
The Night of the Wild Mountains in the Sahara Desert

author:How much to know

First of all, the feeling of panic in reading the whole article is alarmed. This article tells the story of Sanmao and Jose who go to the desert to find fossils, and then Jose accidentally falls into the quagmire, and Sanmao encounters a series of events when he saves Jose. It shows Sanmao's bravery and wit.

Sanmao this book I opened a series of essays, like friends can continue to pay attention, my articles are explained throughout, the description is more comprehensive and record the feelings and thoughts at the time, so the article is slightly longer, generally more than two thousand words. Favorite friends can keep an eye on it.

The article began: Jose told Sanmao that he knew where there were small turtles and shell fossils, and asked Sanmao if he wanted to go? Sanmao jumped up and said he was going. But at that time, there were more than two hundred and forty miles back and forth, and the sun was already westward at that time, and Sanmao didn't think much of it but didn't say it. After all, I want to go too.

Soon after, the car pulled out of the checkpoint, and a passage describing the dusk read: "The car was driving quickly on the sand, and we walked along the wheel marks that others had driven before. The gravel-covered sand is flat and stretches out of sight. There is one in front of the mirage on the left and two in front of the right, as if it were a lake surrounded by small trees. At this time, Sanmao looked at the environment and sighed, "I was thinking, one day we will die in this wasteland." At this time, I did not quite understand, and sanmao preached: "We ran in all day long to disturb it, looking for its fossils, digging up its plants, catching its antelopes, throwing soda bottles, paper boxes, and dirty things, and at the same time pressing its body with wheels. The desert says it doesn't like it, it wants our lives to pay for it, and that's it—whine, whine—" I said as I made a gesture of pinching people's necks with my hands. I have to say that this is the same as the current environmental pollution. While you appreciate the beauty of the environment, you leave the garbage behind. One day it will be angry, rebellious and even change the law to punish you, after all, there is a heart for beauty. The current epidemic may be a warning to nature.

When they reached The Labyrinth Mountain, Sanmao described it this way[ I raised my head to look at the horizon, and there were a few small black dots in the distance slowly enlarging. It was the only group of mountains within three hundred miles of the vicinity, and in fact it was a large group of tall sand piles scattered in the wasteland of about twenty or thirty miles. Because these sand piles are formed by the wind, they are all curved and look exactly the same on the outside. They were like a group of semi-circular moons, caught by a large monster hand in the sky and placed in the Sahara Desert, and even stranger, these piles of sand about a hundred meters high, each at a distance of the same distance. If a person enters this mountain, if he is not careful, he will be fascinated and lose his way. I named it Labyrinth Mountain. Seeing this, my heart is quite curious and yearning, and I must go to the desert once in the future.

When they arrived, no fossils were found, and Sanmao felt that it was getting dark and wanted to go back, but Jose disagreed. Then, keep looking.

At this time, Sanmao was very insecure in his heart. It was dark, and there was always fear of something. And the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is extremely large.

As I read on, I remembered that this article was the process of Sanmao encountering three Saharawi hooligans and then how to get rid of them. At this time, my heart couldn't help but tense up. Next, in the process of directing Sanmao's reversing, Jose accidentally fell into the quagmire, which should be a swamp, the wet mud did not pass Jose's knee, Jose was also taken aback, and then struggled a few steps, and the result was more and more trapped. At this time, Sanmao's whole body froze. My mood also slowly tensed up. At this time, Sanmao described it like this: "I stood to the side with my mouth open, and the whole body of the person was frozen in shock, I did not believe that this was true, but the scene in front of me was absolutely true!" It's all about what happened in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, Death is going to sleep. Jose hugged the stone in the mire so that Jose didn't fall. However, Sanmao couldn't find anything for La José to come up and then run wildly. I want to see a rope or a plank.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Jose would freeze to death here before he could come up. At this time, the sky was also dark, and the text read: "The sky has turned pigeon gray, and my vision has slowly been blurred by the twilight. My mind was frantically struggling, and I left him to call someone, risking not being able to come back to save him, or freezing to death with him. ], seeing this, I think it is quite touching.

