
With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

author:Recommended movies

The Marvel blockbuster "Black Widow", which was released in July this year, has not been introduced after four months, and it seems that it should not be Chinese mainland big screen.

The controversial "Legend of Shangqi and the Ten Rings" is unlikely to be introduced, and it will be labeled on the US online platform in mid-November, and if it is introduced, it is estimated that the controversy will be even louder.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

In 2021, there are a total of four Marvel movies, which is a year of concentrated outbreak of Marvel movies, however, what was not expected was that the first two works of the fourth phase of the Marvel Universe did not have the opportunity to Chinese mainland the big screen, which was unfavorable.

Next, there are "Eternals" and "Spider-Man: Homeless" waiting to be released, and the North American schedule is in November and December, respectively.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

"Eternals" is a new work by Chinese director Zhao Ting, and her last work, "The Land of No One", has been well received around the world, so her directing of "Eternals" has long triggered expectations.

The cast is amassed angelina Jolie, Jama Chan, Richard Madden, Kumel Namjani, Ma Dong seok, etc., and the lineup is also quite luxurious.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

However, what was surprising was that the reputation of "Eternals" actually hit the street, but it was not generally miserable, and once the word of mouth was lifted, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes was only 59%.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

Lower than Thor 2's score on Rotten Tomatoes, Thor 2 had a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of 66%, and Eternals became the lowest Rotten Tomatoes freshness in Marvel Universe movies.

On the MTC platform, "Eternals" only got 55 points, and the same reputation failed.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

Close to the release, but the word of mouth is fluttering, is expected to have a greater impact on the box office of "The Eternals", the film is scheduled to be released in North America on November 5, and has not yet introduced the news of the release in Chinese mainland, is it another Marvel movie that will not have the opportunity to Chinese mainland big screen? What the hell is wrong with Marvel?

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

Before Black Widow, almost every Marvel movie was introduced at the same time, or a little later, and 2021 has changed completely.

With a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of just 59 percent, Marvel's worst movie was born

Moreover, this year, the popularity of Hollywood blockbusters in China is getting lower and lower, and the recently released "Dune" and "007: No Time to Die" two Hollywood blockbusters have performed at the box office.

Whether "Eternals" will be introduced is still unknown, and now the word of mouth is on the street, and it is estimated that the introduction is also general at the box office. The North American schedule for Spider-Man: Homeless is in mid-to-late December, and there is no news that it has been finalized in China.