
Recommended book "Before You Leave"

author:ycy Cheng Yu

Hello everyone, I am Cheng Yu, today I recommend to you is Bi Xiaonan's "Before You Leave" This book mainly tells about love, about reconciliation, about parting, warm emotion, laughter with tears, a self-crossing book that heals two generations of life.

The book is made up of multiple stories, some of which are the author's own stories, some of which are the stories of others, and some of which the author encounters and listens to others. Every story is about family affection, and although each story is not so tear-jerking, each story feels particularly real, and it feels like it is happening to you or it will happen to you. Let yourself feel immersed. This book shows us that maybe the contradiction between relatives is not really a contradiction, but a silent love for you, loving you in a way that you don't know, or that you can't see. The first story in the book says something I care about in particular: thinking about my parents' funerals. To be honest, I have thought about it, but every time I hinted in my heart not to think about such a taboo thing, but every time I couldn't control myself. Although I know that what I think about is not the death of my parents, but how to live after my parents die, for me, my parents are like everything to me, supporting my world, I don't know which day my parents are not there, how to go on.

There is a story in this book that particularly impressed me, that is: 100,000 Chinese Expeditionary Force, this story tells some veterans who went out to fight in other countries and finally stayed in other countries, they did not have any legal identification documents in another country, they had no money, they had no way to go home, they had not returned home in the decades since the expedition, and these veterans were working hard abroad alone in order for us to have a perfect family. They went out from a young age, and every mother would stand at the door of her house and say to her son, "Mother is waiting for you, and the child must come back." But when they came back, he was so old that he couldn't bend his knees, and his mother died. "Our generation, who have never experienced the turmoil, war and disaster of the times, deserve to thank the warriors who threw their heads and spilled their blood for this land. Many of them, young and old, have returned homelessly, and their parents have green grass in front of their graves, and they have exhausted many parting tears. "I feel particularly right that the fertile land we have now is the result of the blood of the soldiers who left their hometowns to fight on the battlefield.

This is the book I share with you and my impressions, I hope you enjoy it!

One person, one book, very fruitful!

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Recommended book "Before You Leave"