
Improve screening coverage To contribute to the accurate prevention and control of women's "two cancers"

author:Bright Net

On December 27, the overall solution for screening for "two cancers" (referring to cervical cancer and breast cancer, referred to as "two cancers") was released in the Shenzhen National Gene Bank. At the meeting, the movable "two cancers" intelligent screening vehicle for cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening was launched, which can provide a more convenient, faster, more flexible and flexible "two cancers" screening overall solution for hospitals, health departments and other institutions across the country.

Qiao Youlin, professor of the School of Medicine and Public Health of Peking Union Medical College, Zhu Raorong, former director of the Maternal and Child Affairs Division of Jiangxi Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, Liu Zhihua, head of Shenzhen Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Center, Wang Enli, head of Shenzhen Breast Cancer Prevention and Control Center, Dr. Yin Ye, CEO of BGI, Sun Xi, chairman of Hanwei Intelligent Medical, Dr. Zhu Shida, general manager of BGI Gene Oncology Division, Dr. Liu Na, vice president of BGI, attended the press conference.

Improve screening coverage To contribute to the accurate prevention and control of women's "two cancers"

Professor Qiao Youlin of the School of Medicine and Public Health of Peking Union Medical College introduced the WHO global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer

Improve screening coverage To contribute to the accurate prevention and control of women's "two cancers"

Zhu Raorong, former director of the Maternal and Child Affairs Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, introduced the incidence of breast cancer in the country

At the press conference, Professor Qiao Youlin and Zhu Raorong introduced the incidence of cervical cancer and breast cancer respectively. According to reports, cervical cancer and breast cancer are two malignant tumors that seriously threaten women's health. According to the 2015 National Tumor Registry data, the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in China were 10.28/100,000 and 5.04/100,000, respectively, and the incidence and mortality of breast cancer were 45.29/100,000 and 10.50/100,000, respectively. Breast cancer is still the first malignant tumor in women, with an annual incidence of about 304,000 cases. In 2019, there were 106,430 new cases of cervical cancer and 47,739 deaths in China. At present, the internationally recognized effective measures for the prevention and treatment of "two cancers" are early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment, and the key to achieving "three early" is to do a good job of screening. However, due to factors such as uneven medical resources and lack of talents in China, the large-scale development of screening is greatly limited.

Improve screening coverage To contribute to the accurate prevention and control of women's "two cancers"

Liu Zhihua, head of Shenzhen Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Center, introduced the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in Shenzhen

Liu Zhihua introduced the current process of cervical cancer prevention and treatment in Shenzhen. According to reports, the proportion of women of marriage and childbearing age in Shenzhen is relatively high, the HPV infection rate in healthy women is about 12%, and the proportion of high-risk infections has increased in recent years. Since 2017, the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission has included cervical cancer prevention and treatment in the basic public health service project, launched the implementation of free screening for cervical cancer among women of appropriate age in the city, and became a national demonstration base for early diagnosis and early treatment of cervical cancer. The cervical cancer prevention and control project has also been included in the Shenzhen "Maternal and Child Health Project", and in 2020, Shenzhen has also established a cervical cancer prevention and control center, which has opened a new journey of integrated cervical cancer prevention and treatment.

At the meeting, BGI Genomics and Hanwei Intelligent Medical gave full play to their respective advantages in gene technology and artificial intelligence, and officially released a "two cancers" intelligent screening vehicle combining "Internet + self-sampling" HPV detection + mobile intelligent breast ultrasound.

According to reports, the breast ultrasound system integrates today's advanced artificial intelligence technology, breast ultrasound technology, computer vision, robotic technology and 5G technology to realize the automation and process of breast ultrasound examination, output standardized breast ultrasound image data, and make preliminary classification and judgment of lesions through artificial intelligence. AIBUS can realize double breast scanning at the same time, and it takes only 3 minutes to scan a case, which is convenient and efficient. The real-time collection of breast ultrasound images is synchronously transmitted to the server, the establishment of personal breast health files, the summary of regional breast health management files, the realization of breast data traceability, to solve the problem of lack of primary medical resources, break through the bottleneck of screening, and help to achieve mass early screening of breast cancer.

BGI CEO Dr. Yin Ye said that Healthy China 2030 clearly pointed out that "prevention is greater than cure". The most powerful measures for the prevention and control of major diseases such as tumors are early prevention and early treatment. In particular, the experience of fighting the new crown virus epidemic tells us: "Only cure is not prevented, the more cured, the busier." "For most malignant tumors, if they can be detected two or three years earlier, their clinical outcomes will be very different." Based on this pain point, BGI has been exploring the establishment of a one-stop malignant tumor screening program with "controllable cost and accessible channels". The "two cancers" intelligent screening vehicle released today was born based on this purpose, which can realize convenient screening for cervical cancer in women, and can also synchronize breast ultrasound screening for women. Not only is it maneuverable and flexible, but it also has a high detection flux, breaking through the limitations of venue and space. If the "two cancers" intelligent screening vehicle is installed on a large scale, for a township or county or city with a population of about hundreds of thousands, the "two cancers" screening or screening can be completed quickly in a relatively short period of time. Through the empowerment of science and technology, government departments can better carry out projects to benefit the people's livelihood, and also allow the people to participate in screening at a lower cost, more convenient and faster way, so as to achieve the effect of doing more with less.

Liu Zhihua, head of the Shenzhen Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Center, said that modern urban women have a fast pace of work and life, and there is no time to do special examinations. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) is exploring the "one-step" screening, that is, allowing the public to go to the hospital once, which can solve the screening and precancerous lesions or benign lesions. The "two cancers" intelligent screening car is a good exploration of the "one-step method", it can be driven directly to the residential community, so that female friends only need to board this car, you can do the "two cancers" screening at the doorstep, which will play a great role in promoting the improvement of the coverage rate of women's "two cancers".

It is understood that BGI began to lay out cervical cancer prevention and control work in 2008, and has successively carried out cervical cancer screening projects in many parts of the country, including Guangdong, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Tianjin, Shanghai and so on. As of June 30, 2020, BGI's cervical cancer screening business has covered more than 110 cities or regions in 30 provinces across the country, with a cumulative sample volume of more than 4.8 million HPV tests, and about 470,000 positive cases, with an overall positive rate of 9.79%. In terms of breast cancer prevention and control, BGI officially launched the SeqBRCA breast cancer/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1/2 genetic risk assessment in August 2019, which detects the full sequence of 2 genes (BRCA1 and BRCA 2) related to hereditary breast cancer in subjects, clarifies whether the subjects carry pathogenic mutations, and prompts high-risk groups to carry out accurate breast cancer risk management and intervention, which can contribute to the precise prevention and control of breast cancer.

Source: People's Daily - People's Health Network