
Before the American training suit incident, and then insulted the referee, was banned + fined, what happened to Zhao Rui?

author:Don't grow old in mediocrity

In the guangdong match against Zhejiang, Zhao Rui insulted the referee because he was dissatisfied with the referee's decision, and was fined 50,000 yuan and suspended for one game.

We do not say whether the referee's decision in this game is really a problem, even if the referee's decision is really a problem, as a professional athlete can not appear on the court to publicly insult the referee and still be a national insult.

Before the American training suit incident, and then insulted the referee, was banned + fined, what happened to Zhao Rui?

For Zhao Rui, a player, many fans love and hate him because in the domestic defenders, Zhao Rui's strength is affirmed, but as a professional player, many of Zhao Rui's actions are intolerable to fans.

Before Zhao Rui was removed from the national team because of the US training uniform incident, in recent times, fans have been tolerant of Zhao Rui, but there is such a situation, will his national team trip be affected?

Before the American training suit incident, and then insulted the referee, was banned + fined, what happened to Zhao Rui?

From this incident, we can see that there are still many problems in our league, the problems of referees are more serious, and the professionalism of players needs to be improved.

I hope that this time there is a certain warning for Zhao Rui, in the future games to avoid such a situation, it is good to have passion on the court, but also need to be more rational.

As one of the top defenders in the country at present, if there is no way to represent the national team because of the impact of such an event, it is a huge loss for himself and the national team.

Before the American training suit incident, and then insulted the referee, was banned + fined, what happened to Zhao Rui?

What do you think about Zhao Rui's situation? Say what you think and discuss it together!

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