangxian dialect, just thinking of good things is called "dreaming of saying a daughter-in-law", imagining the story is called "really being able to do things", getting by and passing is called "being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day", and the two can be called "this thing is not successful or not to do two sentences". Cucumbers and kidney beans can be "seeded" when they are old, and the word can also be used on people, and the old masters will tease the little ones, and they will pinch the little birds and ask: "What is this good to do?" The standard answer is "good to do", so saying that a person "not a person does" is a serious insult. In the movie "The Gathering", a sentence that hangs on the lips of Gu Zidi is "beating sex", which is the meaning of virtue and appearance, and I suspect that I should write "doing sex". Guests come to the door, must bring gifts, according to the rules must also return the gift, when sending guests, the host to give, guests to refuse, to almost stylized a bit, then the host must say a sentence is: What are you doing?! Two people want to fight, and the stronger side must ask the other in a threatening tone: "What are you going to do?!" (To put it mildly, it's "What do you want?) Designing harmful people is called "doing hands and feet" and "making buckles", for example: you are careful that this is him making buckles. Acting under a certain guise is called "pretending", for example, he spends his days writing homework as a cover, hiding in a house and playing with his mobile phone. Find a reason and excuse to call it "doing by child", for example: as soon as you are asked to work, you take the homework as a child. "Doing leader" refers to being a medium of fermentation, for example: she went to ask for a piece of old noodles to do the lead. The second refers to the things or words that cause the other person, for example, he wants to use this matter as a guide to find you awkward. Signing a contract is called "making words", for example: I sold my house, and I just made a word two days ago. "Doing things" means that there are red and white happy events to hold a banquet, such as: her family has to do things these two days. Work is not done well, others accuse you of "not doing well" and "what do you do?" "If you can't do it well, in Huangxian dialect, you can't do the benefits", for example: I have never made noodle fish before, I am afraid that I can't do the benefits. There is a saying in Huangxian County called "it is easy to buy and sell, but it is difficult for guys to work", which shows the difficulty of working with people, which is also the reason why many enterprises are doing yellow.

There are not many places where the Huangxian dialect uses "to do", which shows that after the Tang and Song dynasties, "doing" and "doing" were obviously differentiated, and gaoren Yashi used "doing" more when writing articles or turning (zhuǎi) texts, while the daily language of the Xialiba people used "to do". "Doing evil" is to create iniquity, "to die" is to seek one's own death, as the Internet says, "no zuo no die if you don't die." The Internet describes a mature person who will say "people don't do it, don't talk much, and don't drag it out", which can be described as incisive. Describing a person as extremely bad would say that he was "black" and "black six ways". Describing a person's relationship between men and women is more casual and will say that his "style is not good".