Suddenly, Sanmao saw a car headlight in the distance and wanted to ask for help. But the other side is indeed three stinky hooligans, and I read the next content with a very panicked mood.

Sanmao was going to ask the three Saharawi men to help, and here I just wanted to call them rogues, but the three rogues saw that Sanmao was a woman and saw Jose in the mire, so they turned a heart to Sanmao. Sanmao also found it. I was shocked. My mood was suddenly brought to the tip of my heart, at this time, Sanmao desperately tried to get rid of the madman who was holding him, and the text read: "The three Saharavan people gave me a cry to pay attention to Jose, I faced the madman who was holding me, used all my strength, raised my feet to kick him in the lower abdomen, he did not prevent my fatal kick, screamed and squatted down, of course, let go of me. I turned and fled, the other one took a big stride to chase me, I crouched down and grabbed two handfuls of sand and threw them into his eyes, he covered his face with both hands, I took advantage of the space for a few seconds, kicked off the slippers on my feet, and ran barefoot in the direction of the car lifelessly. The three of them didn't run to chase, they got into the jeep and drove slowly toward me. At this time, Jose was angry: I will kill you. Then he said to Sanmao: Run, run, Sanmao, run. Seeing this, I was really scared. At this time, Sanmao stepped on the throttle to the end, but they never had the intention of letting Sanmao go. Sanmao rushed into the maze mountain with one foot on the accelerator, all the way around the sand pile, and finally, the witty Sanmao went around the back of the three rogue cars, they couldn't see that there was a car in front of them, and finally left on their own. I was relieved to see this. But Jose was still waiting for Sanmao to come to his rescue, and the text read: "I slid down the mountain back to the car, and found that my whole body was in cold sweat, and waves of black shadows surged up in front of me, as if people were about to vomit. I climbed out of the car again and lay on the ground to freeze myself awake, I must not be paralyzed, Jose was still in the mud. 】

The next step was the process of Sanmao saving Jose, Sanmao originally wanted to go to the checkpoint to find someone to come back to rescue, so he cut off the cushion on the car and threw it on the sand to make a mark. But suddenly I thought that the cushion was so flat, thrown into the mire should not sink. Then he sped away to find Jose. In the article, Sanmao described it this way, "I was so cold that my whole body was in severe pain, so I had to run back to the car. I accidentally saw the back seat of the car, the cushion can be completely removed ah, I immediately went to open the toolbox, took out the screw to remove the screws, while pulling the cushion with both hands, I actually removed it. I dragged the cushion out and threw it on the sand so I could come back tomorrow to find a little better. I got in the car and turned on the headlights, ready to drive in the direction of the checkpoint, my heart was always in control of myself, don't be emotional, drive back to see Jose better than find someone to save him, I did not leave him. The headlights shone on the big black cushions on the sand that I had left aside, and I had already started the car. At this time, I jumped up like I had been pricked by a needle, and the car cushion was so big and flat that it should not sink. I was shaking with excitement and quickly went down to pick up the car mat again, still throwing it in the back seat. Turn the front of the car and drive in the direction of the mud. 】。

Sanmao dismantled the tires, ran to the edge of the mud, stepped on the car mat, and then threw the spare tires into the thin mud, the environment was so cold, [cold, like hundreds of small knives stabbed me, it should be less than zero degrees, but I was frozen and almost fell down. I can't stop, I have a lot to do quickly, I can't curl up in the car. At this time, Sanmao tore his skirt into strips, then tied it up and threw it out as a rope. Then a little bit, Jose pulled the rope up. The description in the article is very vivid, and it is recommended that the reader take a look. It was late at night in the desert, the temperature was already extremely low, and Sanmao had torn off her skirt, leaving only her underwear. It is conceivable that the will of love supports Sanmao to save Jose.

The article ends like this: "Sanmao, do you still want fossils?" Jose asked me, groaning. want. "I answered him briefly." What about you? "I asked him." I want more. "When will it come again?" "Tomorrow afternoon." Seeing this passage, I don't particularly understand, but I know that Sanmao is a person who dares to face it. I don't know if I went to the desert again to look for fossils, but when I saw this, my whole body relaxed.

This tour is truly thrilling!

The Night of the Wild Mountains in the Sahara Desert


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