
The KKE condemns the anti-communist "resolution" circulating in the European Parliament

author:Torch of thought

Editor's note: On October 27, 2021, the left-wing website Defend Communism published an article in which the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) severely condemned an anti-communist bill circulating in the European Parliament promoted by the "Informal Group on European Commemorations". The bill attempted to combat the Communists by distorting historical truths and glorifying fascism and bourgeois exploitation.

The KKE condemns the anti-communist "resolution" circulating in the European Parliament

The KKE condemns the anti-communist "resolution" circulating in the European Parliament

(Image from "Defending Communism")

A despicable and historically distorted anti-communist "informal resolution" is circulating in the European Parliament. According to the official website of the KKE (, the "Informal Group on European Commemorations" condemned by the KKE European Parliament Group tried to push for a shameful resolution signed by meps from the European People's Party (EPP) and the European Conservative and Reform Party (ECR).

The members of the "Informal Group on European Commemorations" are mainly members of the European Parliament from far-right parties in Poland, Hungary and the Baltic States. Among the signatories one can find the names of prominent anti-communists who played a leading role in glorifying Nazi collaborators in these countries.

The KKE's EU parliamentary group noted that the resolution was "riddled with Goebbels-esque lies." At the same time, this despicable document attempts to portray the ugly acts advocated by the Nazis and the bourgeoisie as so-called "facts", thus cruelly distorting the historical truth.

In addition, the anti-communist "resolution" sought to portray various fascist groups, Nazi collaborators, counter-revolutionaries, and criminals as victims of persecution. At the same time, it acquitted Nazism and fascism and glorified co-operatives and fascist groups such as the Waffen-SS.

The KKE stressed in the European Parliament that "the governments of the Baltic States, Poland and other member states, with the full support of the European Union, have for many years been persecuting Communists under the pretext of falsifying history and opposing communism, imprisoning anti-fascist veterans for a long time, and banning communists, symbols of communism, communist ideology and activities".

It is no coincidence that the KKE said that this despicable resolution was put forward at a time when anti-workers' and anti-people attacks by capital and the bourgeois governments of the European Union and the member states were escalating, and at a time when totalitarianism and the repression of the workers' people's movement were intensifying.

They are sorely mistaken if they believe that the despicable act of anti-communism forces the people to accept crisis, misery, poverty, war and the capitalist system of exploitation. The working class will overthrow the system of exploitation and create a society without exploitation, and socialism-communism will inevitably triumph, which will inevitably be the bright future of mankind.

(Author: CCNUMPFC)