Shanghainese uses "zuō" to describe Shanghai women, that is, a little indulgent and willful meaning, thinking about this and that all day, this is not satisfactory, that is not satisfied, to toss others mainly, with a little toss themselves. There is also the intention of attracting the attention of others. Huangxian dialect is pronounced as zuǒ, and is often used to describe the naughty trouble of children, such as: a small child can do it; let him die; you know what to do all day long. "To make fun of people" is to tease people, and to "be a poor child" is to be a fool and not to live a good life. "To make a claim" has a wasteful meaning, for example: you do not make a claim. There is the meaning of deliberately fooling people, such as: you are an honest person. There is the meaning of doing things, such as: this thing is called to do it, it is really a rare thing. There are also insults and abuses, such as: the bridesmaid let people do it. "To be a deng" has the meaning of waste and making a fuss, for example: you do it. In these places, "zuo" is pronounced as zuǒ, but in Mandarin, "zuo" is only pronounced as zuō and zuò, so how did the pronunciation of zuǒ come about? This starts with the two groups of words "zuò material" and "zuǒ material". The meaning of the term "ingredients" in the Present Han Dynasty (1st-6th editions) has not changed: "The oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and shallots, garlic, ginger, peppercorns, large ingredients, etc. used to add flavor during cooking." The term "condiment" was included later, and only appeared in the "Present Han" (6th edition): "Pasta, seasoning ingredients added after the dish is made or before eating." That is to say, the "ingredient" focuses on the preparation that is not yet completed, and is placed in the undercooked food being cooked, which is used for stir-frying; while the "seasoning" focuses on the completion of the production, that is, placed in the cooked food, which is equivalent to dipping in water. However, in the actual pragmatic process, the use of the two is extremely confusing, some are called "condiments" when cooking, and some are called "condiments" when cooking, and condiments added when cooked are called "ingredients", so the "Present Han" (7th Edition) has readjusted the meaning of these two words, and "ingredients" are interpreted as: "(1) The oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and onions, garlic, ginger, peppercorns, and large ingredients used to increase the taste during cooking." (2) Vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, and seasoning ingredients such as shallots, garlic, and ginger that are added after or before eating noodles and dishes. "Condiment" is interpreted as: "Ingredient (2). The meaning of "making material" covers "condiment", which is more in line with the fact of language. From the perspective of the time of appearance, "material" was first seen in the Ming Dynasty, and Tang Xianzu's "Handan Record" was published in the eighth: "The little boy Guanglu Temple cook, the first of the three hundred, the anvil makes fine, and the material is stable." And "condiments" were first seen in Xu Ke's "Qing Barnyard Banknotes, Diets, and Noodles" in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty: "The noodles that are usually eaten... Turkey, ham, shredded chicken, shrimp, vinegar fish, yellow croaker and crab meat are used as condiments. Why is there already a "material" to create a synonym "condiment"? Originally, "zuo" was a clear sound word, pronounced as shangshengzuǒ in some dialects, homophonous with "zuo", so after a long time, the "ingredient" was written as "condiment" (plus there are words such as "condiment" and "sasuke" there, and it feels more elegant to write "condiment"). Many of the "works" in Huangxian dialect are pronounced as shangsheng, which are differentiated by ancient inaccessible characters.

In ordinary times, some words with "do" or "do" cannot be distinguished by pronunciation alone, and can only be distinguished according to context, while Huangxian dialect does not have to be so. "Being a guest" is to visit others and be a guest yourself, for example: to be a guest to another country. And "being a guest" means being too humble and restrained, and some can't be opened, such as: you are still a guest here. "Practice" refers to the practice of a Taoist priest, such as when he invites an old Taoist to come to his home to perform the ritual. "Method" refers to the method of making items or handling things, such as: I understand the method of this dish as soon as I see it. "Contrived" refers to deliberately making an expression or tone that appears false and unnatural. These groups of words Huangxian people know whether to "do" or "do" as soon as they hear the pronunciation, and the different meanings of the words can also be directly distinguished.

It is precisely because "doing" and "doing" are not pronounced in Huangxian dialect, so the combination of the two in Mandarin can be examined according to the pragmatic materials of Huangxian dialect, and may be able to play the effect that the stone of his mountain can attack jade, such as the word "master" in "Now Han" (7th edition), Huangxian dialect is generally said to be "to be the master", "to be a person", "to work", "to do the east", "to do the pie", "to do things", "to prove", "to eat lazy to do", "to do one and not to do two endlessly" the same is the same. Some Mandarin uses "do" in the local Huangxian dialect but uses "do", such as an idiom called "cocooning oneself", and Huangxian dialect says silkworms "make cocoons", for example: there is a worm making a cocoon on the corner of the wall; there is also an idiom called "cheating", and Huangxian dialect says "doing fake", for example: this is the two of them doing fake together; Tang Qintaoyu's "Poor Girl's Poem": "Bitterly hate pressing gold threads every year, making wedding clothes for others." In Huangxian dialect, it is "making wedding clothes." However, with the strength of Mandarin in recent years, the "doing" in the mouth of the younger generation has gradually merged with "doing", and it is becoming more and more difficult to accurately distinguish between "doing" and "doing".